top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

author atheist quote
EA Miller EA Miller Most Democratic women agree that "a woman voting Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders." Yet, they support religions that are inherently anti-woman. All Abrahamic religions promote the patriarchy. Do you really want to be a part of that? -Michelle A.
EA Miller EA Miller “How absurd that a god would become a human just to sacrifice himself to himself in order to create a loophole to a rule that he created.” -Roger Boden
osirisnut osirisnut For a long time, I thought I wanted to be a nun. Then I realized that what I really wanted to be was a lesbian. Mabel Maney.
osirisnut osirisnut There have been 266 dictators and all of whom have been given the title pope.
unknown Man was created by water to carry it uphill.
Finley Peter Dunne "A fanatic is a man who does what he thinks the Lord would do if He knew the facts of the case."
jstep without ignorance god is nothing
Larry Rhodes It can not be conducive for good mental health to have an All-Powerful "Judge of Right and Wrong" watching your every move and reading your every thought ready to cast you into hell for eternity for the slightest infraction.
Carl Sagan Carl Sagan I dont want to believe.I want to know..
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is simply unquestioned ignorance masquerading as knowledge.
osirisnut osirisnut She's a catholic whore currently enjoying congress out of wedlock, with her black jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic, so hail satan. Colin Firth
osirisnut osirisnut It's telling that polygamy is viewed as fine in the bible but no mention is made of polyandry. It's probably the best evidence that the bible was written by men. Mike Hogan.
osirisnut osirisnut This is the day dedicated to all theists out there. Happy "April Fools Day".
EA Miller EA Miller Anyone that prioritizes their life by saying "I always put god first" has already checked out of the Hotel Reality.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Reason is the first casualty of blind obedience.
EA Miller EA Miller Anyone that thanks god for their favorite sports team's latest victory must truly believe their "all-powerful" imaginary friend has very low priorities.
EA Miller EA Miller If you ever desire to take the "intellect" out of an intellectual conversation, just add religion. It's as simple as that!
Idel Dreimer Idel Dreimer There is a unanimity among religions: "God" made us too stupid to observe, reflect, and reach our own conclusions. In despair, we must subsume our intellects in "faith" and do what we are told. "Cui bono?" suggests the truth: religions have been the foundation stones of tribal loyalty-- the cautionary obelisks ensuring mindless groupthink and obsequious obedience -- not to God -- but to the temporal Caesars, the wielders of practical power. (Observation #2073)
Pat Simons Pat Simons Beware of Pope's with inviting smiles and the appearance of a congenial personality. If he wasn't the same kind of monster Pope's have always been, he would have never been chosen.
Baron von Knifty Raze those useless churches, mosques and temples and use the materials to build shelters, beds and dining halls for the needy. God dammit, practice what you preach!

St. Augustine Often a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other parts of the world, about the motions and orbits of the stars and even their sizes and distances, ...and this knowledge he holds with certainty from reason and experience. It is thus offensive and disgraceful for an unbeliever to hear a Christian talk nonsense about such things, claiming that what he is saying is based in Scripture. We should do all that we can to avoid such an embarrassing situation, which people see as ignorance in the Christian and laugh to scorn.
Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins By disclaiming the idea of a next life, we can take more excitement in this one!
EA Miller EA Miller Easter, when adults pass out chocolate crosses (representing an ancient Roman torture device) to children as fun, holiday treats. I guess mixing them in with chocolate eggs, bunnies, and jelly beans makes everything just peachy!
EA Miller EA Miller Whenever someone claims to “feel the presence of Jesus” just remember two things: They have an agenda and they’re full of shit.
EA Miller EA Miller Whenever I think of people living in absolute poverty and hear that "God will provide" BS, the stupidity of the indoctrinated and the damage it does to others all around the word sickens me.

Idel Dreimer Idel Dreimer “Freedom of religion” is an entirely defensible concept. You can’t stop people from believing in unicorns, centaurs, God, or the tooth fairy. On the other hand, the desire of government employees to wear religious symbols on the job should carry no greater weight than their desire to proclaim other private enthusiasms – for a political party, a sports team, or a brand of soap.

Indeed, given the fact that every religion claims a unique moral superiority – leading to the historically deadly intensity of religious disputes -- no secular government should appear to favour private superstition over public reason, or to betray the simple prudence of common sense. (Observation #2072)
EA Miller EA Miller Telling children that their god requires them to label those who have different lifestyles or beliefs than them as "sinners" creates horribly bigoted adults.
osirisnut osirisnut Behind every dictator, there is always a religion lurking close by. Sticking their crosses where they don't belong.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Religion is a drug, and those priests etc., are the dealers. Think about it.
EA Miller EA Miller "The fear of the Lord prolongs life. Fearing God is an awesome thing."

-Dr. Charles Stanley (mega-church pastor)

Personally, I have no fear of fictional characters!
EA Miller EA Miller If fewer children are indoctrinated into a religion and allowed to think and choose their own path, there would be far less religious people. This is why theists start brainwashing their children at the earliest possible age.
Sam Harris Sam Harris The core of science is not controlled experience or mathematical modelling; it is intellectual honesty. It is time we acknowledged a basic feature of human discourse: when considering the truth of a proposition, one is either engaged in an honest appraisal of the evidence and logical arguments, or one isn't. Religion is the one area of our lives where people imagine that some other standard of intellectual integrity applies.
Godfrey Zoan Godfrey Zoan Religion applauds delusion and renames it 'faith'.
Ramakrishna CM Ramakrishna CM God and religion are neither necessary nor sufficient for man to be good.
EA Miller EA Miller The tragic, massive-scale violence in and around the Gaza Strip is truly heartbreaking, has world-wide implications, and is made possible by barbaric ancient religious beliefs.
EA Miller EA Miller A single decent human being is far better than any of the thousands of gods ever concocted by mankind.

Idel Dreimer Idel Dreimer And on the eighth day, God sat back to watch the unfolding. And he saw the lion crush the gazelle, the python swallow the child, the parasitoid larva relentlessly consuming its host, the spider enjoying her cannibalistic meal. He saw the Black Death, and the mortal consequences of viral success. And reflecting on the marvels he had wrought, God smiled, for he knew that they must be good. (Observation #2105)
EA Miller EA Miller On July 4, 2022, millions of Americans will be celebrating their “freedom” on Independence Day, except of course for girls and women, gay people, Native Americans, those who enjoy clean air, those that are not okay with banning books, people who prefer science over propaganda, and those that are terrified of the oncoming Christian theocracy.
EA Miller EA Miller “Christianity isn't the only religion in America. I wish people would stop trying to shove it down our throats.” -BDD
vivek viru vivek viru The process of non thinking is called faith. - The God delusion - Richard Dawkins
EA Miller EA Miller Contents of Christian Library:

1 book

(Wow that was an easy inventory!)
Dan A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
EA Miller EA Miller Be sure to read each and every book that Christian entities say should be banned. They'll contain considerably more truth within their pages than the Bible ever has.
EA Miller EA Miller Odd how the Christians' "goat herder's guide to the galaxy" with an almighty, all-knowing god at the helm has no clue about any branch of science (e.g., physical, chemical, biological, geological, astrological, etc.).
ed m ed m Ask god a question.
The answer’s always the same.
EA Miller EA Miller Odd how most prominently religious people throw the words "fake science" around while knowing relatively nothing about actual science. In fact, they're more likely to be part of the book-banning club that fears any type of knowledge since it quickly undermines their idiotic conspiracy laden beliefs.
osirisnut osirisnut There are two types of people in the world: those that know god to be a myth and those who are wrong.
Pat Simons Pat Simons When the religious-right tries to remove books from school libraries, you can be absolutely certain the content of those books poses a far greater threat to religion, than to the children they're pretending to protect.
osirisnut osirisnut There's the Midas touch where everything it touches turns to gold, and there's the religious touch where everything it touches turns to shit.
osirisnut osirisnut Has anyone noticed the uncanny similarities between religion and the square wheel? They are both fucking useless.
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Idel Dreimer Idel Dreimer And on the eighth day, God sat back to watch the unfolding. And he saw the lion crush the gazelle, the python swallow the child, the parasitoid larva relentlessly consuming its host, the spider enjoying her cannibalistic meal. He saw the Black Death, and the mortal consequences of viral success. And reflecting on the marvels he had wrought, God smiled, for he knew that they must be good. (Observation #2105)
EA Miller EA Miller A single decent human being is far better than any of the thousands of gods ever concocted by mankind.

EA Miller EA Miller “How absurd that a god would become a human just to sacrifice himself to himself in order to create a loophole to a rule that he created.” -Roger Boden
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion offers itself up as a solution to problems people didn't even know they had.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious institutions, which pay no taxes whatsoever, should have no say in what goes on in tax-payer funded public schools.
EA Miller EA Miller If you ever desire to take the "intellect" out of an intellectual conversation, just add religion. It's as simple as that!
EA Miller EA Miller White evangelicals are up in arms about public educators "grooming" today's children in ways they don't appreciate. Yet, ironically, they are the "groomers" ramming dangerous religious doctrine into the minds of children before their brains are even fully developed.
osirisnut osirisnut Happy Winter Solstice, everyone.
osirisnut osirisnut The religious will be getting into a praying frenzy, it's Xmyth time.
osirisnut osirisnut The population of most countries want to see assisted dying for people close to death, so they will not suffer in pain. Who is opposed to this? Religious leaders, they remember their predecessors raping, torturing men, women, and children and then burned at the stake for being witches. or accusing them of heresy and drowning them. Hanging people for blasphemy. Yes, they still want people to suffer before death...
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