top atheist quotes (total: 16020)

author atheist quote
EA Miller EA Miller There are homophobic atheists in the world, but they certainly don't have a holy book which condemns a person's sexuality. That's the big difference. Atheists, on the whole, are much more acceptable of people’s life-style choices than religious people are.
Pat Simons Pat Simons No matter of science was ever resolved through a debate. In science, evidence and testability are the only things that matter.Therefore, when the creationist wants to debate evolution, they've already lost the argument. They're just too full of supernatural nonsense to realize it.
Pat Simons Pat Simons One man's heresy, is another man's self-evident truth. And around and around it goes. You'd think an all powerful god could have done a better job of getting his/her/its message out.
EA Miller EA Miller As an atheist, I am perfectly capable of peacefully co-existing with theists as long as they keep their religion out of public schools and government.
EA Miller EA Miller Believe in yourself, NOT invisible, non-verifiable gods!
EA Miller EA Miller Seems many of mankind’s atrocities are easily forgiven as long as they are committed in the name of the invisible sky god.
EA Miller EA Miller Theory of Evolution:

Based on over 150 years of data collection, documentation, and scientific research


Based on the study of fictional ancient writings and wishful thinking without a hint of scientific research
Enoch Author Enoch Author
One of the greatest tragedies in mankind's entire history may be that morality was hijacked by religion. • Arthur C. Clarke
Earl Lee People have a natural desire to believe. It is programmed in our genetics. How else do you explain, for example, the remarkable growth of the mormon church in the last 150 years. People can be made to believe anything, no matter how goofy it is.
Rick Reynolds I don't use the term 'miracle' lightly. I don't believe in God, or reincarnation, or destiny, or the Publishers' Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.
Bill Sheehan If God is omnipotent and all-good, then how could evil exist?
Enoch Author Enoch Author
If we exterminate ourselves as a species, and vaporize our beautiful world, the universe will not cry with us (a condition called the pathetic fallacy). No gods will intervene. It will just happen, and then the universe will go on. We will not be remembered. We will simply not be. • Vjay Prozak
Isaac Asimov Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.
Incontinentious Incontinentious Millions in the U.S.A. actually believe an invisible being made a universe 28 billion light years across in a few days, but still made Noah get millions of pairs of animals and insects into a huge boat? Seriously... we're fucked.
Alexander Loutsis To really be free, You need to be free in the mind
Mikhail Bakunin If God really existed, it would be necessary to abolish him.
Blulu Reply to yourall embarrassing: I (like many atheists) know the bible really well, probably better than you. It is a good read and contains some useful teachings that still apply. However, anyone who says they believe every word of it is either deceiving others or themselves. It contains so many contradictions, and things that nobody, not even you, honestly believes applies anymore. If you Google "bible contradictions" you will find over 1,000,000 entries. Some written by believers trying (and failing) to justify them and some written by atheists like me who know the bible well enough to know that it is very human written and flawed. Either "god's word" is true or isn't. If there is just one contradiction in it, this would be enough to discredit it as the foundation of any religion, but actually there are many, perhaps hundreds. Those who justify these contradictions ask us to believe that god changed his mind and his principles as the time progressed. How absurd is that? I'm sorry but what you accuse us of here really applies to you. It is believers who have to twist what they read into something that supports their views.

I will stop here, because I know I can never convince you when you are so determined to keep lying to yourself.
jstep religion is the problem not the solution
osirisnut osirisnut Associated Press. I deem deplorable the practice of so called surrogate motherhood, which represents a grave violation of dignity of the woman and child, based on the exploitation situations of the mothers material needs. Dope francis. As of going to press the virgin mary has not replied.
osirisnut osirisnut It is a "FACT" there indeed was a "LAST SUPPER" and thereafter it was called "DINNER".
osirisnut osirisnut WTF Bible verses... I, the lord, will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters. Jeremiah 19:9
EA Miller EA Miller This Thanksgiving I am grateful to all of the scientists, past and present, who were responsible for all of the potentially life-saving vaccines that are available to us today. *Note, no gods were involved in the creation of these vaccines, just tons of empirical data and testing for validity.
EA Miller EA Miller On a planet with limited resources, why would an all-knowing god command his people to be fruitful and multiply? Recommending smaller families and contraception seems much more rational.
Pat Simons Pat Simons One of the primary objectives of religion in the modern world seems to be conditioning people to accept the idea nothing comes ahead of corporate profit.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious folk can keep their “faith”. I much prefer reality.
EA Miller EA Miller Large or small, all religious organizations exhibit cult mentalities that attack reality and rationality for the sake of preserving their fragile belief systems.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If religion equals morality, then why aren't our prisons over-flowing with atheists? You'd think they would be.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Nothing excuses hate and intolerance quite like religion.
ed m ed m seems to me that prayer is nothing more than trying to strike a deal
EA Miller EA Miller Imagine someone literally hated your guts and wanted you dead simply because you don’t believe in their particular fairy-tale. Sadly, thanks to religion, you don’t have to imagine. Isn’t it time that humanity ditched its ancient violent mythology cults and lived for the betterment of everyone?
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion . . . both the original cure and the original disease.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Imagine the quality of the minds that would be attracted to Medicine, Law, and other professions if those fields only studied one book, hadn't had a new idea in centuries, and couldn't demonstrate the truth of anything they taught. And yet, the clergy expects to be deferred to.
EA Miller EA Miller Once you realize that all religion is a load of hogwash, you experience the world for the very first time.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is stupidity on steroids.
osirisnut osirisnut Trump the clown-in-chief of America is an outstanding Christian that Dope Francis will be so pleased to have as a role model for Christianity.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Look on the bright side. Those who believe there's an afterlife better than this one shouldn't be worrying.

EA Miller EA Miller Ever hear of a person burning, beheading, or flogging witches and possessed demons in the name of atheism? Me either. That would be religion!
osirisnut osirisnut On the fourth day, God created the SUN!. If God created the sun on the fourth day how the fuck had four days passed. Carl Sagan
Enoch Author Enoch Author
The foundational beliefs and assumptions of both the scientific method and religion are unchanging. From only one of them does an ever-perfected knowledge flow like clear water from a spring - Ralph Metusi
Enoch Author Enoch Author
Religion is an unchanging anachronistic description of truth conceived in pre-history. The scientific method is an unchanging modern process continually revising the description of the universe in a quest for absolute truth. - John Aubrey
EA Miller EA Miller TV Pastor Tony Evans: “Faith is evidence of things you can’t see.”

Me: “Nope, quite the opposite!”
EA Miller EA Miller A talking bush, a talking snake, a talking donkey, zombies, and the ridiculous Noah's Ark tale... At some point you just need to call BS!
EA Miller EA Miller Those who do not desire to understand the universe, and cannot wait for scientific investigation to find the answers, fill in the blanks with their “magical” god of choice and they are completely satisfied with this explanation.

In other words… Memorize myth as fact, ignore that which contradicts it, and give up entirely on critical thinking.
EA Miller EA Miller “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true. The other is to refuse what is true.”

-Soren Kierkegaard

Odd how that sounds like every religious person in the history of humankind.
EA Miller EA Miller If you truly “walk by faith” and not #science, perhaps you should have the GPS removed from your vehicle.
EA Miller EA Miller Believing in gods equates to giving up on reality.
EA Miller EA Miller If the Bible's "Revelation" is future prophesy, why are there no lasers?
EA Miller EA Miller I will never have "faith" in a god who favors very specific groups of people while vehemently discriminating against others.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The only GOOD religions are DEAD religions.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Just a thought, but, MAYBE, just like God, that snake DIDN'T actually SAY anything, it just wrote what it wanted to say on stone tablets.
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osirisnut osirisnut What the world needs now is a saviour to save planet Earth and gods need not apply.
EA Miller EA Miller Is the Bible racist? "...the curse or mark of Cain for killing his brother was a darkening of his descendants' skin. Historically, many congregations in the U.S. pointed to this story of Cain as evidence that Black skin was created as a punishment." -Michael P.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is directly responsible for the downfall of humanity happening right before our very eyes.
EA Miller EA Miller If you stop and really think for even a moment, you'll never consider religion as a valid viewpoint for anything ever again.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If Jesus was alive today, the last thing he'd be is a Christian.
EA Miller EA Miller “The Bible is filled with God’s wisdom.” -all pastors, priests, and rabbis

Really? There’s no mention of DNA, atomic structure, or even the science behind making food and water safer to eat and drink. But ah it does give the cause of disease (demons) and warns how imposing iron chariots can be!
robbie burns robbie burns History is replete with examples of "religious wars "- Can any one name a single war that was fought in the name of ATHEISM ??
EA Miller EA Miller DISEASES ERADICATED OR DECIMATED BY VACCINE: 1. Chickenpox 2. Diphtheria 3. Measles 4. Pertussis 5. Pneumococcal Infection 6. Polio 7. Tetanus 8. Typhoid 9. Yellow Fever 10. Smallpox

Pat Simons Pat Simons Jesus, if he ever existed, would have contributed more tangible good to the world had he simply taught the value of hand washing.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If Christianity contained an iota of demonstrable fact, there would not be this obsession with indoctrinating children on the part of believers.
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