top atheist quotes (total: 16020)

author atheist quote
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer The conventional, hopeful construction of "God" requires a clinical re-assessment. It is claimed he created this world of ruthless predation -- where most life forms must survive by eating others. He then appears to the top predator, and -- in return for reverence, obsequious praise, and undying devotion -- offers a compensatory escape -- paradisal and eternal -- from the unsavoury cauldron. No -- not just yet -- only when you are -- conveniently -- dead. The gullible murmur "saviour." The narrative says "psychopath." (Observation #1996)
EA Miller EA Miller The level of just how self-serving and morally bankrupt politicians are seems to be directly related to how often they mention god and quote religious texts on large media platforms.
EA Miller EA Miller People need shelter, food, water, science and empathy for other human beings. What they don’t need are propaganda-absorbing, religious crackpots telling them how to live their lives.
osirisnut osirisnut No theist satires the god he believes in and no atheist believes in the god he satires. Lord Byron
EA Miller EA Miller John 3:16:

“God so loved the world…”

…that he sent himself (remember, the myth book states that Jesus is God, the great “I am”) to sacrifice himself knowing full well that there would be no long-term repercussions and that he would soon be off to paradise to sit beside himself.

EA Miller EA Miller "Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus mention America. And nowhere in the Constitution does America mention Jesus." -B. Bowers

Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Belief in nonsense can be a powerful force. The lack of facts and logic requires an over-compensation in steely stubbornness and desperate determination. (Observation #1839)
Pat Simons Pat Simons What good thing has any member of the clergy ever done, that could have only been done by a member of the clergy?
Pat Simons Pat Simons The preachers are a protected class of social parasites. One of the things that disgusts me most about them is the way they come crawling out of the woodwork after every disaster, natural or man made, to explain god's motives to we lesser individuals. God's motives always have a remarkable similarity to the personal biases of what ever preacher is speaking at the moment.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion:

When one gives up entirely on thinking!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The very fact that many hundreds of gods and their religions have been well and truly consigned to history should give us hope that today's gods and their religions will - more than likely - follow suit in the near future.
EA Miller EA Miller Persons in powerful government positions who base their decisions on invisible gods in the sky are not of sound mind to be in such important positions. They often effect the lives of many rational thinking people in very adverse ways.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Nobody has all the answers -- but questions are essential. Nothing further will be discovered by those who find truth in fantasy -- and stop asking questions. (Observation #1471)
EA Miller EA Miller Reality frightens Christians because if they accepted it they would come to the inescapable conclusion that all living things are finite in their existence.
EA Miller EA Miller Ever notice the Bible is the only book that claims to be non-fiction and contains no references to back its claims?

A little basic math…

Zero + $1.00 = $1.00

Prayer + $1.00 also = $1.00

Curious that
EA Miller EA Miller God is sugar-free, fat-free, and has zero calories. Oxygen can also make this claim, but only ONE of these two things is real!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The only way a lie can prosper is if it's convincingly disguised as the truth.

Which makes one wonder how the BIGGEST lie ever got off the bloody ground.
EA Miller EA Miller God is NOT love…

Hosea 13:16 "They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open."
EA Miller EA Miller Religion was created to control and keep people subservient while cruelly reducing the value of certain groups of individuals and elevating the status of others who haven’t earned it.
EA Miller EA Miller Maybe it's just me, but I prefer to think for myself rather than let a fictional character dictate what I do with my life!
EA Miller EA Miller Funny how both sides (North and South) of the United States Civil War thought that God was on their side and yet only one side won.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
"The greatest minds are often the most open minds." ~Bill Flavel~

Very well said, Bill. Obviously that doesn't mean minds should be open to the obviously ridiculous.
EA Miller EA Miller “Religion is the millstone around our necks, dragging us into the past and giving authority to those who deserve it least.”

-Harry McMahon
EA Miller EA Miller “If a believer demands that I, as a nonbeliever, observe his taboos in the public domain, he is not asking for my respect, but for my submission.”

-Flemming Rose
EA Miller EA Miller If god is invisible, who’s to say that he’s not naked and watching you this very minute? Fictional characters really can be quite creepy!
EA Miller EA Miller “Forget Jesus. The stars died so you could be born.”

–Lawrence Krauss
EA Miller EA Miller “No one ever finds Jesus before being told about him. Odd that.”

-Adrian Briggs
EA Miller EA Miller "The Bible says..." IS NOT evidence of anything, except perhaps the gullibility of human beings.
Pat Simons Pat Simons The entirety of the human experience constitutes less than an eye-blink on the time scale of a universe that is unimaginably vast. It requires a towering conceit to conclude it was all made just for us, by a god whose existence can never be demonstrated.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If people actually thought about the things they have faith in, the world's religions would appear in about the same proportions everywhere. As it is, one's faith is almost entirely a product of geography.
EA Miller EA Miller If only you would revere and care for your fellow man as much as you do the fictitious guy in the sky…
The world would be one heck of a lot better place to live in.
Tolstoy Tolstoy
.. in every religion there are two main elements, one of deception, and one of devotion....Tolstoy

Unknown Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings.
unknown I've concluded that I am actually God.
I was praying last night and realized that I was talking to myself.
Anonymous You can be good without god
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Speaking as a realist, why should I put my trust in ANYONE who helps perpetuate lies?
Hugh Jedake Hugh Jedake Religion's only use for me now is as a source for profanity, thank fucking god for that!
Prof.Uri Nassol Prof.Uri Nassol Religion is the only subject where your ability to ignore the facts is seen as a positive virtue.
Gerry I have no desire to go to heaven, I am afraid of beiing the only one there.
Luis Bunuel (NOT Salvador Dali!) Thank God I'm an atheist.
John Kelly  Ireland John Kelly Ireland If sickness is Gods will, your recovery in his hands, then why go to a hospital?
Skewtski McDojo There is but one way to truly know if God exists, and that is to die. Is it not fitting, then, to see fanatical worshippers killing one another? In my eyes, this is their way of proving to the other whose God exists by sending them to greet Him with a bullet. Since we will all die anyway, whats the point of fighting?
Rosie O'Donald Extreme Christianity is like extreme Islam
Shaun Mason Shaun Mason Faith is the unflagging determination to remain ignorant in the face of any and all evidence that you're ignorant.
James Haught The U.S. has more churchgoing than any other major democracy and it reports much higher rates of murder, rape, robbery, shootings, stabbings, drug use, unwed pregnancy, and the like, as well as occasional tragedies such as those at Waco and Jonestown. There may be no link between the two conditions, but the saturation of religion has failed to prevent the severe crime level. Societies rife with fundamentalism and religious tribalism are prone to sectarian violence. In contrast, England, Scandinavia, Canada, Japan, and such lands have scant churchgoing, yet their people are more inclined to live peaceably, in accord with the social contract. The evidence seems clear: To find living conditions that are safe, decent, orderly, and 'civilized,' avoid places with intense religion.
Ayn Rand God... a being whose only definition is that he is beyond man's power to conceive.
Unknown Every human is born with only one god, their mother. Indoctrination and common sense, will determine the future of the child.
Gareth Hunt By the time the pope finished riding around Africa in his bullet-proof car wearing his gold-braided robes and telling AIDS victims not to use condoms, how many more African babies had starved to death?
Prof Uri Nassol The voodoo witch doctor is as sure of his beliefs as any Roman Catholic priest. He's just less likely to screw the choirboys.
Thomas S. Szasz If you talk to God, you are praying;
If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.

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EA Miller EA Miller A simple bar of soap is of much more use to me than of any god that was ever conceived.
EA Miller EA Miller People need shelter, food, water, science and empathy for other human beings. What they don’t need are propaganda-absorbing, religious crackpots telling them how to live their lives.
Pat Simons Pat Simons I am forever amazed and horrified by the people who reject every religious teaching other than their own.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If Jesus wants to talk to me, he's welcome to show up and do so any time he wants. In the meantime, I've no use for the people claiming to speak on his behalf. They speak with no consistent voice, and what Jesus wants is always identical to what the preacher doing the talking wants.
ed m ed m Sadly, in today’s world, science falls prey to religion.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Why would a divine being endow the people he created with the gift of reason, then not provide the evidence reasonable people would need to fulfill his wishes? It's almost as if religion is founded on untestable myth.
Sweet Candy Sweet Candy Want sex tonight? Write me here:
EA Miller EA Miller The level of just how self-serving and morally bankrupt politicians are seems to be directly related to how often they mention god and quote religious texts on large media platforms.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer The conventional, hopeful construction of "God" requires a clinical re-assessment. It is claimed he created this world of ruthless predation -- where most life forms must survive by eating others. He then appears to the top predator, and -- in return for reverence, obsequious praise, and undying devotion -- offers a compensatory escape -- paradisal and eternal -- from the unsavoury cauldron. No -- not just yet -- only when you are -- conveniently -- dead. The gullible murmur "saviour." The narrative says "psychopath." (Observation #1996)
Pat Simons Pat Simons One of the primary objectives of religion in the modern world seems to be conditioning people to accept the idea nothing comes ahead of corporate profit.
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