top atheist quotes (total: 15978)

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NoGods4Me When believers talk about atheists, they often don't bother to talk to any first. What are they afraid of?
Baron von Knifty To openly pray or say you believe in fairy tales is to flagrantly label yourself delusional. You should keep that shit to yourself.
anon For all the advances in modern science there is still no cure for the common madness called Religion.
scientheist i think sooner or later the internet will kill all religions.
Captain It is apparent to me that many people swallow bucket loads of Bullshit to help them sleep at night.
They read the bible's silly stories, they talk to a god that doesn't hear them & they believe this god will take care of them & Karma will get the bad guys. They swallow this Bullshit with gusto to rest peacefully.
I on the other hand, choose to swallow Bourbon,... It's real & it tastes a lot better than Bullshit :)
Yagami Yuuki "Thou shalt not kill." - So reads one commandment in the Bible.
"Thou shalt kill..." - So reads over ONE HUNDRED verses in the Bible.
- Someone hasn't read the commandment.

Total killcount instructed by the "god" of the Bible: Over 2 MILLION, not counting unlisted humanimals. With: 25 MILLION.

"Thou shalt not kill." - So reads one commandment in the Bible...
- Yours sincerely.
cbp I used to feel that I'm alone and different from others . Everyone I know has a god , and they insist i should have god , but all i want is a dog. Tonight I know where I belong , I've found my brothers and sisters , from all over the world and our last name is Atheist .
Unknown I always asked why people worshiped a god. They considered me as mad. I now know a mad person denies himself to be mad.
James Cartwright Religion, God and The Flying Spaghetti Monster, what's the difference...
Unknown There is no cold, there is only lack of heat. There is no evil, there is only lack of good. But any omnipotent, holy, being would not create anything with a lack of anything good, would he?
John Kimak Faith is a no-brainer.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
A fool and his commonsense are soon parted.
NoGods4Me Christian duty is at best an ambiguous concept, at worst obscene. Doing right should be a humane instinct, not an afterlife insurance policy.
daiceman if the bible is to be believed we have been born out of incest.
Baron von Knifty Religion is embraced insanity.
Gregory P. Dean Your "deeply held personal beliefs" seem more like a subscription to someone else's interpretation of a single book. If you're a Catholic or Baptist, Mormon or Muslim, it's not because you've researched the doctrine and rituals of every religion and denomination and chose for yourself; your geographical location, family history and ties to your community have been the primary influence of your so-called "faith". Given all the choices one has in deities and dogma, even if I prove to be wrong about this all this religion nonsense, the odds are still very much against you being right. The majority of people on this planet consider you to be a heathen, just like me.
Reid W Copping What's the difference between an atheist and a Christian you ask? For starters, the average atheist has read the Bible from start to finish.
Dopee If god made us in his image, wouldn't he be condemned to the same hell he claims we need to be saved from?
Bill Hicks Ever notice how people who believe in creationism always look really unevolved?
Unknown The people who believe the ark story to be literally true have the collective I.Q. of a raisin
Unknown Without religion, evil people would do evil things and good people would do good things. It is only with religion that good people do evil things.
TheAmazingAtheist Using money to build an awesome church is much more important than helping people in need laughing face How Thoughtful of you
Captain As an Atheist, I have been treated worst by those claiming to be the best !
Diane Fadden Diane Fadden The biggest flaw I see and reason I can't believe in or follow the Christian god; this god freely admits to knowingly creating the existence of evil, thereby giving himself a standard of comparison in order to seem good.
NoGods4Me Hey Xtians! You know how you think Islam is a primitive, barbaric, disgusting load of crap? Well, that's how many atheists think of Islam and your religion too.
Rick Fisel So why is it that, when you stop believing in Santa Claus, people call you a grown-up, but when you stop believing in God, they call you every dirty name they can think of?
Baron von Knifty If creationism is food for thought, the only thing you'll eat is crow.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
In answer to Christian believers.

So, had you been around when Christian soldiers were raping, pillaging and murdering their way across half the world in the name of Jesus, you would've seen yourself backing them in their conquests?

And when young and old women suspected of being witches where being hounded on orders of the Christian Church, brought to "trial(?)" found guilty of practicing witchcraft and sentenced to their most unimaginable deaths - even though obviously innocent victims of Christian hysteria - you would have been fanning the flames of these injustices in the name of God and Jesus?

Mmmmmmmmmmm! Me? I'd rather choose Beelzebub, if I thought he existed.
Captain Many people on this globe live a short & miserable existence before a painful death. They struggle for food & water, have no medicine & usually suffer abuses.
If you own a Bible & attend a Church then you are already so rich yet you waste this rich life by following an archaic, unfounded, ungrounded, twisted & adulterated book who's insane stories originated before written word was even invented & you do so to attain an ever lasting second life in a glorious heaven.

Diane Fadden Diane Fadden In the Beginning, there were gods. Gods of the sky, gods of the mountain, gods of fire, gods of water, and man said "it is good." He went about his ceaseless work of placating this god and that, offering sacrifice, the best that he had. Until one day man said, "what a bother this is--this is too much work!" And then one day man realized a way to prosper, to be received and fed at various houses--to never have to work again. So he met with his powerful friends and they conspired. They added to a book of myths one borrowed Mithras story, and then they said, "there is only one god, and he is the only way, and for him and in his name you must give sacrifice to WE who speak in his stead, all the best of your crops, the smallest coin you might still have. And then these fine men, grown fat on another's labor, looked around and they said, "it is good!"
Unknown Thank you, Bob Simmons, for assuming things you have no clue about. Born again Christian here for 35+ years before I finally got off my ass and did the work of researching for myself the origins of the bible, the gospels, and the earlier pagan faith teachings (like the golden rule) plagerized into the bible that Christians like to imagine are new and god inspired. You think it is your job to come to a board that is a place for atheists to express what we feel passionately about, and cram your bronze age patriarchal religion down our throats, one that not only has caused unending suffering and death since its inception, but continues even today to try to rip from undesirable people like women and gays, their basic human rights. Go back to the cave you never evolved from, please, and do us a favor and stop trying to "save us." I am saved, thank you very much. I was saved the moment i pulled my head out of my ass and realized it's nothing but a cheat and a lie.
Mentz For the supposed giver and protector of human life and dignity the Jehovah of the bible sure got up to a whole lot of killing, slaugthering and torturing to amuse himself...
NoGods4Me It think it's appropriate that April Fools Day is on a Sunday this year. Then again, every Sunday is a 'fools day' when X-tian FOOLS gather in churches like mindless sheep in a barn...waiting for their master to feed them more BS from the buy-bull.
Stephen Colbert The Bible: "a 400-year-old English translation of a group of tangentially related ancient Middle Eastern texts transcribed from Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic oral histories"
Neil DeGrasse Tyson "Science is a philosophy of investigation. Intelligent design is a philosophy of ignorance."
Pope G I wonder what would happen if parents weren't allowed to give their children a religion the same way they do a name at birth? If we had to wait until 18 to go to church we might be more inclined to think critically instead of becoming institutionalized & blinded by irrational faith.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Will the Christian's ever learn that the Sun neither rises nor sets? Will they ever learn that it's only the Earth spinning, as most planets do whether inhabited or not?
Baron von Knifty You understand the world through closed, praying eyes. I understand by the crystal clear clarity of reality. So, yes, I do understand where you’re coming from.
Karl We must constantly question, examine, and search for answers to the so-called unknown riddles of existence. Whether you are religious, scientific, philosophical, or whatever, the fact remains that if you wish to understand anything, you must question assumptions of things. If someone defines something, and you simply accept it, or dismiss it, without questioning it, that is by definition ignorance. However, if you question and seek out the things that you don't understand, or that don't seem logical, then you are beginning to form a more constructive mind for yourself in the future.
peter james if we are all the children of God, what makes Jesus so special?
Franz Raphael Ferriols The holy cross has always been the most effective the weapon of Christianity. If you hold it upside down it can be a sword, hold it sideways, it can be a gun.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
I put it to the goddists on a Christian site that maybe they have it all wrong and God will be waiting with open arms for those who DIDN'T blindly believe in him.

It would make a lot more sense. I mean, why would anyone of intelligence want to be surrounded by gullible sycophants for all eternity?
Captain I enjoy watching the anguish & torture on the face of the Christian that attempts to uphold the integrity & validity of such fables as Jonah & The Whale, Noah's Arc or the parting of The Red Sea.
They know it's ridiculous & absurd, you can see it in their eyes yet the must insist.
They must insist it be true for to doubt just one comical story in their bible would beg to question all of them.
Unknown Is it just a coincidence that prophet and profit sound the same. I'm just saying.
Unknown If only I lacked enough intelligence to believe in religion, life would be so much more simple.
Baron von Knifty You say god knows all the bad people and he’s going to judge them after they die. No, no. Judge them now, stupid, here on earth, before they steal my car.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Satan and God are precisely the same.., in that neither exists, except in the troubled mind.
Unknown Lighthouses are more helpful than churches
Karen Mkrtchyan They say the holy books are the words of God. Then why are they so many? Was God an aspiring author or a wanna be?
QWOP Science flies rockets into space, religion flies planes into buildings.
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Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
I've just been informed by a 'wiser' man that we should not compare Santa Claus with God as Santa is a recent man-made construct created purely for commercial gain.

Oh how I laughed.
EA Miller EA Miller Actual quote from Catholic TV personality:

”Persecution is always a grace.”
EA Miller EA Miller No matter how authoritative a person attempts to sound while reading the Bible, it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a work of pure fiction.
EA Miller EA Miller Stupidity comes in many forms, but more often than not it’s coated with antiquated, narrow-minded religious beliefs.
EA Miller EA Miller TV Pastor: “You cannot out give God.”

Me: “Give a single cent or shilling and you’ve literally given more than any fictitious god ever has.”
EA Miller EA Miller A new day dawns without the assistance of any god.
Pat Simons Pat Simons It takes very little to convince the person determined to believe.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The cultural imprint of Christianity is huge, and it is because of this cultural imprinting apologists accept a story they would reject for lack of evidence if it involved anything but Jesus.
EA Miller EA Miller Time and time again I hear Christian TV personalities say that their god grants human beings “free will” and yet there is nothing “free” about it. It’s actually an ultimatum to believe as they do or burn forever in hell.
EA Miller EA Miller All religions are cults. Some just let people keep more of their humanity than others.
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