top atheist quotes (total: 15978)
author |
atheist quote |
Sarah |
If you insulted his kid he would Beat you up but if you insulted His religion he would murder you Religion is the only cause of hatred in Our world. |
Unknown |
If no one told you about god, would you believe in him? |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
I feel I must apologise for the bad spells of WHETHER we've been having recently.
Me :) |
"So, you believe in God, and you think he is all mighty and powerful? What kind of a god would allow such horrors to be placed on Earth? Either 'God' isn't as powerful as you believe, or he is sadistic, and wants us to suffer. If it's the latter then why are we praising him?" |
Unknown |
“One of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding.â€
Samuel Clemens |
A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows |
Voltaire |
God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
Clint Murphy |
“One of the truly bad effects of religion is that it teaches us that it is a virtue to be satisfied with not understanding.†― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
Clint Murphy |
Those bastards are still hanging Christmas lights on power poles with my tax money but somehow I am oppressing them? |
Clint Murphy |
Ignorance and superstition is the real reason for the season. |
Unknown |
If belief in your god requires only faith, then you don't need logic, do you? |
thought of it on the spot |
The concept of death cannot be acutatley compared to being alive because death only can be processes by alive people. The moral is to not live as though you are dead. |
Mahatma Ghandi |
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. |
Optimist. |
Forget Doomsday and prepare to welcome the glorious New Year cheerfully and charitably. |
Evolved |
Where was the all powerful, all knowing god when the innocent children were being slaughtered at Sandy Hook elementary school? Maybe he was getting his rocks off perving on his servant paedophile priests and their favorite activity. |
Unknown |
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day -- Teach a man to fish and he'll be drunk at the lake every weekend. |
Sexy |
God is dumb. |
Baron von Knifty |
Excommunication is the same as being issued a restraining order against Tinker Bell.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
If it is to be believed that the world ends on December 21st, all the best brains and the deepest thinkers, will (according to the theists) be consigned to Hell and all the thickos who believe in a THEIR particular god will end up in a hell of their own choosing. |
Timothy pushor |
My mom told me to never believe in imaginary friends so why do they get to? |
Klaas |
There is no god but if there were one I would hunt him down and throw rocks in his face for being such a sadistic asshole...thats my two cents worth lets hear yours. |
Timmy g |
If people put as much effort in being humane and decent as they do religious wars it would be a far better world for everyone |
thereisawayjose |
"In god we trust ".... " trust but verify " |
ashok varma |
where knowledge spreads,god disappears. |
NoGods4Me |
Christians get their panties in a twist when we remind them that their holiday isn't the only one celebrated this time of year...and it isn't even the original "reason for the season"...the Winter Solstice is!! |
osirisnut |
The little charitable work the catholic church does is a smoke screen for all the evil it does. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
"Why not women bishops?" Frankie Boyle (The Sun) writes: "The Church of England have voted against female bishops. Opponents argue that this issue is a lot more complicated than it seems and they certainly don't have time to explain it to a lot of women. "I've done everything I can to campaign for women in the Church. Whenever I play chess I insist on making tiny breasts from Blu Tack and attaching them to my bishops. "Why not women bishops? If I'm to be told a fairy story, I'd prefer it to come from someone who looks like my mum." |
Quote from Facebook page |
So next time someone tells me they believe in God, I’ll say “Oh which one? Zeus? Hades? Jupiter? Mars? Odin? Thor? Krishna? Vishnu? Ra?…” If they say “Just God. I only believe in the one God,” I’ll point out that they are nearly as atheistic as me. I don’t believe in 2,870 gods, and they don’t believe in 2,869. (Ricky Gervais) |
Zecklaus |
Since with or without religion good people will still do good thing and bad people will still do bad thing, then what’s the point of having religion? Aren’t they needless? |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
ALL the holy books belong in La La Landfill. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
There is infinitely more chance that Earth has been visited by aliens in the past and infinitely more chance that aliens will visit Earth in the future than there is chance that gods and angels have visited Earth in the past or ever will in the future.
Does that make sense? |
osirisnut |
It should be written into law that no one should be indoctrinated into any faith until they have attained the age of sixteen and that it's done by there own free will. |
Aard Westermeyer |
Murdering Sabbath breakers,enforced adult circumsision,genocide,baby murder,ripping open pregnant women,kidnapping and rape,theft,senseless slaughter of livestock...the list of commands goes on..this Jehovah deity is one sick entity that no sane person can take seriously. So much for the bible being a moral guide! |
osirisnut |
The religious fraternities will be working themselves into a frenzy soon, praying season will be here again, it won't be long till christMYTH time. |
Alexis Sunstrider |
They tell me"prove me that God doesn't exist".I tell them the weakness of proving that something exists,automatically gives proof that it doesn't exist. |
osirisnut |
The most important part of the bible that has been omitted is the part that says. "Once upon a time long long ago". |
BrightlyEvolving |
Religion is the method by which man celebrates his ignorance |
osirisnut |
On the day before the largest hurricane hit land, the leader of the richest religion on earth offered a prayer. |
Unknown |
I wonder how many pedophile priests there have been that have been given the prestigious honor of being called a saint. |
Zecklaus |
Isn’t it irony the religious consider atheists the most untrustworthy people, and yet desperately attempting to muddy atheism as a religion? Are they implying that religions are vile entities? |
Vancoqt |
Death is the same like what is before life. You came into existence from nothing and will vanish to naught after you die. |
June VanDerMark |
The cutting free of the religious cults hasn't made me wise ... but then ... neither did religion.
Dickone |
Q: Who says god is true? A: The bible says god is true. Q: Who wrote the bible? A: God wrote the bible. Try the following……… Q: Who says the suspect is innocent? A: The statement says the suspect is innocent. Q: Who wrote the statement? A: The suspect wrote the statement.
Baron von Knifty |
Witchcraft: the use of spells and the invocation of spirits; one who uses a magical or bewitching influence or charm. Witchcraft is a sin against god. By definition your supposed jesus was a witch.
Travis Adams |
I like to compare Christianity to a high school rumor. Moses meets god. God tells him all this good stuff. And Moses tells everyone else what god told him. Everyone else tells more people and it goes ok for 2000 years. Now, I'm supposed to believe that humans, the people who can't get a story straight after six hours. Is supposed to keep the same story for 2000 years? No, I'm not without proof. |
Vandon J. Norton |
If i was told to beileve in something or die. I gladly say, "I believe in the Sun, Stars, Moon, and the Atom. Because I know even if I can't see them they've been proven to be existent" |
Atheist Sayings |
Q. How can you tell that god is man made? A. If he hates all the same people you do.
K |
Dear 'tom' there are more chances for Hubble telescope to find a man in the center of Black Hole with a torch finding circuit breaker than me praying for anything. |
Unknown |
If there were any evidence for god it wouldn't be called religion. |
Paballo Lennon Nhambiri |
Science began when men started being curious about what's really going on in the world around them.Religion started when men couldn't understand the world in which he lives in. |
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osirisnut |
If Jesus Christ is the answer, it must have been a stupid question. |
EA Miller |
There’s a reason it’s a lot easier to become a pastor than an astrophysicist. |
EA Miller |
Although the Apostle Paul seemed to know relatively nothing about the life and times of Jesus, he is still quoted often by priests and pastors as a legitimate source of proof for Christ’s existence. Something seems terribly amiss here! |
EA Miller |
Religion siphons one’s capacity to think logically. |
EA Miller |
“God†is a man-made concept. Therefore, all gods are fictional. |
Pat Simons |
When you weigh the range of possibilities in matters of faith against actual evidence, it should be obvious that what ever one chooses to believe is almost certainly wrong as a simple matter of probability, and there is no way to test anything. |
EA Miller |
The old saying “don’t believe everything you hear†seems especially pertinent when listening to people recite from any religious text. |
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) (admin) |
Gods don't have voices, that's why we have to SPEAK for them.
Gods don't have muscles, that's why we have to FIGHT for them.
Gods don't have brains, that's why we have to THINK for them. |
EA Miller |
The only good religion is an extinct religion. |
Pat Simons |
To all the theologians of the world I ask.......PROVE IT! Provide some testable evidence for your endless mental gymnastics that have motivated otherwise good people to kill, torture, and destroy in the name of what you dream up. |
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