Thank you, Bob Simmons, for assuming things you have no clue about. Born again Christian here for 35+ years before I finally got off my ass and did the work of researching for myself the origins of the bible, the gospels, and the earlier pagan faith teachings (like the golden rule) plagerized into the bible that Christians like to imagine are new and god inspired. You think it is your job to come to a board that is a place for atheists to express what we feel passionately about, and cram your bronze age patriarchal religion down our throats, one that not only has caused unending suffering and death since its inception, but continues even today to try to rip from undesirable people like women and gays, their basic human rights. Go back to the cave you never evolved from, please, and do us a favor and stop trying to "save us." I am saved, thank you very much. I was saved the moment i pulled my head out of my ass and realized it's nothing but a cheat and a lie.

Unknown Unknown

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