The pomp and majesty that underlines ALL religious belief systems is what tends to put awe into people. That is the whole idea behind all the grandeur and opulence displayed by those in high authority. I mean, one only has to look at the splendour of the architecture of their places of worship. WHY? Why do these mock palaces have to be so ornate? WHY not a simple structure akin to an aircraft hanger or a Nissen hut?

The answer to that is that such spartan surroundings wouldn't be so impressive. So drop-dead gorgeous facade is what religion requires. And yet - according to ALL faiths - GOD is everywhere. GOD is all places. So why the places of worship? I can answer that, too.

The idea is to get as many people/victims as you can into one place. Then preach to them en masse. This way creates mass hysteria. Those in the congregation who may doubt are then consumed by the majority by a form of brainwashing. It's akin to a workers strike meeting.

"Brothers! All those in favour of having some time off to go fishing - please raise your hands!"


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