top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

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EA Miller EA Miller Science can only explain the “physical” world, right?

And theism explains what exactly? An utterly imaginary "nonphysical" world that has no grounding in reality whatsoever that there's no evidence for?
-Simon S.
osirisnut osirisnut It can be revealed what christ said before his ascension into heaven. He stood with his arms across his chest looked skywards and said beam me up, daddy.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If God is really all-knowing, doesn't that render prayer moot?
osirisnut osirisnut Dope francis has a new dope mobile that has personalized registration plates that read "Holyshit."
osirisnut osirisnut The Roman Catholic Criminal Church the clerics of which l would call evil but that's too nice a word for those Bastards.
osirisnut osirisnut Religious praying doesn't work and miracles don't happen. What all religions do excel at though are deception and organized crime.
Steve Miller Steve Miller There are roughly 4,200 religions today.
Some say that 4,199 are false.
Some say that 4,200 are false.
Younes el yadari Younes el yadari In judaism Greed is forbidden and in islam also , in christianity Greed is a deadly sin , but Greed it self , Greed of another life is what started all religions .
Unknown God always gets the credit, never the blame.
bumper sticker God was invented by cave men... to explain thunder.
Geogre Carlin I've begun worshipping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to God are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate.
Gabriel Neil Some argue that atheism is an equal and opposite to theism. This is incorrect, atheism is in fact the default position, theism is the anomaly to explain.
Thomas Hobbs Religions are like pills, which must be swallowed whole without chewing.
Jon God may have created the universe in a week, but man created god in an instant.
jake You say I'm a sinner for denying, i think that you're a sinner for not thinking for yourself.
Charles Bukowski I have more faith in my plumber than I do the eternal being. Plumbers do a good job. They keep the shit flowing.
David Schindler God is exactly where we put him and what we make him out to be.
Crusade If God exists, and is the benevolent being, who loves everyone and forgives all who seek forgiveness, as he is foretold in the bible. Why would he sanction the murder of thousands of his own creators in his name?
Casper Almighty Who needs the Bible when there's Google?
Penn and Teller The characters and events depicted in the damn bible are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Dee Jay Dee Jay "dear religious people, don't worry, when atheist become the majority (and it will happen sooner than you think) we will treat you far better than you have historically treated us when you were the majority"
My Granfather The Holy Trinity is fear, ignorance and superstition.
Jack Pritchard "Do what I tell you to or I'll beat you up" is the message given by the school bully.

"Believe what I tell you to or you'll burn for all time" is the message given by religion.
EA Miller EA Miller I’m not on the side of any religion. All religions are dangerous. They just have fluctuating, various degrees of harm that they inflict on humanity at any given time in history.
osirisnut osirisnut Christians you were not born with an original sin, you don't have a soul, you don't have a guardian angel, and you don't have saints because they don't exist either.
osirisnut osirisnut WTF Bible verses... Behold I, the lord, will rebuke your offspring and will spread dung on your face, even the dung of your animal sacrifices , and you will be taken away with it. Malachi 2.3.
EA Miller EA Miller If religion offered actual advanced wisdom, true empathy, embracement of diversity, and was beneficial to all human beings, it would not require any type of indoctrination or apologetics to be universally accepted.
ed m ed m Does god have a navel and if so, why?
osirisnut osirisnut "Where ever there is a settled society, religion is necessary; the laws cover manifest crimes, and religions cover secret crimes". Voltaire. 1694-1729
osirisnut osirisnut Jesus saves and soon he will have saved enough to pay the bill for the last supper, including the tip.
osirisnut osirisnut "Damn! I completely forgot TRash Wednesday!" and I so wanted to say something nice to the crazy christians on their special day.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If Jesus wants to talk to me, he's welcome to show up and do so any time he wants. In the meantime, I've no use for the people claiming to speak on his behalf. They speak with no consistent voice, and what Jesus wants is always identical to what the preacher doing the talking wants.
EA Miller EA Miller Those who favor science know it isn't infallible, but they are willing to use the best available methods to answer questions previously unknown, such as the makeup of an atom. I don't know of a single religion that will admit a flaw in its doctrine.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Life after death is pretty much the same as life before life.
EA Miller EA Miller "Christianity is BS, but it gave us human rights and Western values."

Christianity didn't give us 'Western values.' Greek and other philosophers discussed ethics in greater detail. Christianity was a step backwards. The Enlightenment gave us these values, not the bible.

-Armin Navabi
EA Miller EA Miller To God:

"During the eternity before you got around to creating the universe, were you just sitting in the dark doing nothing?"

-Betty Bowers
 P J Wain P J Wain
God must go
so you can grow.
You lose
with the ruse
of religion. Theology is thievery and thuggery,not therapy.
Carl Sagan Carl Sagan I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking.
Younes el yadari Younes el yadari If god exits , i can assure you folks , that hell is going to be a fun and awesome place with all many great people in it .
Nyan Prater If religion is the answer, the question must be utterly absurd.
RALPH WALDO EMERSON The religion of one age is the literary
entertainment of the next.
David Mathews Homo sapiens will go extinct. What then?
Blulu If God exists and loves me soooo much that he would send his only son to die to save me, then why does he hide from me and then condemn me for not believing by faith alone? In order to save someone I loved I would probably pop round and see them and tell them directly and personally what they should do. Several times if necessary. Not make them play guessing games that will cost them their soul if they don't guess right.
Super Intendent Chalmers A prayer in a public school! God has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place within organized religion.
Andy Mulcahy Life is but a momentary glimpse at the wonder of this astonishing Universe and it is sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasies.
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 65 I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Almighty Creator. By fighting the Jews, I am doing the Lord's work.
Alan Harvey I didn't "lose" my faith... I know exactly where I left it. It's in the same bin as my christmas stocking.
Unknown Q: What's the difference between a religion and a cult?

A: A religion is a large popular cult. A cult is a small unpopular religion.

simon Second coming! He didn't do fuck all the first time!
warren searfoss Religion is the number one killer in the history of the world
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osirisnut osirisnut Religious clerics wear silly religious hats to give them height, to dominate and intimidate that's why pulpits are so high, and it really works... I'm positive I will stop laughing soon.
osirisnut osirisnut There are two types of people in the world: those that know god to be a myth and those who are wrong.
osirisnut osirisnut The unicorn is mentioned nine times in the bible, theists try to get around this by saying, when the bible was translated from Hebrew to English it was translated wrong. Out of 783,137 words in the bible, unicorn was the only one that was translated wrong. Of course it was.
EA Miller EA Miller Odd how most prominently religious people throw the words "fake science" around while knowing relatively nothing about actual science. In fact, they're more likely to be part of the book-banning club that fears any type of knowledge since it quickly undermines their idiotic conspiracy laden beliefs.
Pat Simons Pat Simons It appears lost on a lot of people, especially theologians, that a genuine message from the almighty, especially one with serious expectations attached, would not be subject to endless debate.
EA Miller EA Miller I think the "decline in membership" the Catholic church reports is mostly due to so many people using their own version of barbaric ancient beliefs to suit their twisted individual goals (e.g., political power, controlling women, money ambitions, voter-suppression, owning an armory). I just wish it would decline much faster before there is nothing left over for us rational thinkers to protect.
EA Miller EA Miller “People who deconstruct their faith and become nonreligious or atheist are people who value truth no matter how uncomfortable it makes them or how emotionally fraught the process can be. It takes strength of character and emotional resilience to challenge your own beliefs.” -GL
vivek viru vivek viru The process of non thinking is called faith. - The God delusion - Richard Dawkins
EA Miller EA Miller When “Christians” travel to other countries that already have their own beliefs and culture and these people respond in a negative way to their “Jesus sales pitch”, they immediately start screaming that they are somehow being persecuted. This really speaks to the extent of how very fucked up these people are.

EA Miller EA Miller “Christianity isn't the only religion in America. I wish people would stop trying to shove it down our throats.” -BDD
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