top atheist quotes (total: 15978)
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atheist quote |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
In reply to the shy CAPITALIST bible thumper and his/her cohorts.
Rubbish!!! When you die you'll realise that the Atheists were right all along.
Ooops! Sorry. My mistake. You won't. |
Dee Jay |
Beliefs are what divide people. Doubt unites them. Peter Ustinov |
Thomas Jefferson |
Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call to her tribunal every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Pascal's Wager? Phooey!!
God(s) do not exist, - except in the mind of the gullible. They never have and they never will.
Man imagined gods and therefore these imagined Gods are secondary to Man and not masters to be blindly obeyed. We should ignore any propensity to follow like sheep those who swear by their particular imagined god.
As for death. Death becomes each and everyone of us, it's a fact of life. When we die, that's it, we are dead. We only live on in the memories of the living.
Amen. |
Douglas Adams |
Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? |
Clint Murphy |
Why can't you practice your religion without forcing it on others? |
Jeff Walker. You have had more than two thousand years to prove your god is real and you have failed misrably.In your words "just because you say something exist doesnt make it so".The simple fact is there is no evidense for gods, weather it is your god or some one elses god.To be an atheist you first have to be honest with yourself and you my freind are not. Religeon is a virus that has infected your thought process. |
NoGods4Me |
Jesus was a socialist and the early Christians were communists. Tell that to today's Christians and watch as they get their panties in a twist and try to deny it. |
Rabboleth |
Laws don't enforce morality, they enforce discretion. |
Robert Heinlein |
Anyone who can worship a trinity and insist that his religion is a monotheism can believe anything... just give him time to rationalize it. |
A.A. Milne - creator of Winnie the Pooh |
The Old Testament is responsible for more atheism, agnosticism, disbelief -- call it what you will -- than any book ever written. |
Robert Ingersoll |
Ministers say that they teach charity. That is natural. They live on hand-outs. All beggars teach that others should give. |
Franz Raphael Ferriols |
Mankind has not forgotten what your organization did during the Crusades, the Inquisition, Witchhunts, The support you gave the NAZIs, Rwanda, countless of child molestation and many more. This is the same organization who claims to have "god given morality". |
Unknown |
Examine the bacteria on my scrotum and you will learn more about the universe than ANY religious book can tell you. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Theists have been fooled into fooling themselves. |
NoGods4Me |
You must ask believers the right questions at just the right time, in order to challenge them to doubt their beliefs. This is very tricky when they refuse to listen and only want to hear themselves talk. |
NoGods4Me |
The problem with letting the ill-informed talk ad nauseam about their beliefs, is that they lack the critical thinking skills to realize that their arguments are circular. |
Dr. Idel Dreimer, |
Where there are gaps in knowledge, religion tends to seep in. |
CodeArtist |
The more I read the Bible the stronger my faith grows, as an atheist |
Unknown |
A thousand working hands are more effective than a thousand praying ones. |
Dee Jay |
I grew up without religion in my home and have never seen a reason to seek it out (the concept too ridiculous) so thus have always been atheist. And yet, I am a victim of religion. You can't leave your home without it being around you. People telling you "god Bless", churches everywhere, signs on the side of the road, the battle over the lords prayer being in schools, or not, political decision being made due to "christian values", science advancement being held back, wacko's knocking on your door to "spead the word". Please, someone, stop the insanity! |
Tyler G. Ensign |
When I die, don't disgrace me with religious bullshit. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Maybe I'm here to mend what Moses started; Jesus took to a higher plane and Mohammad deigned to make his own.
Just bear in mind: Half truths are no better than lies. A fact that the holy scriptures of any denomination bear out.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
When did an atheist ever board a crowded airliner with a ticking bomb, a brand new box-cutter and a roll of duct tape; in order to make a point? NEVER!
Read more @: |
Franz Raphael Ferriols |
If god truly exist then why do believers have to go through this technical, complex explanation of explaining its existance? It should just be as simple as proving your dad exist if he really does. |
Gus |
I stand at a bus stop and pray for a bus and behold, god answers my prayer |
Unknown |
God is man's first and worst invention |
Vuilsloot |
Is it not absurd for christians to pray to a god for healing from some disease who was ultimately responsible for the condition in the first place...? |
Clint Murphy |
Religion makes sense when you don't think about it. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
To Brian Griffin: Touché! (Except for the fact that I WAS brainwashed as a child and grew up believing what I was taught about God et al. It wasn't until I managed somehow to reprogram my brain in middle age that I manage to shake off the utterly ridiculous notions of gods, ghosts and ghouls etc.) |
Clint Murphy |
If I could press a button and remove all religion I would then the world would be a more peaceful place. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Because I'm a caring person I hate all scams, especially those that take people for fools and those that take peoples' money. God based religions are the biggest scams of the lot. It's a pity some can't see that. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
I was converted some years back to Natural Gas. Maybe those converted to religion are prone to unnaturally gas. |
Carola |
Religion was invented for stupid idiots, us, normal people don't need to be told to honor thy father and mother and thou shall not kill. |
Carola |
Religion is the only fantasy socially accepted |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Theists think that this life is just a rehearsal for a promised better life after death.
The pity is that after their demise they'll never know that what they had was the real thing. |
Brian Griffinj |
I am sure many atheists would like to know how theology can justify indoctrination in respect of religious belief in the world of the supernatural, comprising :- god, satan, angels, devils, dragons, demons, ghosts, souls, spirits, paridise, hell, virgin birth, afterlife, miracles, armageddon, etc. when their is not a shred of rational or coherent evidence to support such belief. |
Dee Jay |
I am a true believer in equality. Anyone who believes in a higher being/creator be it a god, jesus, allah...whatever--they are equally stupid and gullible. |
Franz Raphael Ferriols |
I just don't get why people accept this concept of "god", why instead of punishing mankind for being tempted by the devil, why not go to the root of the problem and destroy the devil itself? At least this would end this ridiculous cycle. |
Franz Raphael Ferriols |
I wonder how the process of eating a forbidden fruit would suddenly make you all knowledgeable. Sounds like this "god" doesn't know anything. Knowledge comes from studying, observation, experience etc. Eating a bad fruit would just make your stomach ache. |
Trueman |
Seems like god is always punishing Someone,Sheesh Doesnt this guy ever take a day off. |
NoGods4Me |
Franz Raphael Ferriols |
God in the bible was pictured more of as a magician than a creator, A person who says ABRAKADABRA and poof! Everything was magically created. |
P-Funk Daddy |
The Bible: Because all the works of science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought that all the animal species of the world lived within walking distance of Noah's house. |
Pearly Reddy |
YOUR God made me an atheist. Who are YOU to question HIS wisdom? --- Unknown
Unknown |
the bible still makes sense if you replace the word god with "invisible pink unicorn" |
Unknown |
those who believe in a higher power are afraid that this life is all they have |
Unknown |
I don't believe in anything without facts, therefore I don't believe. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Fear of being frightened is the worst fear of all. |
jake |
religon is like rap, easy to make, you get lots of money, fun to laugh at,and most importanly its a big fucking joke |
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