top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

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osirisnut osirisnut With the COVID 19 virus spreading around the world, God is conspicuous ( yet again ) by its absence, it's as if it doesn't exist.
Enoch Author Enoch Author
That’s the problem with indoctrination; the whole point of ....[religious] .... education is to stop someone from thinking and instead kick their emotions into gear. Make them hate everything else so they’ll cling to what you give them. It’s hard to think for yourself when fear and anger are driving the shuttle. • Delilah S. Dawson
Umberto Eco Umberto Eco
We had awakened their lust, offering them a secret that couldn't have been emptier, because not only did we know it ourselves, but even better, we knew it was false.
.....Foucault's Pendulum
Sam Harris, author of "The End of Faith" The problem of faith is that it is a conversation stopper. As long as you don't have to give reasons for what you believe, you have effectively immunized yourself against the power of human conversation.
Madelyn Murray O'Hair ALL Gods come from the same place -- ONE'S IMAGINATION!
unknown If the people I see going to church go to heaven then I don't think I choose to be in that heaven.I'd rather take a dirt knap.
The Reverand Doctor 348CH When a child has an imaginary friend they go to a psychologist
When an adult has an imaginary friend, they go to church
Blulu Believers are no different to the rest of us. No more happy/sad. No more fulfilled/unfulfilled. No more virtuous/wicked. In fact, the only noticeable difference is that they give control over their lives to someone else, to a fictional being and to an interesting but extremely flawed, book.
William Alfred Quannigton If there was a God his miracles wouldn't only have been done when people were looking for evidence.
Ryan Hanson If God created the world, the who created god? and who created whoever created god? So somewhere along the line something had to just be there. So why can we just skip god the idea of god and go straigth to earth?
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey Every day the voice of atheism grows louder, more confident, backed by ever-increasing evidence, reason and logic. Every day the religious respond by sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "La!La!La!La!La!"
Enoch Enoch's Author
A fervent lack of a belief in God is no more a religion than the fervent lack of belief in the holocaust is history.
Sorin Rusu Sorin Rusu The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit. - Richard Pryor
EA Miller EA Miller The purposeful spreading of misinformation, hatred, and ignorance are all hallmarks of organized religion.
osirisnut osirisnut Science is a rigorous systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. In theology there is only an opinion. Bertrand Russell.
EA Miller EA Miller Since priests and pastors generally do not possess advanced degrees or any clinical training in the social sciences whatsoever, they should never be masquerading as social workers or psychologists. Yet they often do just that. Religion is poison.
EA Miller EA Miller Only use the statements "I'll pray for you" or "I'll put you on our prayer list" when you absolutely plan on doing NOTHING for the person or persons in need.
osirisnut osirisnut The Establishment betray the victims of child rape, whilst protecting the perpetrators and those who shield them.
osirisnut osirisnut Religious leaders say religious violence is not caused by religions.
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible isn’t proof of anything, except ancient barbarism and ignorance.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion: Where facts, science, and critical thinking are nonexistent and ancient fables are manipulated to serve very specific populations.
EA Miller EA Miller If you base your life on invisible gods in the sky granting you wishes, you better also be damn sure you’re ready for a series of major letdowns.

EA Miller EA Miller “People who deconstruct their faith and become nonreligious or atheist are people who value truth no matter how uncomfortable it makes them or how emotionally fraught the process can be. It takes strength of character and emotional resilience to challenge your own beliefs.” -GL
osirisnut osirisnut Baby jesus could never be born again in the Vatican. Because they wouldn't be able to find three wise men or a virgin.
osirisnut osirisnut Christ, the man-made myth was tortured, crucified, and put to death, and on the day that it occurred the christians call it "GOOD".
Pat Simons Pat Simons If random chance is the baseline, then religion has a success rate of zero.
EA Miller EA Miller When science and reason win out over "thoughts and prayers", real problems are solved and lives are saved.
Enoch Author Enoch Author
The difference between faith and insanity is that faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence, whereas insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence. • William Harwood,
NoGods4Me Never trust anyone who tries to sell you an invisible product.
Gabriel Neil If I said to someone that because they were a homosexual, I would take them down to my basement and torture them, claiming my own "universal law", I would be considered a dangerous psychopath. When god does it, it's holy judgment and not to be questioned.
Kurt Abraham You can achieve no greater spirituality... than with hard science.
KANT "The death of dogma is the birth of morality."
Adoniram Only those in fear of losing god defend his existence so fervently.
Robert The words kill, killed, slay, slew, put to death and the like appear far too often in the Bible. Why all of the killing?
James Madison "During almost fifteen centuries has the legal establishment of Christianity been on trial. What has been its fruits? More or less, in all places, pride and indolence in the clergy; ignorance and servility in the laity; in both, superstition, bigotry
Unknown Is it good, because your god tells you it is good? Then the morals you speak of are empty.
Does your god tell you it is good, because it is already good? Then the morals you speak of need no god.
Robert A. Heinlein Robert A. Heinlein "What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore divine revelation, forget what 'the stars foretell,' avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable 'verdict of history,'-
EA Miller EA Miller I question anyone who takes the word of a priest, pastor, rabbi, or imam in matters regarding science over that of a highly educated actual scientist.
EA Miller EA Miller I thank fictional gods for nothing. This world has enough resources to feed and house everyone, but instead self-serving despots, billionaires, and religious factions fighting over who has the best imaginary friend have ruined it all.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Nothing divides people more effectively and unnecessarily, than religion. Take religion out of the equation, and a great many of the world's problems would fade away.
osirisnut osirisnut About the gods I have no means of knowing either that they exist or that do not exist or what they are to look like. Many things prevent my knowing. Amongst others, the fact that they have never been seen. Protagoras .
osirisnut osirisnut WTF Bible verses...As for the daughter of any priest, if she dishonors herself by becoming a whore, she dishonors her father. She shall be burned to death. Leviticus 23.20
ed m ed m If you were all powerful why would you need a day for rest?
EA Miller EA Miller I’m grateful for science, rational thinking, and those who embrace equal rights and the beauty of our diverse world. What I don’t do is “praise” mythological beings that give me the permission to be a narrow-minded hateful bigot.
osirisnut osirisnut CHRISTIANITY: 2000 years of trying to prove god exists and the best they can come up with is "You'll find out when your dead".
osirisnut osirisnut Q. Which bishops can you trust? The answer, of course is, the only bishops you can trust are those on a chess board.
EA Miller EA Miller The very corrupt right wing of the United States government (under the previous president) forgave loans of 4.4 million to pastor/grifter Joel Osteen and a whopping 3.5 billion dollars for the Catholic Church. This was all done to buy religious extremists votes and enact harsh laws based on Christianity.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion gives so many idiots around the world power that they are not competent enough to have in the first place.
EA Miller EA Miller I think the "decline in membership" the Catholic church reports is mostly due to so many people using their own version of barbaric ancient beliefs to suit their twisted individual goals (e.g., political power, controlling women, money ambitions, voter-suppression, owning an armory). I just wish it would decline much faster before there is nothing left over for us rational thinkers to protect.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If Jesus was alive today, the last thing he'd be is a Christian.
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EA Miller EA Miller Be sure to read each and every book that Christian entities say should be banned. They'll contain considerably more truth within their pages than the Bible ever has.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Whenever people believe there is a super-natural puppet master running everything, there is going to be a lot of resistance to the idea humans are capable of making their own decisions.
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible isn’t proof of anything, except ancient barbarism and ignorance.
EA Miller EA Miller Beliefs that cannot be questioned or challenged are the most dangerous beliefs of them all.
EA Miller EA Miller "Numbers 11: Have you ever been on a long road trip with your family and wanted to destroy everyone around you? Well, God actually goes through with it... and makes it rain quail." -Hemant Mehta
EA Miller EA Miller I’ve never seen a device that so readily justifies bigotry and hatred on a regular basis than religion does.
osirisnut osirisnut Religious leaders say religious violence is not caused by religions.
osirisnut osirisnut Q. Which bishops can you trust? The answer, of course is, the only bishops you can trust are those on a chess board.
osirisnut osirisnut CHRISTIANITY: 2000 years of trying to prove god exists and the best they can come up with is "You'll find out when your dead".
osirisnut osirisnut The Establishment betray the victims of child rape, whilst protecting the perpetrators and those who shield them.
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