top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

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Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Someone just suggest to me that Atheism is a belief system. However, Science is also a belief system. So too are Geography, Mathematics and Languages. It's just a pity that the education establishment worldwide doesn't recognise Atheism and include it in school curricular.
EA Miller EA Miller Using god as an explanation for everything is just a lazy way of saying “I don’t like to do research. The ancient goat-herder myth book has all the answers I’ll ever need.”
EA Miller EA Miller It's 90 degrees in the shade in where did Noah get two penguins and two polar bears from?
Pat Simons Pat Simons Theists never have any difficulty spotting the flaws in other people's religion. What they have trouble with is realizing that their own beliefs aren't based on any more than the other guy's.
Daniel Langdon Daniel Langdon Did you ever notice that when a medical procedure is successful, people praise god. When it is not successful, they sue the doctor.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious folk often ask, "How can you deny the love of god?" Then I'll quote them something like this...

Numbers 31:17-18 The Holy Bible (KJV)

17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Atheism is a belief system, too.

We atheists believe in exercising common sense.

We believe in the scientific approach.

We believe in searching for the truth.

We believe in thinking outside the box.

We believe in not believing in magic, mysticism and the supernatural.

Finally. We believe in not allowing our children and our children's children to be bamboozled, fooled and ripped off by religious shysters, and our aim, our endeavour, is to do something about it.

Any objections?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Quoting passages from the holy scriptures as some sort of PROOF is as meaningless as quoting passages from any work of fiction as PROOF.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Science does not put forward ideas that carry with them the threat of eternal damnation if people reject them.
EA Miller EA Miller Evangelicals replace what is logical and reasonable with blind faith and irrational dogma. They poison the mind in every sense of the word!
EA Miller EA Miller A truly loving god indeed...

"Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property." Exodus 21:20-21
EA Miller EA Miller It’s immensely amusing for me to watch Christian apologists call out the crap in other people’s religions while not recognizing the total crap in their own.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
I can beat ANY god at ANYTHING. Apart from hiding.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Believers never seem to be even vaguely aware that the burden of proof rests entirely on them, and it is not up to the skeptic to disprove their untestable ideas.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Where there is the expectation of privilege, equality will be seen as persecution. This is why evangelicals cry 'persecution' when ever they are prevented from forcing their beliefs on others.
Enoch Author Enoch Author
The distinction between atheist and theist is not between right and wrong it is between sense and nonsense. - Ralph Metusi
Enoch Author Enoch Author
No one comes back from the dead. Ghosts and demons? They are born of mortal man as just another form of communication. . . - Enoch's Thread
Enoch Author Enoch Author
It's all a joke! Everything everybody ever valued or struggled for... it's all a monstrous, demented gag! ” The Joker, The Killing Joke
Enoch Author Enoch Author
Our lives are so brief and unimportant. The cosmos cares nothing for us. For what we've done; Had we wrought evil instead of good. Had I chosen to abuse the Apple instead of seal it away. None of it would have mattered. There is no counting. No reckoning. No final judgement. There is simply silence. And darkness. Utter and absolute...

-Altair, Assassins creed
Enoch Author Enoch Author
I think we are just insects, we live a bit and then die and that’s the lot. There’s no mercy in things. There’s not even a Great Beyond. There’s nothing.
• John Fowles, The Collector
lee branson lee branson DEFINITION OF IRONY

placing your hand on a book of lies and swear to tell the truth.
Ernest Hemingway All thinking men are atheists
House M.D. "If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people."
Clint Murphy There will be peace on earth when all the religious people finish killing eachother.
Clint Murphy Talking snakes, people living inside a large fish for days, all the animals alive today all on one boat, the dead coming back to life. Give me a fucking break!
Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins If you had been born in Middle-East would you still believe in Jesus?
sam if you wouldnt let a doctor who studied out of a 2000 year old medical book preform surgery on you, why let a priest reading out of a 2000 year old book tell you how to live your life
Jon A Every argument in history between science and religion has been won by science. When will they learn?
Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521) The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church.
Benjamin Franklin. The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason
Sigmund Freud The defense against childish helplessness is what lends its characteristic features to the adult's reaction to the helplessness which he has to acknowledge, a reaction which is precisely the formation of religion. The Future of an Illusion
thoth I was a Christian until I actually read the Bible.
Brandulph Apart from religion, money is required to wage war.
John C. Thornberry "I am proud to declare that I am one-hundred percent free of religious mind control. I am an Atheist."
Cathy Ladman All religions are basically guilt with different holidays
Blulu Most religions prophecy the end of the world and then consistently work together to ensure that these prophecies come true.
Ambrose Bierce Scriptures, n. The sacred books of our religion, as distinguished from the false and profane writings on which all other faiths are based.
Strop Religion is mass social engineering, because there is no patch for human stupidity
Eric Ambler For the skeptic there remains only one consolation: if there should be such a thing as superhuman law it is administered with subhuman inefficiency.
Martin Lee If God is a benevolent forgiving being, why do his follwers fear sin so readilly?
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey Science teaches you to open your eyes and appreciate the reality around you. Religion teaches you to close your eyes and cling to the fantasy within you.
Ernest Hemingway All thinking men are atheists.
THE_ANTI_GOD If god created it so that when we die, we go to a place of eternal bliss, why don't we go there in the first place?
Darren "Faith" means never having to think for yourself.
Ella Vanoise Ella Vanoise The Bible is the perfect word of God? WOW! I must go and read about how much he hates slavery, religious wars, rape and child abuse!
Baron von Knifty Open bible/closed mind. Enough said.

Denis Diderot Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
Baron von Knifty The worst hell is a mind controlled by religion.

Baron von Knifty Ask people to march for civil rights and they’ll pick up a sign.
Ask them to march for religion and they’ll pick up a sword.

unknown Atheism is evidence without certainty, religion is certainty without evidence.
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ed m ed m at the instant of eternity, man seemed destined for a sole purpose:to increase the overall entropy of the universe.
EA Miller EA Miller Other than the barbaric agenda of ancient men and complete lack of comprehending basic science, the Bible is evidence of absolutely nothing.
EA Miller EA Miller "Faith is the evidence of things unseen" just may be the most idiotic thing I hear pastors and priests say on a regular basis to their congregations of gullible followers.
EA Miller EA Miller "Did you know you have to read and interpret the Bible in a special way, otherwise all the violence and genocide and rape and racism and misogyny and immoral laws just sound like, well, violence and genocide and rape and racism and misogyny and immoral laws?"

-Michael Paulkovich
osirisnut osirisnut It's (C)ash wednesday, this is the time of year when the gullible Christians get dirt on their heads and for that privilage they get to put money into Catholic Churches begging bowl.
osirisnut osirisnut I wonder if any Christians have complained about finding a bone in their cracker.
osirisnut osirisnut The Roman Catholic Church has won the annual silly religious hat competition. Their silly fucking hat god will be so happy.
osirisnut osirisnut The day the first man put on a dress picked up beads and a bible and called himself a priest that same day a child was raped
osirisnut osirisnut The "GOP" are nuttier than a megachurch full of Christians.
Glenn Tant Glenn Tant This god is supposedly a “father” figure yet to accept me he had to plan and have carried out the beating, torture, and execution of his only son, apparently this should send a strong signal to me of how much he loves me.
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