top atheist quotes (total: 16025)

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Travis K. Religion's greatest enemy has always been common sense.
Seen on a Bumper Sticker Who would Jesus bomb?
Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788-1860 "There is, no Absolute, no Reason, no God, no Spirit at work in the world: nothing but brute instinctive will to live."
EA Miller EA Miller Embracing diversity and critical thought are the polar opposite of the barbaric means needed to keep religion afloat and influential.
osirisnut osirisnut The religious will be getting into a praying frenzy, it's Xmyth time.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Whenever people believe there is a super-natural puppet master running everything, there is going to be a lot of resistance to the idea humans are capable of making their own decisions.
osirisnut osirisnut Notice on church door. "Due to the lack of interest this church will be permanently closed". Now that is a good sign.
John Lennon "Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky."
paul hampson The whole of humanity consists of one long war; we just prefer to divide them all into chunks so we can look upon the history of humankind with a bit of sadness as opposed to total disgust. What god would create such a species of murderous hypocrites
zane dennis No one has lived to tell. No one.
Baron von Knifty Even way back then those Ancient Romans understood irony. Jesus was a carpenter, so they nailed him to wood.
acidboy There are some for whom the prospect of nonexistence leads to mental breakdown. The rest of us are atheists.
Charles Darwin I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars.
XTC (english pop band), "Dear God" "Did you make mankind after we made you?"
Hannah If God gave us the ability to reason, why would he punish us for it?
Baron D' Holbach The ignorance of nature gave birth to gods; knowledge of nature is destined to destroy them.
Unknown Faith is deciding to allow yourself to believe something your intellect would otherwise cause you to reject--otherwise there’s no need for faith.
osirisnut osirisnut Happy Winter Solstice, everyone.
Pat Simons Pat Simons No theologians were consulted in the search for the Higgs Boson, or in the development of any life saving medicine. Science seeks the truth. Theologians play endless mind games.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Faith is the excuse people use when they're afraid to admit they don't have evidence for their beliefs.
EA Miller EA Miller In the past week, the United States Supreme Court has permitted tax dollars to go to Christian private schools, made it easier to carry concealed weapons, and gave government control of women’s bodies by ending abortion rights striking down Roe V. Wade. They are a billionaire-bought, very dangerous, religious-extremist cabal.
Pat Simons Pat Simons It appears lost on a lot of people, especially theologians, that a genuine message from the almighty, especially one with serious expectations attached, would not be subject to endless debate.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion enables people who do not even understand the questions, to convince themselves they know all the answers.
Carl Sagan Carl Sagan If we say that God has always been, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always been?
osirisnut osirisnut WTF Bible Verse... If there is a fight between two men and the wife of one tries to help her husband by grabbing the genitals of the other man, then you shall cut off her hand. You shall have no pity. deuteronomy 25: 11-12.
osirisnut osirisnut The population of most countries want to see assisted dying for people close to death, so they will not suffer in pain. Who is opposed to this? Religious leaders, they remember their predecessors raping, torturing men, women, and children and then burned at the stake for being witches. or accusing them of heresy and drowning them. Hanging people for blasphemy. Yes, they still want people to suffer before death...
EA Miller EA Miller Religious institutions, which pay no taxes whatsoever, should have no say in what goes on in tax-payer funded public schools.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion offers itself up as a solution to problems people didn't even know they had.
osirisnut osirisnut Theology and scatology both have their roots deeply imbedded in shit.
osirisnut osirisnut Religious clerics wear silly religious hats to give them height, to dominate and intimidate that's why pulpits are so high, and it really works... I'm positive I will stop laughing soon.
osirisnut osirisnut What the world needs now is a saviour to save planet Earth and gods need not apply.
osirisnut osirisnut All Roman Catholic clerics of all stripes are nazis in dresses wearing crosses.
paul hampson atheist look for the right answers while religious people trust god to give them the wrong ones
Nate Brown god makes man in his own image. Many men are gay. That means god must be bisexual.
Unknown The predictions of armageddon and End of Days so proudly touted by several religions, are written so ambiguously that the masses can just mold them like modelling clay to declare any time as the end of time
Guizmo If god existed he would agree with the atheists. (si dieu existait il serai de l'avis des ahtées).
Jim Crawford Man has always required an explanation for all of those things in the world he did not understand. If an explanation was not available, he created one.
Will Atheism has a certain appeal that religion lacks. Many theists claim that "Jesus completes them" or "they're filled with the spirit," I've tried that once or twice. I didn't feel a thing. My peers admonished me for being inable to feel the presence of the holy spirit and take euphoria in it. Oddly enough, as soon as I left Christianity, I felt an invigoration I've never felt before. Individuality, freedom, purpose, it was narcotic and intoxicating. I was fighting a war with God, and I was winning.
Euripides A man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.
Richard A. Weatherwax You do not need the bible to justify love, but no better tool has been invented to justify hate.
Pat Simons Pat Simons
If people judged their own belief systems by the same standards they apply to other people's, there would be far fewer theists, and the world would be a better place for it.
EA Miller EA Miller I trust rational thinking and science. Holy books have neither. They make grand assumptions without ever providing a shred of evidence.
EA Miller EA Miller White evangelicals are up in arms about public educators "grooming" today's children in ways they don't appreciate. Yet, ironically, they are the "groomers" ramming dangerous religious doctrine into the minds of children before their brains are even fully developed.
EA Miller EA Miller When “Christians” travel to other countries that already have their own beliefs and culture and these people respond in a negative way to their “Jesus sales pitch”, they immediately start screaming that they are somehow being persecuted. This really speaks to the extent of how very fucked up these people are.

Pat Simons Pat Simons Religious seekers always find the God they're looking for. That's why we have so many of them.
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama I am convinced that everyone can develop a good heart and a sense of universal responsibility with or without religion.
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey The 9/11 hijackers are in hell... the victims in heaven! Unless you agree with Al Qaeda, in which case the hijackers are in heaven and the victims in hell! Unless you're an atheist, in which case all of them are simply dead victims of stupidity.
Harlen Campbell The point of religion is not god; the point is social cohesion. Religions evolved in every surviving culture because those that didn't develop a religion were destroyed by the others. Religion makes it easier to justify the slaughter our neighbors an
Godfrey Zoan Better an uncomfortable truth than a comfortable lie.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Anyone who begins a sentence with the words, “Bible says, . . .” as identified himself as someone not worth wasting your time on.
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EA Miller EA Miller Embracing diversity and critical thought are the polar opposite of the barbaric means needed to keep religion afloat and influential.
EA Miller EA Miller Anyone that thanks god for their favorite sports team's latest victory must truly believe their "all-powerful" imaginary friend has very low priorities.
EA Miller EA Miller Most Democratic women agree that "a woman voting Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders." Yet, they support religions that are inherently anti-woman. All Abrahamic religions promote the patriarchy. Do you really want to be a part of that? -Michelle A.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Reason is the first casualty of blind obedience.
EA Miller EA Miller Anyone that prioritizes their life by saying "I always put god first" has already checked out of the Hotel Reality.
osirisnut osirisnut This is the day dedicated to all theists out there. Happy "April Fools Day".
osirisnut osirisnut It's telling that polygamy is viewed as fine in the bible but no mention is made of polyandry. It's probably the best evidence that the bible was written by men. Mike Hogan.
osirisnut osirisnut She's a catholic whore currently enjoying congress out of wedlock, with her black jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic, so hail satan. Colin Firth
osirisnut osirisnut WTF Bible Verse... If there is a fight between two men and the wife of one tries to help her husband by grabbing the genitals of the other man, then you shall cut off her hand. You shall have no pity. deuteronomy 25: 11-12.
EA Miller EA Miller Whenever I think of people living in absolute poverty and hear that "God will provide" BS, the stupidity of the indoctrinated and the damage it does to others all around the word sickens me.

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