top atheist quotes (total: 15978)

author atheist quote
Unknown Humankind has evolved into a great species, only for religions to slowly destroy.
Baron von Knifty
Those who admit ignorance are far smarter than those who pray to it.
Unknown If an idiot were to take, say, Harry Potter or Twilight completely seriously, or to say if the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk REALLY happened, we would institutionalize them. But if someone were to claim the Bible was completely true, very few would argue.
Ozziethebandit So, this god, Yahweh or Jehovah, revealed himself, not to the civilised Egyptians, Chinese or Indian cultures, but a bunch of nomadic goat herding barbarians. He then urged them to kill, plunder and rape all the people that stood in their way, in effect inventing genocide. He then gave them a land from which they were periodically expelled, taken captive numerous times and eventually almost destroyed by the Romans. After over two thousand years of travelling and being persecuted, he then led them back home to israel, the only country in the Middle East with no oil. And these were his Chosen People!
Duncan H. Sometimes I stop and think to myself: "Why do I argue with people about religion and atheism. They can believe what they want to, and I can believe what I want to." Then I remember that it is never me who starts the arguments, but those who wish to convert me.
unknown Whenever I make a new friend who is religious, I always wait until after he's decided I'm a good person to tell him I'm an atheist. How he responds to that information tells me a lot about how good a friend he is going to be. Plus I'll admit, its fun to watch them struggle with the obvious contradiction.
TYch If wisdom is attained from a lifetimes experiences then how can someone who limits themselves to living in a convent or monastery, reading one book over and over again, be considered wise?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Some people are so naive they even believe that imagined gods and the religions wrapped around them are harmless.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
According a report in my paper today, Scientology Cult founder - L Ron Hubbard - was a con artist, the cult he formed run along the same lines as pyramid selling with his Scientology being nothing more than a scam.

But hang on a minute? Aren't all the other religions scams run on similar lines?

Judaism; Christianity; Catholocism; Islam; Hinduism; Mormanism & etc ALL fall into this category of selling something they haven't got while promising a good return, ripping off most of the profits and giving little or nothing in dividend.

I reckon it's about that ALL religions were fully investigated and made to PROVE their claims and promises.
Bertrand Russell Bertrand Russell "You will find as you look around the world that every single bit of progress in humane feeling, every improvement in the criminal law, every step toward the diminution of war, every step toward better treatment of all races, or every mitigation of slavery, every moral progress that there has been in the world, has been consistently opposed by the organized churches of the world."

Tych Christian questioning atheist
Christian; What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Atheist; The egg
Christian; Then, what laid the egg?
Atheist; A dinosaur.
Christian; Doh!
cosmic One can be intelligent and still not freely think for oneself.
Atheist Meme Base This church is not full of hypocrites…………there's always room for more……………
Bryan McMillan Armstrong I had an imaginary friend when i was young and had no friends, then i grew up.
Unknown I'm an apatheist; I don't care if there's a god.
Unknown God created all things in 7 days. Wow, that's a short time for dinosaurs to go extinct.
Unknown Eat, drink, and party your ass off cause there is no hereafter.
Unknown Statistically speaking, an athesist has a 50% chance of being wrong. However, there is over a 99 % chance that a specific religion is wrong.
Colebankz Christanity has a terrible fan base.
Unknown It's no accident that the symbol for a bishop is a crook and the symbol for an archbishop is a double cross.
Unknown In the beginning, man created god.
NoGods4Me Freedom of religion DOES NOT give those in power the right to indoctrinate people of other faiths or belief systems into the religion of the majority.
Baron von Knifty
The only ”writing on the wall” that comes within reality is the five-year-old with a box of crayons, unless you deny walls, crayons, and five-year-old’s.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
As a Latter-Day Atheist (I didn't come to my full senses until middle-age) I see gods as inventions of the overactive human mind being in contemplation of the unknown. The overtly pious are apt to be scared of what the future (or lack of it) holds for them so they are more than willing to grasp at straws, which are in the form of imagined gods and the imagined afterlife.
James Noble Intelligence is to religion.... as light is to darkness.
Unknown Atheist: Damn God! I will find logic.
Theist: Damn logic! I will find god.
Robert Green Ingersoll The doctrine of eternal punishment is in perfect harmony with the savagery of the men who made the orthodox creeds. It is in harmony with torture, with flaying alive, and with burnings. The men who burned their fellow-men for a moment, believed that God would burn his enemies forever.
Robert Green Ingersoll Christianity has such a contemptible opinion of human nature that it does not believe a man can tell the truth unless frightened by a belief in God. No lower opinion of the human race has ever been expressed.
Unknown This "God" supposedly thinks that its words and will are all important, but 'it' continues to send out uncredible and easily dismissed spokespeople, when 'it' could so simply communicate his existence and wishes to all.

Stupid Dog Religion hijacked morality so anything against them is immoral, and they call it free will..
Baron von Knifty
The religious fear reality far more than they fear their hell.
stupid dog Out of fear, people are searching for the door of the illusions while closing the door of reality, its a total waste of life..
Dr. House You talk to god you're religious.God talks to you you're psychotic.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Gospels are not gospel. They are anything but.
Baron von Knifty
Sadly, many more people have died crusading for fake beliefs than have died fighting to find the actual truth.
Baron von Knifty
Science does not have all the answers, just the verifiable true ones.
de Paddaslackter All gods were spawned in the human imagination to give succour to longings and hopes,to allay fears and used by the shrewd to manipulate and control..
Felipe Bautista It is better to not know an answer to a question and hope to one day find that answer than it is to not know an answer to a question and consider some superstitious, evidence-lacking being as a valid explanation.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
They are not all locked up. Striker Sidewinder (what a wonderful name for an asshole)must've slipped past the guards.
NoGods4Me Tragedies happen when unstable minds believe in fictional characters:
James Holmes (Joker), Jim Jones (god), Hitler (god)
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
"Science has created a living cell from 4 chemicals with a DNA code written by scientists on a PC . . ."
TheNameIsLegion (youtube name)
Having a Christian threaten me with hell is like having a hippy threaten to punch me in my aura...
Baron von Knifty Don’t claim your chimera is loving and forgiving: The punishment of eternal hell leaves no room for love or forgiveness. Is this the type of god you want to respect? Really?
Trevor Mills "To average minds, all events seems the same. They label any mysterious phenomenon as God. And there's no use persuading them other wise. They refuse to be educated."
Sme Christians and suicide bombers ( & Tom) go to heaven?
Atheists, sinners, rock musicians, commedians, fornicators, free thinkers and party animals all go to hell?
Heaven soundslike hell to me,
and hell sounds like heaven.
Which reception party would you prefer?

The downside, and there is always a downside, we get the politicians and the lawyers.
Arthur C. Clarke Arthur C. Clarke Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Unknown Atheists are kind because we believe it's the right thing to do. Others are because a really old book told them to be, otherwise they would be tortured for eternity, though they only lived on Earth for less than 100 years.
Unknown Since your faith in god is so high, go grab a car and speed down the high as fast as you can, WITH you eyes closed and ask him to guide you home safely.
Unknown God did not create us we created god
Byrne & Harrison Byrne & Harrison
It's hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, could be this much fun
Oh heaven, heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens
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EA Miller EA Miller Pull back the curtain on most religions and you’ll find the wizards are just a bunch of self-serving men.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Faith is like a rhinoceros. The rhinoceros does no useful work for you, but commands an inordinate amount of one's attention at close quarters.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is ignorance on steroids.
EA Miller EA Miller I do not believe in any gods nor do I support any world leaders who adopt the narcissistic attributes of these horrid fictional creations.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Anyone who begins a sentence with the words, 'Bible says', has told me all I ever need to know about their ability to think for themselves.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
POOF! There was God.
POOF! There was the universe.
POOF! There was Earth.
POOF! There was everything else.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The vast majority of believers are conned into believing BEFORE they can even read the bible!
EA Miller EA Miller If the god of the bible is "merciful" and his love is "unconditional", why does he outright destroy anyone who doesn't agree with his ways?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Those who choose to condemn a disbeliever, do - in effect - condemn themselves.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The only cure for ignorance is education. However, if the ignorance is TOO ingrained the ignorant choose not to seek education.
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