top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

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Enoch Author Enoch Author
Good God, how much reverence can you have for a Supreme Being who finds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm and tooth decay in his divine system of creation? - Joseph Heller
Unknown If prayer worked, amputees would grow limbs.
Prof Uri Nassol Science explains reality without considering human wishes, and that is it's greatest strength. Religion explains reality by only considering human wishes, and that is it's greatest weakness. So what do YOU want... reality, or self-indulgence?
Unkown Why would anyone turn to God for advise in child rearing? Afterall, he drowned all his.
unknown I would rather open a child's mind to wonder than close it with belief.
sir David Stevens God rested on the day what for ? surely the author of that statement doesnt know the meaning of OMNIPOTENT
Unknown For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, would believe in anything.
Cogito I liken a religious follower to a domesticated animal: intellectual curiosity fenced in by boundaries of faith, undesired behaviour choked by the chain of damnation, sexual developement neutered by idealic chastity, loyalty ensured by a feeding of righteousness every week. What once was a wolf, cunning and hardy, has now become a lapdog, blindly loyal and dependent on its master. Which would you wish to have in your house?
Albert Ellis (American Psychologist) "OK, I'll admit that there is a .00000000000000005% chance that God does exist, but if he does what makes you think he gives a shit about you"
Victor Hugo * There is in every village a torch: The schoolteacher. And an extinguisher: The priest.
Bumper Sticker It's Not God I'm Against? It's His Fan Club!
Goat "In fact, Creationism is the opposite of science. In a nutshell, science observes, then explains. Creationism starts with a rigid conclusion and then looks around for natural phenomena that might support this conclusion. This is the same thing as shooting an arrow into a wall and then painting a bull's eye around it."
Reggie Almost all religions that I have researched started with good intentions, but man shattered those intentions with human nature. Religion does not fit in with human nature. There is no such thing as world peace because humans are arrogant.
Brucie Pity they didn't find the missing page of the bible that noted all characters and events are fictional and any resembelence to an individual is purely coincedental.
Thomas Paine Every national church or religion has established itself by pretending some special mission from God, communicated to certain individuals. The Jews have their Moses; the Christians their Jesus Christ, their apostles and saints; and the Turks their Ma
EA Miller EA Miller Billionaires funding and supporting oppressive theocrats and fascists in the United States are literally destroying the country in real time.
EA Miller EA Miller Right wing media in the United States and white evangelicals are perfectly intertwined with one another. Both support dangerous cult-like mentalities in which reality isn't even an after thought.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion condemns a lot of good people and rewards a lot of deplorable ones.
EA Miller EA Miller There is nothing more dangerous on this Earth than the morons who literally act on their religious beliefs.
EA Miller EA Miller DISEASES ERADICATED OR DECIMATED BY VACCINE: 1. Chickenpox 2. Diphtheria 3. Measles 4. Pertussis 5. Pneumococcal Infection 6. Polio 7. Tetanus 8. Typhoid 9. Yellow Fever 10. Smallpox

EA Miller EA Miller The Bible definitely isn't patriotic, nor is it democratic in any way. But it certainly lays out a lot of ground rules for slavery. On that note, ever notice how often priests and pastors routinely throw around the words "serve", "obey", and "submit"?
Pat Simons Pat Simons There is something a little pathetic about people who need supernatural justification to behave like decent human beings.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If something can be destroyed by facts and reason, then it needs to be destroyed.
EA Miller EA Miller “In no way are we a misogynistic cult out to control every aspect of a woman’s life.”

-Catholic Church officials

“Okay, then please explain why you don’t allow birth control or women to abort a rapist’s child, insist that women stay in marriages with abusive husbands, and why your top representatives are a bunch of men hiding within a secretive golden fortress.”

EA Miller EA Miller “Submit” and “obey”, words used consistently by priests and pastors, scream of allegiance to kings and favoritism of slavery.
EA Miller EA Miller “I am unwilling to credit ancient people with no knowledge of soap's benefits with any special knowledge of the universe and our purpose.” -Kaimatai
EA Miller EA Miller God didn’t tell anyone to stay home during the coronavirus outbreak, medical science did that based on empirical research and testing.
EA Miller EA Miller Gods can’t solve your problems so get off your damn knees and do something about them!
Pat Simons Pat Simons Freedom of religion is never enough for the fanatic. The fanatic always believes his god has chosen him to make other people's personal choices for them.
Pat Simons Pat Simons I suspect the big time television preachers, in addition to being con-artists, are also the worst kind of atheists. There is simply no way they would want to face their maker and explain the lives they've lived.
Daniel Langdon Daniel Langdon Accepting that there is no god is only the start. For if there is no god, there is no heaven, hell, devil, angels, or demons. That is a lot for some people to accept
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
"God LIVETH!" sayeth the believer. "Then who GAVETH life to God?" asketh the cynic.
Enoch Author Enoch Author
Each truth we discover in life takes us a step farther from God. - Ralph Metusi
Pia Lynn Pia Lynn I chose not to hate and not to judge so religion is not welcome in my life.
Unknown If there's something there I cannot see
And this something claims to care for me
but would let me die without a thought
let children be raped and sold and bought
let masses die of vile disease
and disasters bring nations to their knees

If it exists to love and to protect
and demands our trust and our respect
our worship and our adoration
obedience and admiration
yet lets millions perish of starvation

If it demands our deference and praise
under threat of endless pain
and promises paradise for faith
yet ever fails to keep us safe

I'd offer up my soul for sale
and calmly take my place in hell
Daniel Schultz Science gave us planes: religion gave us 9/11
Jon A Isn't a day defined by the rotation of the Earth? To say that God created the Earth in seven days is like saying he created water whilst in taking a shower
George Carlin George Carlin I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
Travis K Doesn't it ever bother you when those who say, "If there is a god, he should kill me" don't die???
Unknown Being a Christian or being a Muslim means being different. Being a Human means being the same.
R.P.Boylan As we become some sohisticated we create more sophisticated demons, devils and gods. Religion is the closet where these boogeymen reside.
Kevin Quick If there is a God, he envies the Atheists who test drive their cars before they buy them.
Kevin "Faith is a moral failing" - George M. Felis
Ned Flanders Science is like a blabbermouth who ruins a movie by telling you how it ends! Well I say there are some things we don't want to know! Important things!
Sam Harris Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make when in the presence of religious dogma.
Fortune Cookie The more you know, the less you believe.
osirisnut osirisnut Atheists don't believe in your imaginary god, they also don't believe in satan, the imaginary enemy of your imaginary god. Do you know who believes in satan? christians and muslims.
EA Miller EA Miller Pope Francis now says that “access to truthful information on vaccines is a human right.” That's unexpected from an institution that once burned scientists. Now your eminence, let's talk about gun violence, voter suppression, gay rights, and a woman's choice to control her own body.
osirisnut osirisnut A catholic church was destroyed by fire after a lightning strike. The archdiocese claimed on their insurance, the insurance company refused to payout on the policy as it was deemed to have been an act of god. Oh, the irony.
Jed King Jed King There is no such thing as 'conditional' love, so, on your bike Jesus!
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EA Miller EA Miller Happy Winter Solstice fellow rational thinkers!
EA Miller EA Miller When human beings didn’t have the means to explain things, they invented gods. Today there is no excuse for such nonsense.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If religion actually made people better the effect would be self evident, and no one would ever have to make the claim for it.
ed m ed m Throughout all of recorded history, man has been a disposable commodity.
What does that say of god?
Jed King Jed King There is no such thing as 'conditional' love, so, on your bike Jesus!
EA Miller EA Miller More often than not, religion gives people the excuse to seriously abuse other people. Its bigoted, destructive nature knows no limits and is a very serious threat to us all.

osirisnut osirisnut There are a few different types of nun, those that prefer to use a condom, those that use the contraceptive pill, those that use the morning after pill, those that prefer the withdrawal method, those that prefer the rhythm method, and those that go the whole nine months culminating in a virgin birth.
osirisnut osirisnut A catholic church was destroyed by fire after a lightning strike. The archdiocese claimed on their insurance, the insurance company refused to payout on the policy as it was deemed to have been an act of god. Oh, the irony.
osirisnut osirisnut Pope innocent was guilty.
EA Miller EA Miller Pope Francis now says that “access to truthful information on vaccines is a human right.” That's unexpected from an institution that once burned scientists. Now your eminence, let's talk about gun violence, voter suppression, gay rights, and a woman's choice to control her own body.
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