If you identify with a specific religion, ask yourself:
1. Why did so many Gods and belief systems predate your own?
2. Why did these myriads of previous gods and belief systems simply fade into history?
3. Why were they so ardently believed at the time but are now simply referred to as ‘mythology’ – Greek, Norse, Roman? Why is yours any different and unique?
4. Could your god and religion really be a myth and an illusion, be headed in the same direction, will one day fade away, be classified as just another mythology, and end up in the trash can of history?
5. Why is it that there are such similar and comparable stories about so many of the gods?
6. Why didn’t your God choose a global revelation, instead of a geographic and culture-specific one?
7. Why were you lucky enough to be born into the “right†faith and everyone else into the wrong one?
8. Could you be wrong and, perhaps, someone else is right? Since everyone can’t be right, is it just possible that all peoples and societies of faith are totally misguided, mistaken, delusional, wrong?
9. Why do you still subscribe to the supernatural, paranormal, superstitious, mystical, and spiritual, that defy the laws of Nature and Physics, when we know so much more today – thanks to science?