top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

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Pat Simons Pat Simons Facts do not care whether you believe them or not. They're still facts regardless.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The Theist is quite willing to question the Atheist but will always baulk at questioning his own theism.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Alcohol never solved any problems! Then again, neither did religion. /s
Nikos Loxas Christians fight with guns. Muslims fight with explosives. Atheists fight with knowledge....
Andrew N No one would believe in God if they didn't have something to gain from Him.
Mark Twain Mark Twain A man is accepted into a church for what he believes and he is turned out for what he knows.
Allah Verpint Allah Verpint Today's headline:"Shia suicide bomber blows herself up and kills 40 Sunni pilgrims". Even when people are deluded about the same imaginary friends... they keep killing each other. Ain't religion great?
Geoff Mather The core of Christianity is this: It's an Iron Age Cult of Human Sacrifice. Any love, compassion, or gentleness tacked onto it is just natural humanity's attempt to conceal the hideousness of that sick horror.
Sigmund Freud Religion is an attempt to get control over the sensory world, in which we are placed, by means of the wish-world which we have developed inside us as a result of biological and psychological necessities. Moses and Monotheism / 1939
Martin Frick " ... But when it all comes around, I don't care about what you worship or not. I just think it is so typical and sad, that everytime Man doesn't understand something he imediately blames it all on God, Hare Krishna, Allah or some other ghost.
Bill Hicks You ever noticed how people who believe in Creationism look really unevolved? You ever noticed that? Eyes real close together, eyebrow ridges, big furry hands and feet. "I believe God created me in one day" Yeah, looks liked He rushed it.
Tommy J., 1814 The whole history of these books [old & new testament] is so defective and doubtful -- evidence that parts have proceeded from an extraordinary man; and that other parts are of the fabric of very inferior minds.
M. Flohr Praying to a rock yields the same results as praying to a deity.
EA Miller EA Miller White Christian nationalism is the greatest threat to the democratic nations of this world. They don't want "religious freedom" as they repeatedly proclaim. Instead, they want complete control of every aspect of an individual's life with absolutely no rebuttal from those individuals.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Of all the justifications humans have found for killing their fellow beings, none is more foolish or unforgivable than killing in the name of religion. Any religion.
osirisnut osirisnut Two nuns were walking around the nunnery and one said to the other, oh Christmas falls on a Friday this year. The other nun replied I hope it's not the thirteenth.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is directly responsible for the downfall of humanity happening right before our very eyes.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religious nut-jobs never have any trouble justifying their behavior, no matter how bad.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religions celebrate their martyrs. However, an idea is not rendered true just because someone was foolish enough to die for it.
Pat Simons Pat Simons After every great tragedy comes the question, 'Where was God?' Where indeed.
Pat Simons Pat Simons One of theism's core components is the effort to convince people they cannot make their own decisions.
osirisnut osirisnut Scientists have invented vaccines that protect us against covid 19 which's saving millions of lives. It would be wonderful if they could invent a vaccine that protects us from religions and thereby saving millions of lives.
EA Miller EA Miller Only a fool would give away a tithing (10% of one's income) because a church pastor proclaims it's god's will.
Unknown Using the bible to prove the bible is like using a comic book to prove batman..
Erik Religion tells people WHAT to think. Science teaches people HOW to think.
M.Schramm Those who support God, ultimately support war
James Adam and Eve Had Cain and Abel, Cain slew Abel. Adam,Eve,and Cain...I'd say Eve was pretty busy.
Woody Allen Woody Allen After all, there are worse things in life than death. If you've ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman, you know what I'm talking about.
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey So, according to the religious, you can only be good if you're scared of the consequences of being bad? Strange, I thought people were good because they care about each other?
Armand Salacrou The existence of a world without God seems to me less absurd than the presence of a God, existing in all his perfection, creating an imperfect man in order to make him run the risk of Hell
ed m ed m What elevates a cult to a religion? Being sanctioned by the state.
EA Miller EA Miller Creationists deeply fear rational thinking and science because these things combined can undo their little fantasy world without even much of an effort. That's why they attack education at every turn.
Pat Simons Pat Simons It is impossible to reconcile the never ending debate over the Bible with the claim it is the word of God.
osirisnut osirisnut The bible is not the most important book in the catholic church for priests and nuns, that position goes to the kamasutra.
osirisnut osirisnut WTF Bible verses... If the bride to be's virginity cannot be proven on the night of her wedding, then they shall bring her out to the door of her father's house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death. Deuteronomy: 20-21
ed m ed m Throughout all of recorded history, man has been a disposable commodity.
What does that say of god?
EA Miller EA Miller “The Bible is filled with God’s wisdom.” -all pastors, priests, and rabbis

Really? There’s no mention of DNA, atomic structure, or even the science behind making food and water safer to eat and drink. But ah it does give the cause of disease (demons) and warns how imposing iron chariots can be!
EA Miller EA Miller Religions would virtually vanish from the face of the Earth if children were allowed to think and discover things on their own, rather than be indoctrinated with superstition and anti-science beliefs taught as "truth" during the time that their young brains are still developing.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Authoritarian government and conservative Christianity......the original same-sex marriage.
EA Miller EA Miller In the Bible, Jesus says, "I and the father are one." In doing so, he is automatically responsible for all of the atrocities committed by God in the Old Testament.
EA Miller EA Miller If you're a religious whack-job who believes that the "laying of hands" on people cures them of illness, please stay the fuck out of my hospital.
EA Miller EA Miller Contrary to what Christian leaders claim, there is no such thing as having "spiritual authority" over anything. It's no coincidence that televangelists use their "spiritual authority" to clean out their followers' bank accounts.
EA Miller EA Miller Right now, shameless, hypocritical mega-church pastors are in hiding at home waiting for science to save them from the coronavirus while at the same time showing reruns of sermons on TV and asking for donations from their ridiculously gullible flocks.
EA Miller EA Miller Why is it that self-proclaimed "pro-lifers" only seem to care about fetuses and forced birth? Their "pro-life" agenda somehow ignores real pro-life issues such as gun control, universal healthcare, a livable wage for all, senseless wars, spousal abuse, incompetent leaders who endanger entire populations, and kids living in damn cages!
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion and morality do not automatically exclude each other, but they are very far from being the same thing.
EA Miller EA Miller "Depression is a sign of unbelief." -TV pastor Keith Moore (who obviously doesn't know shit about mental health).
The Invisible Man And the winner of the 2011 World Hide and Seek championships , for the 2011th year running , is Jesus !.. Jesus couldn't be here to accept his award , as he's already in training for 2012
Stephen Hawking Afterlife is a fairy tale for those afraid of the dark.
T.Z. Butler Science: trying to find the answers.
Religion: making them up.
Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins By all means be open minded, but don't be so open minded your brain falls out
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EA Miller EA Miller The Bible doesn't have a problem with rape, genocide, or even slavery, but does take issue with shell-fish and mixed fabrics.
osirisnut osirisnut Religious scientists( bless them )have discovered what christ did when he was overwhelmed by his followers. They said he would go for long walks on the sea of galilee.
osirisnut osirisnut Jesus saves and soon he will have saved enough to pay the bill for the last supper, including the tip.
osirisnut osirisnut It can be revealed what christ said before his ascension into heaven. He stood with his arms across his chest looked skywards and said beam me up, daddy.
EA Miller EA Miller A PhD in theology is essentially a degree in advanced fairy-tale. The word "doctor"(Dr.)should never be placed in front of people's names that possess such degrees because they exploit it convincing millions of gullible followers world-wide that they are actually bearers of some great wisdom.
EA Miller EA Miller White Christian nationalism is the greatest threat to the democratic nations of this world. They don't want "religious freedom" as they repeatedly proclaim. Instead, they want complete control of every aspect of an individual's life with absolutely no rebuttal from those individuals.
Pat Simons Pat Simons When the religious-right tries to remove books from school libraries, you can be absolutely certain the content of those books poses a far greater threat to religion, than to the children they're pretending to protect.
EA Miller EA Miller “What is a man? He’s just a collection of chemicals with delusions of grandeur.” -Ayn Rand
EA Miller EA Miller It's humorous that the very same televangelists that consistently attack science on their programs wouldn't even be on television (or the internet) without science technology. Their idiocy is astounding!
osirisnut osirisnut Christ, the man-made myth was tortured, crucified, and put to death, and on the day that it occurred the christians call it "GOOD".
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