top atheist quotes (total: 15978)

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Mr. Garrison You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt sex with a fish-squirrel. - The Christian view of evolution.
kaitlin kemp kaitlin kemp Praying to god is like asking santa for a new car, It wont happen.
Baron von Knifty Deep down all flockers realize that the Atheists are the truly heroic ones; daring to laugh in the face of their fearful, vengeful god and its threat of eternal hell.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Phil: "Extraterrestrial observers beyond the dark side of our moon must be shaking with laughter at we silly Earth people, seemingly obsessed with religion."

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Captain Prayer must be the ultimate betrayal.
Your creator, your lord & master has your life & death planned & you pray for a different plan ?
How dare you !
Captain If your God is so kind, so loving, so merciful & so absolutely wonderful then I refuse to believe that he would smite me for not believing a BOOK that may very well have been concocted by your Satan as trickery !
NoGods4Me It's not so much what atheists say that offends some theists. It's the fact that we even exist at all that offends them.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Are there homo erectus cavemen in heaven? Would we find Neanderthals; Nebraska Man; Ramapithecus lufagensis; Australopithecus africanus; Australopithecus aferensis (LUCY); Homo habilis: Peking Man and Java Man in heaven, too?
Unknown Did you know there have been more Bigfoot sightings than Jesus sightings?
Ace Otana A wise man in a room of fools will prove annoying for the fools just as a fool in a room of wise men will prove annoying for the wise men.
Jon Stewart "I have to say, as someone who is not a Christian, it's hard for me to believe that Christians are a persecuted people in America. God-Willing, maybe one of you one day will even rise up and get to be President of this Country--or maybe fourty-four in a row. But that's my point,is they've taken this point of no establishment as persecution, because they feel entitled, not to equal status, but to greater status."
CRT The thought of an Eternal Afterlife wears me out.
????? To some extent I am a religious person but my religion is not a dogmatic Christianity, Islamism, Hinduism, Budhhism or any other 'ism. I just want to be a
good human being and that is my religiousity!
Stewart Holland Faith needs no evidence,
and evidence needs no faith.
Mahatma Ghandi I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
Franz Raphael Ferriols Why is it that I never see "god" punishing blaphemers, It's always the Followers who does the hurting.
MockingVenus They say there are no atheists on deathbeds. I say there are no theists in hospitals.
Michael Sier Shut up! You say religion brings happiness? I have news for you! KKK and Hitler were two of the worst things that religion has brought. If you still think religion brings happiness, talk to the Jewish and the african americans of the mid 1900's. If what they have to say doesn't set you straight well, your just a dumbass!
Jason Frost I'm strong enough to do good things without the need for a higher power.
Chistopher Hitchens “Here is the point about myself and my co-thinkers. Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith.
We do not hold our convictions dogmatically. We believe with certainty that an ethical life can be lived without religion."
Clint Murphy Hey Christians!! Out of the gene pool!
NoGods4Me @TTTT---drop a couple of Ts and you'll have described what you really represent: TT = Theist Troll. LOL
Andy the Atheist TTTT From the time our ancesters came down from the trees(evolutionary fact) no one has ever produced a single piece of evedense to suggest that any god is real, never mind this recent fad known as christianity.
Ignorance is one thing,but only the religouse show us that they are proud of being ignorant.
Faith will not give you the answeres,it meerly stops you asking the question.
When did the bible ever prase interect? You mistake belief for knowledge.
Ayn Rand There has never been a philosophy, a theory, or a doctrine that attacked reason, which did not preach submission to the power of some authority.
known Since you freaks believe in "hell", why don 't go there and leave the intellectuals alone! No god exist, join us and free up your mind.
Devout atheist We accept darwin's theory as the most logical explanation of life, and until we gain the means necessary to further prove that theory or discover a new lead as to the origin of human life, that is the best explanation we have, knowledge begins with doubt, we play the devil's helper( just a saying ) in trying to contradict that theory. We do not accept it as 100% truth, but it seems damned logical.
Grand In organizing my life, clearing out old stuff and cluttered paperwork, I challenged all of the irrational thoughts about religion and became an atheist, keeping only useful items and religion and belief in god is not one of them....logic became my organizer.
My brain Stop trolling and spamming your Delusional absurdities on this beautiful collection of atheists' thoughts, mr. Unknown.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Gods only make sense to the senseless.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Never underestimate Man's ability to balls things up.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The last theist will have the last laugh, when he/she eventually gets the joke.
Unknown Stay away from an Atheist, because if you get to close we might actually save you from yourself.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Evolution has TIME on its hands that the Biblical account of creation does not. Until one can recognise the enormous amount of TIME involved, one will never appreciate what Darwin was getting at.
Ashley Montagu Science has proof without certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof.
Franz Raphael Ferriols Remember the Satanic daycare panic in the 80's? Where children were abused, sodomized and molested by daycare owners. Well known as the mass hysteria of the 80's. Come to think of it, it actually happened, although not in daycares but in church, and the culprits were preists who worshipped God not Satan.
Tony Ruiz “Curiosity didn’t kill the cat, it’s the mother of invention and progress.”
Dana Beckner i have a question!
So if those who do not belive in god go to hell then wont every single other species of animals(who by the way act solely on their natural instincts) go to hell with the wiser of our human species (who by the way use the intelligence, logic and common sense that nature gave them)???
Unknown Religion is a way for man to hide his insecurities. Heaven is a way for man to hide his true fear of the emptiness that is after life. There may be no evidence of there being nothing, but there is an equal amount of evidence that there is something.
Dee Jay Dee Jay "Some of the approximately 1,000 Christian faith groups in the U.S . and Canada believe themselves to be the only true Christian denomination." And christians's think we're so wrong??? They all get their information from the same book and can't even agree on the same thing? It's just plan weird!
NoGods4Me Religions, as well as politics, are just ideas. Man made concepts. Ideas, especially irrational ones, are not above criticism…nor do they automatically deserve respect.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
I'm going to hell because I dismiss all gods. I shall be there along with all the other souls who dismiss every god barring their own.
Unknown Religion has had over five millennia to prove their gods, and to date, nothing! The same shoveled turds over and over again that every generation has had to suffer through.
Isaac Asimov "I don't have evidence to prove God doesn't exist, but I so strongly suspect he doesn't that I don't want to waste my time."
NoGods4Me True story about an atheist soldier:
When Army Spec. Jeremy Hall was nearly killed in an attack on his Humvee, he was asked, “Do you believe in Jesus now?” And he replied, “No, but I believe in ballistic armor.”
NoGods4Me The US national motto should be changed to "In God Fools Trust".
Quote from facebook page Where knowledge ends, religion begins. (Benjamin Disraeli)
Ryan Malone Christianity rhymes with insanity 
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Just lets get that straight. Dawkins may have doubts, Einstein may have had doubts, many other so called atheists may have doubts, even Darwin himself had doubts. But I have NO doubts. Gods don't exist and have never existed. Except in the fervent imagination of Man.
Jonathan Nicewander In reference to Moses and the burning bush: According to Christians, the difference between a prophet and a lunatic is a few thousand years.
Angel Benski Why do people continue to fight over something that may or may not be real? Why do some people continue to pressure others to believe in what they do? What do they get out of it? It's not like they're doing anybody a favor, all they are really doing is causing more chaos and fighting amongst each other! If people truly want to be happy they should just drop the whole god act and just accept people for who they truly are.(comment)
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Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
I'm not sure why anyone would choose to be agnostic.
EA Miller EA Miller According to Christians, if someone as vile as a serial killer accepts Jesus as his Lord and saviour and repents his sins, he will still get into heaven. Whereas an atheist who rescues multiple children from a burning building that doesn’t accept this goes to hell. Am I the only one who sees something seriously wrong here?
EA Miller EA Miller TV Pastor: “I am more concerned with what God thinks about me than what people think about me.”

What I hear: “I am more concerned about what Santa Claus thinks about me than what people think about me.”
EA Miller EA Miller TV Pastor: “Christ will return and rule with the rod of iron!”

Me: “Curious how “iron” is mentioned and not something much stronger such as steel or titanium. It’s almost as if ancient goat herders made up this Christ character.”
EA Miller EA Miller If you are a religious person and you truly believe you “speak in tongues”, you should either see a neurologist or a shrink.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Why use the word SIN when the word WRONG is the proper word to use?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Might've been better had we started off referring to God as X, the unknown quantity.
EA Miller EA Miller Ever wonder why the Bible mentions money so often? Because the men who wrote it (not some all-powerful god) cared a great deal about money.
EA Miller EA Miller Those who doubt and investigate myths find real truths.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
ALL gods are the Superheroes of their time.
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