top atheist quotes (total: 16027)

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Pink Floyd ("Breathe") For long you live and high you fly; And smiles you give and tears you'll cry; And all you touch and all you see; Is all your life will ever be.
B. Smith Faith is the fabric of psychosis.
D. Dale Gulledge I am treated as evil by people who claim they are being oppressed because they are not allowed to force me to practice what they do.
unknown Out of anxieties fostered by fears and uncertainties born of ignorance, man fashioned a supernatural world of gods, demi-gods, heroes, and monsters in an attempt to explain the natural phenomena around him.
Robert A. Heinlein Robert A. Heinlein Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.
Gunnar Ekelof I don't believe in a life after this. I believe in this life.
Ronnie Snow Animals do not have gods, they are smarter than that
Chris Hitchens What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof
Ambrose Bierce Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it.
Terry The power of prayer and faith can heal and bring happiness. The real tragedy is that the people that are helped by this don't realize that this power is really coming from within.
College Student Prayer is a placebo
Bryan Emmanuel Gutierrez All Gods are created equally through imagination.
Marie Alena Castle To live without god beliefs is intellectually stimulating. To find one's own purpose and be responsible for one's own life is exciting. To be free of the imagined surveillance of good and evil spirits is liberating. To seek a peaceful world through work and friendship and civic action is life-affirming.
Socrates I am certain of only one thing. That is, that I know nothing.
Enoch Author Enoch Author
Humanism is the purest expression of your soul as a human. It has no God to be concerned with, except for the living Gods, that is the humans. It has no doctrine to abide by, except for the natural doctrine of love and benevolence. That's the religion we need my friend. • Abhijit Naskar
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin False religion does not deserve your money, and true religion should not need your money.
Homer Simpson Gee, there are so many gods. What happens if we believe in the wrong one? Every time we go to church we just make the real one madder and madder.
rob henning deeply religious is being in awe of a creator, deeply athiest is being in awe of the creation
Epicurus Epicurus If the gods listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are always praying for evil against one another.
EA Miller EA Miller As a guide through life, an invisible god is about as useful as an invisible compass.
Mike Fuhrman I refuse to believe in a god who is the primary cause of conflict in the world, preaches racism, sexism, homophobia, and ignorance, and then sends me to hell if I'm 'bad'."
Sigmund Freud "Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis." The Future of an Illusion / 1927
Doon Man invented God to deal with the concept of infinity.
Eric Hoffer Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power
John Lennon "God is a concept by which we measure our pain."
Lee Religion is like a penis. It's fine if you have one, its fine if you're proud of it. But please don't whip it out in public and wave it around, and please don't try to shove it down children's throats.
EA Miller EA Miller Science doesn't require elaborate stage shows, such as those put on by pastors of mega-churches, to prove that it is true.
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin Lighthouses are more helpful than churches.
unknown Mankind is the puddle, marvelling at how perfectly the pothole conforms to its shape.
Unknown, quoted by Dana Morale What is the difference between a cult and a religion? About 100 years.
John Kelly  Ireland John Kelly Ireland Why would i create a spider only to act with shock, then anger if it catches a fly?
the unknown poet just remember: all religions were cults at one time
EA Miller EA Miller "Bible question of the day: Did Noah's Ark contain woodpeckers?"

Pat Simons Pat Simons The evangelicals speak endlessly of their loving Jesus, but make no mistake, given a free hand, the blood-thirsty monster of the old testament is the model they would build the world of their dreams around.
Graffiti at a French University [translated] If god exists, that's his problem.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Any other scam run on the same lines as religion would soon be recognised as serious crime and action taken to bring it to an end.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Certain christians simply do not grasp the fact that, under the U.S. Constitution, rights are not matters of majority rule. Rights exist to protect the individual from the tyranny of the majority.
Voltaire Voltaire "Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world."
EA Miller EA Miller There are none more gullible than those who believe something to be fact without investigation.
Pat Simons Pat Simons There is no situation so bad it cannot be made worse by religion.
Enoch Enoch's Author
Denying scientific fact as a matter of faith transforms it to a religious matter. It follows then, that Science has been elevated by the religious zealots to the Heavenly plane where it is free to compete on an equal footing with God. - Ralph Metusi
Viola Um, Genesis says God look a nap (just like an over-worked factory worker) on the 7th day after he'd done all that planet-building. Was the writer of that book not familiar with the exact meaning of the term 'omnipotent'?
John Kelly  Ireland John Kelly Ireland But God does not perform trivial mirace's just to answer your faith: -So why does jesus walk on water, afraid to get his clothes wet?
Clarence Darrow "I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Mother Goose"
Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.
EA Miller EA Miller Just remember that this holiday season Christians will be going out of their way to promote charities that serve impoverished populations. While on the surface providing food or perhaps helping dig wells to provide fresh water to these populations are good things, the real goal of these "good Christians" is to indoctrinate vulnerable people into their bigoted way of thinking. That's why I only give to charities that have no religious affiliation.
osirisnut osirisnut The catholic Republic of America where one day it will be illegal not to carry a gun and the bible.
osirisnut osirisnut Religions detest Atheists because Atheists tell the truth. Religious miracles (lies) have been debunked that many times that theists should live in a permanent state of embarrassment.
osirisnut osirisnut The unicorn is mentioned nine times in the bible, theists try to get around this by saying, when the bible was translated from Hebrew to English it was translated wrong. Out of 783,137 words in the bible, unicorn was the only one that was translated wrong. Of course it was.
EA Miller EA Miller I thought I saw Jesus once, but that was just my friend "hippy Dave". The resemblance is uncanny when he's in his bathrobe and the sunlight hits him just right!
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EA Miller EA Miller I trust rational thinking and science. Holy books have neither. They make grand assumptions without ever providing a shred of evidence.
EA Miller EA Miller Easter, when adults pass out chocolate crosses (representing an ancient Roman torture device) to children as fun, holiday treats. I guess mixing them in with chocolate eggs, bunnies, and jelly beans makes everything just peachy!
Pat Simons Pat Simons
If people judged their own belief systems by the same standards they apply to other people's, there would be far fewer theists, and the world would be a better place for it.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Anyone who begins a sentence with the words, “Bible says, . . .” as identified himself as someone not worth wasting your time on.
EA Miller EA Miller I’m grateful for science, rational thinking, and those who embrace equal rights and the beauty of our diverse world. What I don’t do is “praise” mythological beings that give me the permission to be a narrow-minded hateful bigot.
EA Miller EA Miller There is no greater danger to this Earth than the intermingling of greed, power, and religion. *Please see “The United States”
EA Miller EA Miller Only use the statements "I'll pray for you" or "I'll put you on our prayer list" when you absolutely plan on doing NOTHING for the person or persons in need.
ed m ed m As greed blinds the heart,
Our planet drifts away
EA Miller EA Miller Religion:

Finding comfort in collective, destructive ignorance
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible doesn't seem to acknowledge most places on planet Earth. It's almost as if the desert dwelling sky-worshipers that wrote it knew very little about our planet.

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