Reply to yourall embarrassing: I (like many atheists) know the bible really well, probably better than you. It is a good read and contains some useful teachings that still apply. However, anyone who says they believe every word of it is either deceiving others or themselves. It contains so many contradictions, and things that nobody, not even you, honestly believes applies anymore. If you Google "bible contradictions" you will find over 1,000,000 entries. Some written by believers trying (and failing) to justify them and some written by atheists like me who know the bible well enough to know that it is very human written and flawed. Either "god's word" is true or isn't. If there is just one contradiction in it, this would be enough to discredit it as the foundation of any religion, but actually there are many, perhaps hundreds. Those who justify these contradictions ask us to believe that god changed his mind and his principles as the time progressed. How absurd is that? I'm sorry but what you accuse us of here really applies to you. It is believers who have to twist what they read into something that supports their views.

I will stop here, because I know I can never convince you when you are so determined to keep lying to yourself.

Blulu Blulu

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