top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

author atheist quote
EA Miller EA Miller "Jesus is the answer!"

Yes, but only if you give up on science, rational thinking, and reality itself.
ed m ed m at the instant of eternity, man seemed destined for a sole purpose:to increase the overall entropy of the universe.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer The development of varied, extraordinarily complex, conscious living creatures from inanimate matter is nothing less than miraculous. But there is nothing inherently moral about the process or the result. Most living creatures are caught up in a ruthless scheme of necessary murder -- and morality is a rather rare concept derived from the lives of a few of the most complex creatures who live in social groups. The great error of religion is to assume that what is miraculous must also be moral. It simply isn't. (Observation #1714)
EA Miller EA Miller Why would an all-powerful, perfect deity require constant praise to mollify its evidently deep insecurities?
osirisnut osirisnut The Earth will breathe a sigh of relief when a stone from the last church falls on the head of the last priest.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Gods are created for our purposes -- to do our bidding. They are used to terrify, to justify, and to explain. Consistency is not a requirement. Sometimes we expect a god to be a beneficent purveyor of egalitarian mercy -- a comforting emotional haven -- a refuge from the real world. That world, of course, is simply the outcome and embodiment of the evolutionary principles of ruthless competition and necessary murder -- it is the very world he is assumed to have knowingly created in the first place. (Observation #1857)
EA Miller EA Miller Christians: “I’m fighting for my religious freedom.”

What they’re saying in reality: “I’m fighting to inject my religious dogma into every aspect of society (e.g., government, schools, medical field) and I could give a royal fuck about anyone else’s beliefs!”
EA Miller EA Miller The Christian "Abeka" series of textbooks used in the United States are a joke. Their science books definitely don't teach actual science and often mention "God made" in them. Their history books give Biblical timelines, praise Republicans, and demonize Democrats. This type of brainwashing is child abuse and perpetuates ignorance.
osirisnut osirisnut WANTED FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. "GOD" and his two accomplices Jesus Christ (aka) "GOD" and the Holy Spook (aka) "GOD". If you see these three don't try to approach as they are extremely dangerous.
osirisnut osirisnut Science in a religious school. Teacher, what causes thunder? It's caused by God being angry with boys and girls that have sinned. Teacher, how are babies made? God makes all babies of course. Here endeth the lesson.
osirisnut osirisnut It's a fact all priests, monks and nuns are celibate. But in name only.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Age related: Talking of old age. I don't want to live 'til I'm a hundred. That is unless I get to the age of ninety-nine.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)

Scientology is an even worse contagious disease than Coronavirus.
EA Miller EA Miller The "free will" Christians claim their god gives them always baffles me. Telling people to either accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and repent or burn in hell forever is a threatening ultimatum, not free will in any respect!
EA Miller EA Miller Apparently, according to some pastors, I am experiencing a “faith failure” because I prefer to get my answers from scientific inquiry rather than their grand fairy-tale.
EA Miller EA Miller Of course having ashes smeared on your forehead isn’t part of some weird cult ritual! *wink*
osirisnut osirisnut If you hate gays because it says so in the bible that's not a reason to hate gays thats a reason to hate the bible.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Statistics show that non -believers stand as much chance of surviving disasters as believers.

That's gotta mean something.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious leaders have fought adamantly against education for centuries because education removes the childish need for superstitious beliefs.
EA Miller EA Miller Years ago in college, I took a blow off class "Understanding Fairy-Tale" as an elective during the summer when there weren't many courses available. I imagine that's pretty much the entire curriculum for a "theology student".
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
He who sees wrong being done and yet ignores it is also a wrongdoer.
EA Miller EA Miller Odd how church folks’ definition of truth is the complete opposite of what it actually means…

“The truth always overrides the facts.” -mega rich televangelist Joyce Meyer
osirisnut osirisnut The Bible, Quran and Torah religion for dummies.
EA Miller EA Miller Faith does not perform open-heart surgery. Faith does not feed the starving masses. Faith does not stop gun violence. Faith does not make climate change non-existent. What faith does do is breed false hope, divides people, causes bigotry and hatred, and puts a halt to critical thinking and analysis of the world.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Few people terrify me more than politicians whose world view is shaped by inflexible religious belief.
ed m ed m I'm an atheist. Personally, I don't care if you believe or not. Truth is indifferent to opinion.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If prayer worked, churches wouldn't need collection plates.
EA Miller EA Miller "Biblical Truth"

an oxymoron
EA Miller EA Miller It would appear that many priests and pastors fail to mention this before beginning the wedding ceremonies they preside over:

"A marriage shall only be considered valid if the wife is a Virgin, if the wife is not a Virgin she shall be Executed "

- Deuteronomy 22:13-21
EA Miller EA Miller When one religious group finds other religions dangerous while not taking a closer look at their own beliefs, we have a concrete example of true irony and hypocrisy.
EA Miller EA Miller To stomp all over someone’s civil rights and declare that it’s “god’s will” is a faulty premise as well as morally bankrupt.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Those who would break down the barriers between church and state always imagine their own religion holding sway and making the decisions for everyone. They should be imagining the sect they dislike most having control over their lives.
EA Miller EA Miller David killed Goliath with a sling and a stone; there was no sword in David’s hand. [1 Samuel 17:50)]

Then David ran and stood over Goliath; he grasped his sword, drew it out of its sheath, and killed him; then he cut off his head with it. [1 Samuel 17:51 ]

Killed again? And where did the sword come from? Oops!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Humans are older than gods as WE created THEM.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Few things afflict the human species more adversely than does absolute certainty regarding the supernatural.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Life is a lot like being a marble in a pinball machine. To get the most out of either we may require a nudge now and again.
EA Miller EA Miller Despite weekly gatherings and ridiculous amounts of prayer, mythological gods cannot magically solve any of the world’s problems. That would be up to ‘flesh and blood’ human beings.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
"Like all good believers I believe in resorting to using gobbledegook in defence of my belief." Said no believer EVER.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Morality has no need of Gods -- it is socially derived -- a clause in every social contract. There is no practical morality for the lone castaway on a desert island -- for he can neither be sinned against nor sinning. (Observation #1428)
EA Miller EA Miller God’s perfect plan?

I’m sure the thousands of impoverished people in the world, starving to death and just hoping for a bowl of protein slop once a day from some charity relief organization, really appreciate god’s perfect plan.
Pat Simons Pat Simons You often hear theists claim their god has spoken to them, but you never hear them say God told them they've gotten it all wrong and need to shut the hell up.
EA Miller EA Miller Having faith in things that are real is okay. I have faith the sun will rise in the morning. Having faith in invisible, magical, non-existent gods that favor specific groups of people is not okay.
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible is to science as a comic book is to serious literature.
EA Miller EA Miller An all-seeing, all-knowing, benevolent god would not allow thousands of people to suffer everyday world-wide and yet find the time to help you locate your lost car keys.
EA Miller EA Miller "There are things humans don't know about the universe, therefore my imaginary friend."

–Michael A. Sherlock
EA Miller EA Miller "Walking by faith and not by sight" is very convenient in that it doesn't require having to provide any evidence whatsoever. That certainly wasn't an accident on the writers' part. It's a doctrine founded on unquestioned belief with the purpose of controlling people.
EA Miller EA Miller No individual actually needs religion. People are simply convinced by others that they can’t do without it. Food, water, and shelter are real needs and no imaginary god can ever provide them.
EA Miller EA Miller I expect my prayers to be answered by an invisible sky god in much the same way that I expect my invisible butler Alfred to take care of the chores around the house.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Many believe that without God, there can be no morality. But without men, there can be no Gods. Gods are mere reflectors -- they mirror the moralities of men. (Observation # 1386)
EA Miller EA Miller Unlike mega-church pastors, atheists are not out to sell you anything. They are simply seeking truth over comforting lies.
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EA Miller EA Miller John 3:16:

“God so loved the world…”

…that he sent himself (remember, the myth book states that Jesus is God, the great “I am”) to sacrifice himself knowing full well that there would be no long-term repercussions and that he would soon be off to paradise to sit beside himself.

Pat Simons Pat Simons Religions celebrate their martyrs. However, an idea is not rendered true just because someone was foolish enough to die for it.
EA Miller EA Miller “Once you've convinced yourself that one dude got all the Earth's land animals onto a boat and floated around for 40 days, you've pretty much compromised your entire ability to reason.” -CTF
ed m ed m I’m not proud of being an atheist.
Not believing in something that’s patently absurd
doesn’t make me a genius.
EA Miller EA Miller Only in religion can a person claim something is "the truth" without having to provide any evidence whatsoever.
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible definitely isn't patriotic, nor is it democratic in any way. But it certainly lays out a lot of ground rules for slavery. On that note, ever notice how often priests and pastors routinely throw around the words "serve", "obey", and "submit"?
osirisnut osirisnut The Roman Catholic Criminal Church the clerics of which l would call evil but that's too nice a word for those Bastards.
osirisnut osirisnut There's the Roman Catholic Church, all the evidence that proves without a shadow of a doubt that no god has ever existed.
osirisnut osirisnut " l have no time to waste on this planet being told what to do by those who think that god has given them instructions." Christopher Hitchens
osirisnut osirisnut Dope francis has a new dope mobile that has personalized registration plates that read "Holyshit."
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