"If you found the bible in a used book store, you'd jump right on that idea, wouldn't you… 'Oh, this sounds completely logical, yes, the cave, and the ark, … Hey, Donnie! I think I found the meaning of life here…' … no, you'd chuck it in the waste basket. You would. If it gets you through your day, … but I don't think you believe it in the first place …. through this tragedy, 'Ohhhh, it was terrible, it was tragic, … but he's in a better place now. He's with Jesus ….' THEN WHY ARE YOU CRYING? If he's in this utopia, why are you crying? If you believe that death leads to eternal bliss, then why are you wearing a seatbelt?
… if you're going to tax all the vices, then tax Jesus as well, because the Catholic Church has a lot more money than any Columbian cartel, and they leave a lot more bodies in their wake …."

Doug Stanhope from "Die Laughing"


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