Faith and beliefs and religious convictions are in reality a cover-up for insecurity, ignorance, hope, fear, and uncertainty:
1. You need faith only for the things you do not know – not for the things you know for sure; for things you want to be true; things for which you try to twist the facts to fit your desired outcome; things for which you only believe or trust or hope or assume are true – mostly based on what others tell you rather than your own objective and unbiased investigation.
2. You need faith for things for which there is no proof nor evidence and that lack scientific authentication. These are dubious, doubtful, hopeful, ambiguous and uncertain beliefs. More to the point … they are fictional, imaginary, delusional, and harmful beliefs. This category includes supernatural, mystical, paranormal, superstitious, spiritual, mythological, religious, ghostly, fairytale, fabled, magical, divine, psychic, prophetic, fortune-telling, and astrological beliefs.
3. You are secure and certain only in what you know – not pretend to know – the existence of which can be confirmed by scientific verification, proof, and evidence. If not, you need faith to ignore all the prevailing facts and evidence – and still believe otherwise!
… Greg Taylor.

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