top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

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Isaac Asimov Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for Atheism ever concieved.
Me Science has been chipping away at religion even since the church accepted that the world is not flat.
Godfrey Zoan Godfrey Zoan Don't ask "What is the meaning of life?". Just ask "Does life have to have a meaning in order for me to live it?"
mike lionheart faith is like a leash to a dog, it keeps the target from ever reaching tis true potential
Bill Hicks I love the Pope, I love seeing him in his Pope-Mobile, his three feet of bullet proof plexi-glass. That's faith in action folks! You know he's got God on his side.
Calliope Muse Calliope Muse After reading the bible, I have come to the conclusion that the god in their stories is an evil, sadistic, megalomaniacal monster. Why do theists insist upon worshiping such a creature, much less wanting to believe that it exists?
Anne Lamott You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey I told my children never to touch the fruit bowl. They were naughty and touched it though, so I threw them out in the middle of winter and cursed them to suffer horribly for the rest of their lives, and for all subsequent generations to suffer also. I forgave them by sending my newest child to them to be tortured and murdered. Am I a bit sick?
Baron von Knifty The only one more pathetic than a person on their knees praying for salvation is the other person telling them it's all true.

EA Miller EA Miller People that attack science and embrace religion are a special kind of stupid.
osirisnut osirisnut Jesus Christ only had the name Jesus the name Christ was the name of his donkey. Throws a different light on the phrase "Jesus fucking Christ".
EA Miller EA Miller A PhD in theology is essentially a degree in advanced fairy-tale. The word "doctor"(Dr.)should never be placed in front of people's names that possess such degrees because they exploit it convincing millions of gullible followers world-wide that they are actually bearers of some great wisdom.
osirisnut osirisnut Religious scientists( bless them )have discovered what christ did when he was overwhelmed by his followers. They said he would go for long walks on the sea of galilee.
EA Miller EA Miller “Theology is philosophy’s idiot cousin.” -David Paul
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible's need to serve up virgin daughters like property, stone gay men to death, and have well-defined rules for slavery doesn't bode well for equality among the masses or for an individual’s rights within a society.
EA Miller EA Miller If your religion determines your relationships, you are missing out on some exceptional human beings. My hope is that 2022 draws you away from a toxic belief systems and closer to actual humanity.
EA Miller EA Miller Is the Bible racist? "...the curse or mark of Cain for killing his brother was a darkening of his descendants' skin. Historically, many congregations in the U.S. pointed to this story of Cain as evidence that Black skin was created as a punishment." -Michael P.
EA Miller EA Miller Odd how billions of people around the world have prayed to a multitude of different "all-powerful" deities to stop the Coronavirus with absolutely no results. It's almost as if they're all make-believe!
Pat Simons Pat Simons Why do the terminally religious always assume they're entitled to a say in other people's personal decision making?
Pat Simons Pat Simons The people who would force religion into the public schools tend to become conspicuously less enthusiastic if the religion is going to be anything but their own.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious explanations:

For those who have given up on science and research
EA Miller EA Miller "It always amazes me when people assume that the religion their parents raised them in just happens to be the one true religion!"

-Linda Beatty
EA Miller EA Miller Freedom comes when one decides NOT to dedicate their entire life to religious myth.
Pat Simons Pat Simons I can forgive primitive peoples for believing the universe was made just for them. There is no possible excuse for such thinking today.
EA Miller EA Miller Many Christians believe that a stick (staff) Moses held was turned into a snake by god, yet completely deny that climate change is a real thing. We live in times when the sanity of religious folks seriously needs to be questioned.
EA Miller EA Miller Theists have given up on evidence based science in favor of mythical fantasy and the world is a train wreck because of it. Common sense and reality have been completely thrown out the window in their bizzaro world.
EA Miller EA Miller The bible myth is deeply ingrained in Christians' minds. As a result, all rational thought is lost. Not being able to refer to their imaginary friend to answer any question is unthinkable. Yet deep inside they know the truth. Otherwise funerals would be 'Going to Heaven' celebrations instead of such somber occasions.
EA Miller EA Miller Church:

When your spouse, friends, and in-laws don't make you feel quite guilty enough!
EA Miller EA Miller Religion:

When all rational, critical thinking is rejected and replaced with "God did it!"
Enoch Author Enoch Author
Maybe there is no Heaven. Or maybe this is all pure gibberish a product of the demented imagination of a lazy drunken hillbilly with a heart full of hate who has found a way to live out where the real winds blow, to sleep late, have fun, get wild, drink whisky, and drive fast on empty streets with nothing in mind except falling in love and not getting arrested . . . Res ipsa loquitur. Let the good times roll.

Hunter S. Thompson, Generation of Swine: Tales of Shame and Degradation in the '80's
Enoch Enoch's Author
As the creators of reality at the frontiers of human knowledge, Science and the occult have become one. Religion can either become irrelevant by continuing to distance itself from Science and magic, as it always has done, or face the truth and pay homage to the one true God, the God of Science. - Ralph Metusi
Esiah Zakite Worship none but Santa Claus... the only mythological figure who leaves evidence!
Unknown The only difference between god and adolph hitler, is that god is more proficient at genocide
EA Miller EA Miller Oddly, DNA isn't mentioned anywhere by the all-knowing god of the Bible. Nor is the structure of an atom, the cure for any disease, that stars are actually other suns, or even why basic hygiene (e.g., hand washing) is important.
EA Miller EA Miller "The most horrific crimes in history have been, and still are being executed in the name of Christianity (including Judaism) and Islam. Any Christian, or any theist, having the temerity to lecture atheists on morality, merely testifies to pitiable, harmful indoctrination. Morality precedes religion." -Impiety
EA Miller EA Miller "The Biblical god was written to be a petty, jealous, violent tyrant because it’s much easier to manipulate people when they’re fearful. Most people wouldn’t fear a reasonable, compassionate god. But a bully who’ll strike you down for picking up sticks on the Sabbath? Scary." -GL
ed m ed m You know what separates religion from superstition….yeah, me either.
ed m ed m Sadly, in today’s world, science falls prey to religion.
osirisnut osirisnut Men who join the priestcraft train for five years in priestcraft college after which they leave having learned nothing.
EA Miller EA Miller Why would an all-knowing, omnipresent god get massively upset every time human beings disappoint him? Does he somehow not see it coming?
EA Miller EA Miller Odd how so many more people survive illnesses now with medical science than when they just relied on prayer and superstition alone.
EA Miller EA Miller Wonder how many people who were starving to death in third world countries "gave their lives to Jesus" when some bible-thumping missionary gave them a bowl of protein slop to eat? Yet another sad example of indoctrinating very vulnerable people.

EA Miller EA Miller Today I listened to a TV priest say that if a woman is impregnated by a rapist, she is still "not permitted by God" to have an abortion. Catholicism is horrifying, misogynistic cult and needs to be disbanded.
EA Miller EA Miller Christian Colleges:

Once you start combining fairy-tale with science and history, you can no longer call yourself an educational institution!
osirisnut osirisnut Catholic priests talk a lot but say very little, and the little they do say is bullshit. They should practice a vow of silence instead of celibacy. Obviously celibacy doesn't work. Hey, preachers, leave them kids alone.
osirisnut osirisnut Man invented a god to pray to so that he could get forgiveness for the atrocities he has committed against humankind.
EA Miller EA Miller If the Bible is the “unwavering literal word of God” as many Christians claim, why does it require so much interpretation?
EA Miller EA Miller Religion:

The non-thinking man's attempt to explain the universe in spectacular failing fashion.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Creationists flail away at poor old Darwin with the idea that if the great man can just be discredited, they win by default. No, they don't. They have to prove their point too, and merely attacking Darwin doesn't do that.
Enoch Author Enoch Author
If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth...
- H.P. Lovecraft
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EA Miller EA Miller Next time you hear someone say "That is the work of the devil" remind them: ...I make peace and create evil; I the lord do these things. Isaiah 45:7

Christians avoid that Bible passage like the plaque for good reason. They constantly condemn the devil (aka "The Enemy") yet also state that their god is omnipotent and omnipresent. This means that he not only knew what his creation would do ahead of time, but also that could have prevented it. Definitely not the sign of an all-loving god!
osirisnut osirisnut Hitler and Stalin were pro-lifers and banned abortion, yet each of them murdered millions of people. I wonder which religion ( the roman catholic church ) inspired them.
osirisnut osirisnut Atheists don't believe in your imaginary god, they also don't believe in satan, the imaginary enemy of your imaginary god. Do you know who believes in satan? christians and muslims.
osirisnut osirisnut Rape in the bible is not a sex crime against a woman, but a property crime against a man. Now tell me again, how you get your morality from the bible. A.A.I
Pat Simons Pat Simons Of all the justifications humans have found for killing their fellow beings, none is more foolish or unforgivable than killing in the name of religion. Any religion.
EA Miller EA Miller If your religion determines your relationships, you are missing out on some exceptional human beings. My hope is that 2022 draws you away from a toxic belief systems and closer to actual humanity.
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible's need to serve up virgin daughters like property, stone gay men to death, and have well-defined rules for slavery doesn't bode well for equality among the masses or for an individual’s rights within a society.
EA Miller EA Miller “Theology is philosophy’s idiot cousin.” -David Paul
osirisnut osirisnut "Damn! I completely forgot TRash Wednesday!" and I so wanted to say something nice to the crazy christians on their special day.
EA Miller EA Miller "The Biblical god was written to be a petty, jealous, violent tyrant because it’s much easier to manipulate people when they’re fearful. Most people wouldn’t fear a reasonable, compassionate god. But a bully who’ll strike you down for picking up sticks on the Sabbath? Scary." -GL
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