top atheist quotes (total: 15978)

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Darwinian In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very unhappy and has widely been regarded as a bad move.

Jesus Christ, The Son of God Good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things -- that takes religion.
Brian Phillips I believe every strong person is their own God and the weak people just believe in everyone else's.
Harry O'Reilly Religion is the abomination of a desperate mind.
Ellen (Alan Watts) No supreme being would be rigid enough to reduce life and everything that it is into one book (Alan Watts).
NoGods4Me Theists who say "I have faith" as if faith is a tangible object and having said object makes them better than you, only prove that they are as arrogant as they are ignorant.
cam blake There's two kinds of people who see visions, Priest and schizophrenics
John Page And God so loved his children he created them in his own image then didn't like what he had created so drowned them.
Chabanus government "lets give this 2000 year old cult millions of dollars but hold out on stem cell research, because why do we need to live longer when there MAY!!! be an afterlife"
Chabanus Christians take on Christianity.... No absolute proof its not true, must be true

Christians take on atheism and no belief..... No 100% proof its true, must be false
Yet i am Ignorant
Alex The pope is an old Arse hole and head of the pedophile club. If you don't openly condemn pedophile priest's then you condone there behavior by your silence!
Dr. Gregory House If you talk to god, your religious
if god talks to you, your psycotic
Roy Thurling I have raised my children as athiests. They some times have nightmeres about stories they have read or events they have experienced on our Earth. but they have never worried or dreamt about 'THE FEAR OF GOD'
Stuart Bushell Stuart Bushell If God is all powerful and wise why do we need laws to protect him? What I have seen of the world perhaps we should have laws to protect us against God.
David Smalley Some would rather be content with ignorance than uncomfortable with the truth.
joeseither I refuse to seriously discuss god with a believer because there are simply too many gods. After all the believers get together and rationalize their gods into one, then maybe we'll have something to discuss.
padmapala Man created God in his own Image
jed king Truly I say unto you, the infantile and ludicrous idea we have of a God who somehow wafts aloft is the very pinnacle of human folly and the greatest con trick we ever perpetrated on ourselves. - It immediately begs the question, ‘why the hell has this God never had the guts to waft down here occasionally?
NoGods4Me Religious fanatics need to keep their "dogma" on a leash.
Alex Atheists have a the best gift of all i.e. Freedom to think & believe for themselves and to arrive at their own conclusions based on their own analysis of the facts.
Lydia O'Connor Having a God that creates and condones the sufferings experienced by humanity is a much more horrific thought than having no God at all.
John Page God says "Thou shalt worship no other God before me". Isn't he the one who supposedly created it all? Why would he have created another God?
Stuart Bushell Stuart Bushell I have been told that the amount of Christians who believe in God must make his existence a fact. I say that there are probably more 5 year olds that believe in Santa but I’m sure he doesn’t exist.
John Page Why did God even bother to create man if he already knew how it would turn out?
anana moose christions invented hell let them burn in it.
Luke Thomas Do you really think that there is a perfect, eternal life waiting for you in heaven? God screwed up and made faulty humans on Earth. Who's to say he didn't screw up even worse while making heaven?
June VanDerMark It's been said that ignorance is bliss! Heaven is also supposed to be filled with bliss. What a coincidence!
Jonathan Chow Science is the present and future, it brings in different morals, and advances into soceity. Instead of stoping this, we must accept it as a part of our lives. we must realize that science may one day save our lifes, and not the power of prayers.
Alex Belief in God & religion is nothing short of a culturally enforced form of mass delusion. Anything else like this would be called a form of collective mental illness.
Alex God & religion are the opium of the masses, & like drugs most people walk around in a haze of religious delusion. The pope is the biggest opium pusher of them all.
John Hines Jr Love of god, not money, is the root of all evil.
John Page It's a rare occasion I have met a Christian who was a true Christian. They go to Church but gossip soon thereafter. The true Christian of today attempts to believe in God because they fear death. They forget him when the times are good but cling to him in times of need. I say unto you they are all Hypocrites.
John Page "If God so loved the world why are there so many people starving? Why is there so much hate and war? We did not asked to be created yet we have to answer to him so the Christians say. I say that God is the one who should be held responsible..if only he existed."
Unknown Look, nobody really knows where all this shit came from. But i think I'd rather trust the dudes in lab coats who aren't demanding i get up early every Sunday to overdress and apologize for being human.
Lance Armstrong If there were a god, I would still have both nuts.
Baron von Knifty Some people are upset about a mosque being built near Ground Zero. The real concern should be, 'Why does a mosque, church, synagogue, temple or shrine need to be built at all?'
Raze all those sanctimonious buildings and use the material to build soup kitchens and shelters for those who desperately need it. Isn’t that what religion is supposed to be about? No one has ever been fed or sheltered by prayer.
Jonathan Chow God does not Shape your future, he does not have a divine plan outlined for you, nor does he repair your wounds when you are hurt. You govern your own future, and repair your own wounds
Spencer Herron Spencer Herron It is easier by far to commit evil if you are safe in the knowledge that you can just ask for forgiveness on your deathbed.
Jonathan Chow Religion does not require logic or thought, just blind faith and full submission.
Spencer Herron Spencer Herron Faith is the shield that protects us from all those scary facts...
Inquisitor Herron Inquisitor Herron I value those who question and question the values of those who don't.
L.R. Bester Those in power generally control the media, the church and the school curriculum, and therefore the masses. As such, we are taught to believe the lies and mind games of the media and the church, and are not taught to think for ourselves.
Vince Religion is another way of saying uneducated.
Alex Funny how the most zealously Christian country in the world is the most hated country around the world. Is the biggest arms manufacturers in the world & is involved in more conflicts around the world than anyone else? What does that tell you about Christianity?
Dawkins "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unplesant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser, a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."
Reason Babies do not believe in God/gods, they just worry about the next time they'll be fed.
Cedrik Definney Having reverence for the natural world, does not mean ascribing to it, mystical properties which it does not possess.
J-Rod Exactly. You don't have an answer. Because there is no god to answer for. If you googled 'Why did god let this happen?' all you will ever get is the same bull shit believers in god tell you...'He has his reasons'. I don't know about you, but I know that wouldn't hold up in court.
Samuel Henline It's strange that a religion which criticizes hypocrisy so vehemently is practiced almost exclusively by hypocrites.
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Ignasi Reches Ignasi Reches Religion is the last relic of the primitive mind and its eradication is necessary to achieve the full potential of the human race.
Ignasi Reches Ignasi Reches "I do not come from any monkey!" said the creationist who believes it was created from dirt and inbreeding.
Ignasi Reches Ignasi Reches Theist: I have proof that God exists.
Atheist: Ok, let's see it.
Theist: Just look around you.
Atheist: "He hits his head against the wall."
Ignasi Reches Ignasi Reches Religion is ignorance disguised as intelligence, a hypocrisy disguised as humility, a belief disguised as knowledge, a hate disguised as love and a fiction disguised as truth.
EA Miller EA Miller The day you start believe a god is guiding your life is the day you’ve given up on solving your own problems.
EA Miller EA Miller No new scientific or archaeological discovery ever supports a theistic explanation of anything.
EA Miller EA Miller If you have achieved some success in life and state “I’d like to thank god first and foremost” then you are doing a great disservice to all of those real, flesh and blood human beings who actually helped to get you where you are.
EA Miller EA Miller “You can never depend on your own abilities to get through life. The only thing you can depend upon is the one you pray to when you are on your knees.”

-Charles Stanley, megachurch pastor

In my opinion, a person completely out of touch with reality.
EA Miller EA Miller I once heard the voices of gods and angels, but thankfully the medication made it all go away!
Akanyang Canine Akanyang Canine Where is Jesus? In Heaven. What is he doing? Waiting for his people to join him. Where are Jesus's people? On earth. What are they doing? Waiting for Jesus to come back.
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