top atheist quotes (total: 16023)

author atheist quote
osirisnut osirisnut If kids got raped by clowns as often as kids get raped by preachers, it would be against the law to take children to the circus. Dan Savage.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Why would a divine being endow the people he created with the gift of reason, then not provide the evidence reasonable people would need to fulfill his wishes? It's almost as if religion is founded on untestable myth.
Pat Simons Pat Simons I am forever amazed and horrified by the people who reject every religious teaching other than their own.
EA Miller EA Miller I have never found comfort in religion because I am not willing to embrace ignorance.

osirisnut osirisnut Religious leaders have to get rid of the absurd belief that they are superior to other people.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Anyone who puts their religiosity forward as something that qualifies them to hold public office, is not qualified for that office by definition.
EA Miller EA Miller Only in religion can a person claim something is "the truth" without having to provide any evidence whatsoever.
EA Miller EA Miller “Once you've convinced yourself that one dude got all the Earth's land animals onto a boat and floated around for 40 days, you've pretty much compromised your entire ability to reason.” -CTF
Pat Simons Pat Simons If the evangelicals stopped expecting the world to defer to their religiosity, they wouldn't feel so persecuted.
EA Miller EA Miller I will never embrace the ignorance and bigoted hatred that is religion.
osirisnut osirisnut "Religion is what happens when men want something they're not entitled to". A.A.I
osirisnut osirisnut It's a fact the Roman Catholic Church is a caring, compassionate, and loving church but only towards criminal priests, monks, and brutal bitches, aka nuns.
osirisnut osirisnut Catholics believe that they are blessed but in actual fact, they have been cursed, cursed to a life of servitude, and to make matters worse they have to pay the Catholic Church for the privilege of being cursed.
osirisnut osirisnut The Roman Catholic Church condemned other religions for having slaves whilst they themselves had slaves. The Church of England (Anglican Church) had slaves and made a fortune, individual bishops had their own slaves that made them wealthy. The British monarchy (head of the c of e) had three companies involved in the slave trade. The one thing that connects all of them is their holy book the bible. Because slavery is condoned in the bible. LEST WE FORGET.
Pat Simons Pat Simons I wish the owners of this site would take steps to stop commenters from spamming.
EA Miller EA Miller For those of you who “cherry-pick” your holy book to comfort you, just remember that much more wisdom can be gained from the rotten fruit.
EA Miller EA Miller Trying to “pray away a plague”, superstitious nonsense that could lead to wide-scale extinction.
EA Miller EA Miller Odd how Catholic priests, who likely never went on a first date, are somehow qualified to give marital advice on a regular basis.
osirisnut osirisnut The day will come when all of humanity will realize that religion is synonymous with evil.
EA Miller EA Miller Science is awesome. Too bad the goat-herders’ guide to the galaxy doesn’t contain any.
EA Miller EA Miller I will NEVER let ancient myth and superstition control my life when critical thinking and rational thought are SO much more satisfying.
EA Miller EA Miller Christian Parent: "If you misbehave and don't follow what Jesus taught us, you'll go to hell."

Atheist Parent: "In the real world, there are consequences to your actions and you need to aware of them."

I know which parent I would prefer!

Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
There's FAR more evidence to prove the non-existence of gods than there is evidence to prove that any god exists.

The absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
EA Miller EA Miller
Matthew 7:1 (KJV) "Judge not, that ye not be judged."

The religious are often quick to condemn or “pray for” atheists without ever considering asking them what they really want.
EA Miller EA Miller When science prevails, myth fades into the woodwork.
EA Miller EA Miller Why would an all-knowing god ask his flock to "be fruitful and multiply" when he should be well aware that the Earth has finite resources which better serve a smaller population?
EA Miller EA Miller “The difference between parents ‘educating’ & ‘indoctrinating’ kids: If they’re teaching you facts & teaching you to think for yourself, then they’re educating you. If they’re telling you to believe things without evidence & to reject facts & evidence, they’re indoctrinating you.”

-Reality Revolutions
EA Miller EA Miller Christians often claim that the bible is the “undeniable” word of god. Yet their book is filled with numerous contradictions and words that were obviously crafted by men of the Bronze Age to favor them specifically. Seems they don’t understand that the prefix “un” means “not”. The bible is quite deniable!
EA Miller EA Miller Why would a ‘perfect deity’ ever be unhappy or angry? Couldn’t it just think anything displeasing out of existence?
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible states:

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me…” (Exodus 20:3 KJV)

Who are these other gods? Thor? Ra? Zeus? Aphrodite? I need to know!
EA Miller EA Miller There is NO heaven or hell, just us humans with only one life to live in the best possible way we can manage in our given circumstance.
Younes el yadari Younes el yadari If one time , god shows up to me and proved me that all the religion stuff are true , i will certainly do one thing ! which is ; .. going to see a psychiatrist .
Clint Murphy If the bible is the good book I would hate to see the bad book.
Unknown There is no commandment that is simply "Thou shall not lie." At least the guys who made up God and the Bible weren't hypocrites in that sense.
Skip Bazile Question everything about religion and you will discover why others don't.
Charlie Chaplin By simple common sense I don't believe in God, in none
Voltaire Voltaire If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.
partikel taking the whole universe into account, atheism is what religion claims to be: old and widespread belief.
Will Rodgers They say that nothing is as inevitable as death and taxes, but death doesn't get worse every time congress meets
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
I choose to show more respect to the meekest human than to the most almighty of gods, for my fate may be in their human hands but never in his.

Baron von Knifty Ever notice this about religion: The bigger the hat the bigger the bullshit.

Friedrich Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.
Dr. Travis A. Erickson Organized religion is the ball and chain around the leg of science
Wilson Mizner I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.
EA Miller EA Miller Next time you hear someone say "That is the work of the devil" remind them: ...I make peace and create evil; I the lord do these things. Isaiah 45:7

Christians avoid that Bible passage like the plaque for good reason. They constantly condemn the devil (aka "The Enemy") yet also state that their god is omnipotent and omnipresent. This means that he not only knew what his creation would do ahead of time, but also that could have prevented it. Definitely not the sign of an all-loving god!
EA Miller EA Miller More often than not, religion gives people the excuse to seriously abuse other people. Its bigoted, destructive nature knows no limits and is a very serious threat to us all.

EA Miller EA Miller Happy Winter Solstice fellow rational thinkers!
osirisnut osirisnut Happy Yuletide everyone.
EA Miller EA Miller In life, I am guided by what is observable and testable rather than ridiculous ancient fairy-tales.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is child abuse. It denies children the chance to rationally examine the world around them and places them on the path to narrow-minded bigotry.
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author atheist quote
EA Miller EA Miller On a planet with limited resources, why would an all-knowing god command his people to be fruitful and multiply? Recommending smaller families and contraception seems much more rational.
EA Miller EA Miller This Thanksgiving I am grateful to all of the scientists, past and present, who were responsible for all of the potentially life-saving vaccines that are available to us today. *Note, no gods were involved in the creation of these vaccines, just tons of empirical data and testing for validity.
osirisnut osirisnut Religions are called faiths collectively because they believe something in absence of evidence - That's what it is! That's why it's called faith, otherwise, we'd call all religions evidence. But we don't for exactly that reason. Niel DeGrasse Tyson.
osirisnut osirisnut If kids got raped by clowns as often as kids get raped by preachers, it would be against the law to take children to the circus. Dan Savage.
osirisnut osirisnut There is no hatred quite like christian love. Stephen Harvie.
osirisnut osirisnut Religion sucks the life out of people trying to have a life, it's the bane of humanity.
EA Miller EA Miller Writers of the 3 Abrahamic religions that have seriously fucked the planet were… Barbaric ancient men who were xenophobic, homophobic, slave-approving, king-worshiping, mysogonists with no grasp of even basic science that had very specific self-serving agendas.

EA Miller EA Miller In life, I am guided by what is observable and testable rather than ridiculous ancient fairy-tales.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If you have to resort to quoting the Bible to make your point, it's a pretty good sign you can't think for yourself.
EA Miller EA Miller Right wing media in the United States and white evangelicals are perfectly intertwined with one another. Both support dangerous cult-like mentalities in which reality isn't even an after thought.
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