top atheist quotes (total: 15978)
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atheist quote |
Hugo Boss |
There may or may not be a god--according to your imagination-- but to call him a god of love is just so absurd and illogical that one has to dismiss the concept as a sick joke.. |
jimmy carr |
if we are all gods children whats so special about jesus ? |
Karthy.S.P |
The human brain, the greast thinking machine! The things and happenings which the human brain has no answer is regarded superstition & supernatural. |
Ernesto Acuna |
I still cannot see the difference between Santa Claus and God... |
Max Vandiver |
It’s always in the name of a God that destruction and carnage take place. |
NoGods4Me |
Why should I be accountable to a god that you can not even prove exists? Scientists have EVIDENCE of evolution. Religionists have a book of fairy tales. |
The Freak |
You believe in a book that has witches, talking animals, sticks turning into snakes, people walking on water and all sorts of mystical and fantasy CRAP... and you say I'M the one who is mentally ill? |
A. V. Riehl |
"I choose not to believe in a God that would be so vain as to abandon any soul simply because he requires adoration. Religion is a choice, from which we have several to choose from, one as equally valid as the next and similarly steeped in imagination."... |
Larry V. Lundgren |
Why would a God that has created an awsome universe with over one septillion stars care anything about us? The answer is that he dosn't. To care is to exist and God dosn't. |
Franz Raphael Ferriols |
How I wonder, if were all created in God's image, then what is his race? |
Just logical |
Either God is the ultimate sadist,cruel beyond comprehension,obscene,petty,unjust or he does not exist..surely logic tells one that the human psyche cannot deal with such a monstrosity let alone hold him in awe.. |
Myself |
For the survival of humans, its not the group that matters, but the individuals of that group that can think and make ideas happen. The individuals can guide the group to survival, but not the group it self. |
Relgion makes a lot of sense, if you dont think about it. |
NoGods4Me |
Anyone who believes that "God" = "Love", has never read the bible. |
Bowler Stuart |
•Göd is a small town in Pest County, Hungary |
Unknown |
It's never to late to be an atheist.
Hunter y. |
It's a huge stereotype that atheists don't care about life and have no morals. I have morals and personally love life. Just because I don't think a higher being made this world, doesn't mean I go party all the time and have sex with everyone. Jeez. |
Bowler Stuart |
If I said I believed in unicorns or pixies I would be ridiculed, why should religion be any different? |
Preston R. |
"Equality for all", said the sexist, slave promoting bible |
Gremlin |
The Bible: 49 stories by 29 authors for the enjoyment of the lazy. Stop praying and start working |
Just logical |
So the God of this universe favours the Jews above all race groups and then takes time off to kill/murder one hapless individual for gathering firewood on the could not dream up such an obscene creature in a horror fiction novel let alone trust and worship him... |
David |
I have NO faith in Mankind. If we can easily abandon sense & logic for whimsical drivel to simply satisfy a "NEED" to believe, then we are surely doomed ! |
Canadian Heretic |
There has been more blood shed in the name of so called "god" throughout the ages and yet the weak minded still insist that he or it is a symbol of peace Need I say more? |
Jesus H. Christ |
If "God" demands and expects us to praise him for all the good and great that he has done, then that makes "Him" arrogant. And if "God" detests arrogance in the "Buy-Bull", yet is guilty of it himself, that makes "Him" a hypocrite. Who would want to answer to cruel and arrogant hypocrite? |
Megatron |
If god created me, why did he make me an athiest? |
Anonymous |
Taking comfort in the arms of God at the death of your loved one is a bit like having a cuddle with bin Laden after 9/11. |
-Abu’l‐Ala al Ma’arri |
"The world holds two classes of men – intelligent men without religion, and religious men without intelligence."
Dee Jay |
the greeks stopped believing in their many gods becaause a "better one" came along...why haven't people (other than us) stopped believing in this god now that SCIENCE has come along?? |
Kurt Sontag |
The best tool to use when fighting a christian is...the bible |
David Lommerse |
If ANY other practice caused as much death, hatred, torture & bloodshed as Religion, it would be outlawed ! |
house - from the show house |
humans have the need to solve every problem, find the answer to everything and when they cant find the right answer, they settle for a stupid one. |
Clint Murphy |
Don't try to convince me there is a god and I won't tell you the truth. |
Jeremiah Pope |
Will a newborn go to hell becuase he is incapable of going believing in god? Will a blind man go to hell because he cannot see? Will a smart man go to hell because he can reason? |
Brian Griffin |
That's very Christian; believe what I say or I'll hurt you |
Nikola Kamerla |
Science is hard,religion is easy...right choices in life are hard,bad ones are always easy. |
The Church Of Reason |
faith is ignorance as much as logic is assurance |
Prove it. |
Clint Murphy |
I don't think Christians get it . You can't change my mind by quoting scripture. I wont be influenced by something I don't believe. So respect my beliefs and I'll try to respect yours. I'll try . |
Unknown |
In the beginning, there was the big bang. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
If one is blind to evolution then one is blind to fact. |
blacksun |
As a "Father" you cannot let any harm to come to your children. But as a "God" you let your people suffer just to test them faith? What's is the sense of being the "God The Father". |
The Church Of Reason |
For the christian ignorance is bliss, for the atheist, ignorance is problematic |
NoGods4Me |
Jesus and Hercules were simply two men that people built up into a legends. These legends have been around for thousands of years. They're just two examples of "legends gone viral". |
michael jennings |
do you want to be apart of the cure in humanity open up the mind? are be apart of the disease in religion and have it closed ? |
idk |
i am not a man of god, i am a man of reason |
Alessandro Ferro |
If sex before marriage is illegal, the invisible bloke who laid mary is going to be in real trouble... |
Smart Person |
"God" - a simple explanation for simple people. |
Dee Jay |
you "believers" have faith in your god and jesus to watch over you and give you love and direction. Me, I have faith in my family and friends. You know, real people who I can see and touch. If you open your eyes and your mind you will see that is what you have had too, it hasn't come from made up characters in a ridiculous book(s). |
Alessandro Ferro |
Mr believer, don't use big, medieval words to make yourself smart. This is clearly an atheist site, get off it, stop trying to convert people and go vent your spleen somewhere else. |
Steve Eley |
Invisible Pink Unicorns are beings of great spiritual power. We know this because they are capable of being invisible and pink at the same time. Like all religions, the Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorns is based upon both logic and faith. We have faith that they are pink; we logically know that they are invisible because we can't see them. [Steve Eley] |
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