top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

author atheist quote
Aristotle A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that h
Darren Marfleet I'd rather be grown up than born again.
R. Lee Religion has survived the ages, sure. But so have mosqitoes.
Allah Verpint Allah Verpint Never take life too seriously. After all, life doesn't seem to be taking you too seriously, does it?
Eddie Izzard There's a huge hole in the whole Flood drama, because anything that could float or swim got away Scot-free, and it was the idea to wipe out everything, He didn't say, "I will kill everything, except the floating ones and the swimming ones, who will get out due to a loophole."
EA Miller EA Miller When
Is lost
And only
EA Miller EA Miller People that scream "god and country" and wrap themselves in a flag frequently are the least democratic and least patriotic of them all. In fact, most would prefer a Christian-based theocracy that would allow them to have absolute control of everything with severe punishment available to dole out to all dissidents who question their warped beliefs.
EA Miller EA Miller So, banning textbooks in the United States is the new way for politicians to please their highly-bigoted, dimwitted evangelical Christian base. I did Nazi that coming!
EA Miller EA Miller Why are religious wack-jobs so concerned with the sex lives or sexual preferences of people they'll likely never meet in their lifetimes?
osirisnut osirisnut Rape in the bible is not a sex crime against a woman, but a property crime against a man. Now tell me again, how you get your morality from the bible. A.A.I
Pat Simons Pat Simons If you have to resort to quoting the Bible to make your point, it's a pretty good sign you can't think for yourself.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If Christianity contained an iota of demonstrable fact, there would not be this obsession with indoctrinating children on the part of believers.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Jesus, if he ever existed, would have contributed more tangible good to the world had he simply taught the value of hand washing.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Beware of those who publicly celebrate their piety.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Conservatism is by its very nature intolerant, stagnant and backward looking. This is doubly true when applied to religion.
EA Miller EA Miller It's curious that pastors often quote Paul when he literally knew nothing about the 'life and times' of Jesus whom they base their entire religion upon. If Paul really wanted to present a good case for Jesus, he would have certainly talked about his miracles and Earthly ministry as mentioned in the gospels. He didn't. That's what happens when numerous disconnected fragments of fiction are piecemealed together.
EA Miller EA Miller God so loved the world that he nearly drown everyone on the planet.
EA Miller EA Miller If you allow mythological beings to run your life, you're living a half-baked fantasy that could destroy your life and the people's lives around you.
EA Miller EA Miller Pastor: "You cannot deny the healing power of god."

Me: "Try walking through the cancer wing in pediatrics at a hospital sometime."
Younes el yadari Younes el yadari You know why i don't believe in god ; well , it's because i do that thing ... ! which is thinking .
Yashashwi  Sidharth Yashashwi Sidharth When you will die you will be closer to god because after your death you will not exist.
Dee Jay Dee Jay How many unanswered prayers does it take for someone to clue in no one is listening??
Clint Murphy Spend a day in a pediatric cancer ward and then tell me "god is real".
Sam Harris The problem with religion, because it's been sheltered from criticism, is that it allows people to believe en mass what only idiots or lunatics could believe in isolation
John the Athiest I've got better things to do than sit in a pointy building listening to a man in a dress read a poem.
Delta So your god loves me? Then why does his believers hate me?
Haywood Newkirk Religion is a lot like NASCAR, something for the ignorant masses to believe in.
Cameron Cross I love how the people who wrote the bible made a conscious effort to discourage their readers from asking questions or thinking independently. Don't eat from the tree of knowledge, be like sheep instead...that'll save us a lot of hassle and it will make the Bible seem less ridiculous.
Brian Heberling Any religion that makes you eat little pieces of your god is fucked up.
Unknown Jesus hardly made the greatest sacrifice. He knew he would be resurrected anyway.
wikipedia The existence of gods is not denied, but may be designated unnecessary or useless; gods neither provide purpose to life, nor influence everyday life
Robert Frost I turned to speak to God, About the world's despair; But to make bad matters worse, I found God wasn't there.
Christian (the non-christian) God is like a silent fart, you can't see it, you can't hear it but, you smell the bullshit when it hits
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey The only really useful thing to learn from the bible or koran is that no matter where they're born or educated, the vast majority of humans are essentially pretty dumb.
Unknown I like how scientific explanations with plausible evidence is ridiculous but a mythical being magically poofing the world into existence makes perfect sense (to you). Brain washing is still effective!
EA Miller EA Miller It's humorous that the very same televangelists that consistently attack science on their programs wouldn't even be on television (or the internet) without science technology. Their idiocy is astounding!
EA Miller EA Miller “What is a man? He’s just a collection of chemicals with delusions of grandeur.” -Ayn Rand
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible doesn't have a problem with rape, genocide, or even slavery, but does take issue with shell-fish and mixed fabrics.
osirisnut osirisnut There is no hatred quite like christian love. Stephen Harvie.
robbie burns robbie burns History is replete with examples of "religious wars "- Can any one name a single war that was fought in the name of ATHEISM ??
EA Miller EA Miller If you stop and really think for even a moment, you'll never consider religion as a valid viewpoint for anything ever again.
ed m ed m I’m not proud of being an atheist.
Not believing in something that’s patently absurd
doesn’t make me a genius.
osirisnut osirisnut "Grown adults refusing to take medicines in favor of prayer is my favorite form of natural selection." Ricky Gervais
osirisnut osirisnut The pope went to the continent most ravaged by AIDS and told them they couldn't use condoms. So don't tell me religion doesn't do any actual harm. Bill Maher
osirisnut osirisnut Science books should have the following warning. The contents of this book contain knowledge and are therefore unsuitable for the religious.
Pat Simons Pat Simons When a preacher tries to explain god's motives behind a natural disaster, you can be certain he's trying to lend supernatural sanction to his own bigotry.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion always finds a way to excuse the inexcusable.
EA Miller EA Miller One man's fairy-tale is another man's religion. Food for thought.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion:

Literally stunting the advancement of mankind for thousands of years
EA Miller EA Miller Religion:

Because sometimes thinking is just too darn hard.
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osirisnut osirisnut If a god existed the onus would not be placed on criminal organizations (religions) to let us know.
osirisnut osirisnut Baby jesus could never be born again in the Vatican. Because they wouldn't be able to find three wise men or a virgin.
osirisnut osirisnut For a long time, I thought I wanted to be a nun. Then I realized that what I really wanted to be was a lesbian. Mabel Maney.
EA Miller EA Miller Why are religious wack-jobs so concerned with the sex lives or sexual preferences of people they'll likely never meet in their lifetimes?
EA Miller EA Miller So, banning textbooks in the United States is the new way for politicians to please their highly-bigoted, dimwitted evangelical Christian base. I did Nazi that coming!
EA Miller EA Miller People that scream "god and country" and wrap themselves in a flag frequently are the least democratic and least patriotic of them all. In fact, most would prefer a Christian-based theocracy that would allow them to have absolute control of everything with severe punishment available to dole out to all dissidents who question their warped beliefs.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religious seekers always find the God they're looking for. That's why we have so many of them.
EA Miller EA Miller The ultra-religious, right-wing judges on the United States Supreme Court are about to destroy over 50 years of progress for women by voting for a handmaid's tale for them all.
EA Miller EA Miller Displaying the Jesus character with an assault rifle is absolutely ludicrous, but right on point for "pro-life" religious extremists.
osirisnut osirisnut Behind every dictator, there is always a religion lurking close by. Sticking their crosses where they don't belong.
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