top atheist quotes (total: 15978)
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atheist quote |
NoGods4Me |
Everyone is born an atheist. Which god(s) don't you believe in? Me too!!  |
Sean O'Connor |
Imagine a utopian world in the distant future; Where people love, laugh and everyone works together for the common good; There is no war, no rape, no murder or discrimination; No pain and suffering; No plague or famine or religion; A future where everyone is atheist w/ atheist ideals… and despite all the good God will still send every one of them to Hell. That makes God kind of a fucking asshole doesn’t it? |
Hugo Boss |
To convince the emotionaly vulnerable and the grieving that there is some invisible friend up in the sky who loves them and cares for them is at best a cruel joke,at worst deception bordering on criminal... |
Pavlos Prevedourakis |
If god rules the world whether we like it or not, he is a dictator, and all dictators must fall. |
Hugo Boss |
Religion and god is the worthless byproduct of the fear of the unknown and unexplained... |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
"Seeing" God and ghosts and "Hearing voices", merely demonstrates the frailty of the human mind. |
Unknown |
The world is filled with fools like me But only god can make a tree. But only fools like me you see Can make a god who can make a tree. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Being atheist is like buying a lottery ticket whilst knowing that there's about as much chance of landing the jackpot as there is of a theist reading a book on evolution and developing rational thought on the subject. |
Joe LB |
If a religious person was told from childhood the story of Jack and the beanstalk was Gods word and Jonas inside a whale was a childs book they would believe it all the same. |
Andrew |
If Adam and Eve the first man and woman, then why do they have belly buttons? |
NoGods4Me |
To claim America is a "Christian nation" because it contains mostly Christians is just as absurd as to call it a "White nation" because it contains mostly white people. E PLURIBUS UNUM! |
Stephen Hawking |
Science can't disprove God, but science makes God unnecessary. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
The theist can appeal to nothing absolute, nothing objectively true for all people, it is just mere opinion enforced by might.
(With appology to Peter Huff) |
Shane Pitts |
"...I'd rather live my life accepting the reality of our ignorance then spending the rest of my days drowning in all knowing lies."
Dee Jay |
@ unknown, why don't you visit chritian sites and leave US alone-- we don't want or need your preaching, so go worship to your cruel sadistic non-loving imaginary father elsewhere and stop trying to brainwash our children in schools. If we want them to learn that nonsense we would send them to a church. (like that would ever happen) |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
I firmly believe that all declared and confirmed atheists should receive a substantial Government Grant* in order to finance the cause so's to spread the word to a wider audience.
* Not really. I'm just touting for votes.
Hugo Boss |
The supposed god of this universe troubling himself with whacking a hapless Israelite for gathering firewood on the sabbath...a charming fellow wouldnt you say? |
Hugo Boss |
The authors of the Old Testament were desert savages who managed to out do themselves in creating a god even more savage and uncouth than themselves.. |
Stephen Hawkings |
"There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark." |
Richard Dawkins |
well, what if I'm wrong? Any one could be wrong about the flyin spagetti monster, the pink unicorn or the flying teapot. You happen to have been brought up, I would presume, with the christian faith. You know what it's like not to beleive in a particular faith because you are not a muslim, you are not a hindu. Why aren't you a hindu? Because you happen to have been brought up in America and not in India. If you were brought up in India you'd be a hindu. If you were born in Denmark at thetime of te Vikings you'd be beleiving in Wotan and Thor. If you were brought up i classical Greece, you'd be beleiving in Zeus. If you were brought up in central Africa you'd be beleiving in the great Juju up the mountain. There's no particular reason to pick on the jeudao- christian god, in which by the cheerest accident, you happen to have been brought up and ask me whatif I'm wrong? What if you're wrong about the great juju at the bottom of the sea? |
Unknown |
"Religion preaches love but teaches hate while using fear and intimidation to control its flock." |
Baron von Knifty |
The Vatican has only “suggested” that bishops report child-raping priests (but they won't force them to do so), and yet state that Atheists and homosexuals–by commandment–should “definitely” be killed.
mc |
I was reading the sports section one time and I read that some coach said they won because God was on their side. But what about all the other times they lost? Did God sleep in or something? And also, If there really is a God, wouldn't he have more important things to focus on, like making a cure for AIDS? |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
There is FAR more evidence that the biblical account of creation is - to say the least - erroneous. Whilst the evidence for evolution is abundant - to those who are willing to look.
As for that old chestnut: "You cannot PROVE that God does not exist", I always was led to believe that - in a court of law, lets say - the onus is put on those who CLAIM that something exists, existed or happened.
If the existence of any god was brought before a court of law by the pious: to be tried by a jury of the unbiased; I'm sure that the case would be dismissed through lack of evidence and the pious subsequently accused of wasting the court's time.
Whereas, if the case was God's Creation versus Evolution and the case heard before the same unbiased jury, Evolution would win hands down every time AND be awarded costs. |
Penn Jillette from Penn & Teller |
Whatever you do, don't read the Bible for a moral code. It advocates prejudice, cruelty, superstition, and murder. Read it because we need more atheists, and nothing will get you there faster than reading the damn Bible. |
Simon Blackburn |
Religions are fossilized philosophies with the questions left out. It is better for the mind to choose the path of skepticism and inquiry over dogma and faith. |
Unknown |
I live thy life as a Religious Man and worship as an Atheist |
Unknown |
as bible says everything was created in 6 days, if there was no light nor earth at first day, who and how measured days? |
Mithun |
if god is omniscient he will be an atheist |
Buddha |
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard. Do not believe something just because everyone talks about. Do not believe in anything simply because it's written in your religious books. Do not believe something just because their teachers and teachers say is true. Do not believe in traditions because they were passed from generation to generation. But after much analysis and comment, if you see something that agrees with reason, and that leads to the good and benefit of all, accept it and live it. "
Rian Souji |
''Don't tread on an atheist, and he will not tread on you.'' |
Joe Diamond |
I can't wait for Dec. 21, 2012 for one reason. It'll forever inspire comedians. |
NoGods4Me |
Is it just me, or is calling a day where people celebrate the supposed torture and death of a man by crucifixion "Good Friday" seem a little sick and twisted? |
At least I have proof that I'm around... Who else do you think makes lightning?
Unknown |
science flys you to the moon and religion flys you into buildings |
Unknown |
There is no reasoning with a religion. Religion in and of itself is inherently unreasonable. |
NoGods4Me |
The attributes of a god or gods are no better or worse than what the human mind can imagine. No surprise there. |
Dee Jay |
The sins committed behind the walls of religion--atrocious |
Jude Adamson |
Only two things in life deal in absolute certainties - mathematics and religion. I'd trust one and be very wary of the other. |
Hugo Boss |
Believing in a god or believing in a dog turd will get you the same results.. |
Dee Jay |
A casual stroll through a lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.
Phil Plait |
Teach a man to reason And he'll think for a lifetime |
Benjamin Harrison |
God or the church or Jesus or Allah or whoever you want to believe in can not think for you. Why you ask? Simple, they are imaginary. That would be like saying "I'm going to let the Easter bunny do all my thinking." Sure, it must be relieving to be able to abandon all responsibility for your actions by simply saying that "Jesus made me do it." However that is not only irresponsible but delusional as well. |
Yeoh Jun Yi |
In an economic crisis, i want the government to give me a job, not a bible |
Unknown |
My religion changes everyday, based on what I have seen. I started Christian and ended Athiest. |
Myself |
Beliving in God is a crutch, and so is smoking. Both have killed millions. One is viewed as right, the other wrong. Show me the difference. |
Unknown |
If anything God is jealous, in every one of us we have the power to either create or destroy God in our minds, an irony of sorts, to choose or part a master. |
sam harris |
"atheism" is a term that should not even exist. No one ever needs to identify himself as a "non-astrologer" or a "non-alchemist." We do not have words for people who doubt that Elvis is still alive or that aliens have traversed the galaxy only to molest ranchers and their cattle. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of unjustified religious beliefs.
Sic Laskie |
I am a fool, created in God's image. |
Peter Finch |
Man's greatest trick was convincing the world that God exists. |
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Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Do you know what I think hilariously funny about the brainwashed, brain dead, bible thumping creation believers?
They'll swear to believing that the Earth and everything was created less than seven thousand years ago while at the same time leaving their fossil fuelled (coal, oil and gas that are made from long dead plants and animals) heated and lighted homes and using transport that is powered by fossil fuels to attend places of worship built of various sedimentary and metamorphic rock that consists mainly of the remains of countless numbers of creatures that lived and died over many hundreds of millions - even BILLIONS - of years.
The fairy tale story of 'The Creation' pales in comparison to the REAL story of how we, the Earth, and everything else came to be.
Gods' are NOT great. Gods' are fiction. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
If heaven is true and we being apes is also true, does this mean that heaven is full of apes?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Having too MUCH imagination or too LITTLE imagination will often result in one becoming a religious asshole. |
EA Miller |
Why am I not religious? Because I have a functioning, non-indoctrinated brain still capable of rational thought. |
EA Miller |
Fictional gods are a nasty sort so the best part about them is that they don’t exist! |
EA Miller |
TV Pastor: “The word of God is never outdated.â€
Me: “Yes, because we still often speak of iron chariots, swords, stoning people, fatted calves, and kings.â€
EA Miller |
Most of the children I know could imagine a much better world than the one supposedly created by the God of the Bible. That should tell you all you need to know about religious beliefs. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
God and the Devil are fictional super heroes and villains just like Batman and The Joker. |
Pat Simons |
No god ever fed a hungry child. |
osirisnut |
The main problem with religions, which they seem not to realise, is that they are the problem. |
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