top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

author atheist quote
Nim Nim I have never seen religious faith move mountains, but I've seen what it can do to skyscrapers.
Unknown "Everyone is born an atheist."
Blaise Pascal Blaise Pascal One man suffering from a delusion is considered mad,
millions of people suffering from a delusion is called religion
Sam Harris George Bush says he speaks to god every day, and christians love him for it. If George Bush said he spoke to god through his hair dryer, they would think he was mad. I fail to see how the addition of a hair dryer makes it any more absurd.

(This quote is already in your list, but attributed to "Unknown")
unknowm Atheism is myth-understood.
Emily McGurk On the first day, man created God.
Butterfly McQueen As my ancestors are free from slavery, I am free from the slavery of religion.
UNK. ...and on the 6th day God created man in His own image. On the 7th day Man promptly returned the favor.
Carlos Mora Carlos Mora When I die I will come closer to God , or in other words , I won't exist anymore .
Richard Pryor The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit!
44th President of the United States He who says "The United States is a Christian nation founded upon Christian principles and beliefs" is woefully ignorant of history. The United States was founded by Deists, and the puritan settlers were but one class of immigrant groups a
Darren Not everyone is a believer in God, but we are all non-believers in one God or another. If the consequences for non-believers are an eternity in hell, then I can't wait to meet you, as we are ALL heading there.
Zecklaus In the same week, science safely dropped a human being from space while religion shot a 14 year old girl in the head for wanting to go to school.......
NoGods4Me Hitler was born a Catholic and was never excommunicated! His Nazis were Christians! What they did to the Jews was in the name of their biblical god! Christaholics can't seem to wrap there tiny little brains around the fact that Hitler was not an atheist.
Albert Einstein Albert Einstein If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
Bill Hicks Dinosaur fossils? God put those there to test our faith." Thank God I'm strapped in right now here man. I think God put you here to test my faith, Dude. You believe that? "Uh huh." Does that trouble anyone here? The idea that God.. might be...fuckin' with our heads? I have trouble sleeping with that knowledge. Some prankster God running around: "Hu hu ho. We will see who believes in me now, ha HA.
Greta X The mountain of evidence against religion can be contrasted with the tiny pile of sand in favor of it. A pile of sand just big enough to bury your head in.
Unknown Religious war = My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend.
Allah Verpint Allah Verpint Why fear death? It's a lot less scary than life!
Baron von Knifty Religion is exactly what you deserve when you let others do your thinking for you.

Carl Sagan Astronomer and Author We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers.
EA Miller EA Miller Seek knowledge or embrace religion. They are mutually exclusive and should never be confused with one another.
EA Miller EA Miller No all-knowing, all-powerful, omnipresent being would require very flawed, very diverse, very regionally influenced, human beings to spread its message.
EA Miller EA Miller Remember that speech in the Bible where Jesus wholeheartedly spoke out against human slavery? Neither do I, and don't even get me started on a "all loving" father who drowns everyone on Earth except for a floating zoo! The Bible does not teach morality, but just the opposite I fear.
Pat Simons Pat Simons When criticism of supernatural nonsense is prohibited, expect to find yourself ruled by supernatural nonsense.
osirisnut osirisnut Priests and other religious clerics are like ventriloquist dummies their lips move but it's their arseholes that do the talking.
osirisnut osirisnut The Roman Catholic Church in honor of their 1.2 billion followers past, present, and future is dedicating a holy day to them which will commence on April 1, 2021, and every year thereafter. Hallelujah.
Glenn Tant Glenn Tant This god is supposedly a “father” figure yet to accept me he had to plan and have carried out the beating, torture, and execution of his only son, apparently this should send a strong signal to me of how much he loves me.
osirisnut osirisnut I wonder if any Christians have complained about finding a bone in their cracker.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Stupidity, hate, and bigotry do not stop being what they are, just because they've been given a religious paint job.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Faith is the foundation stone of fanaticism. (Observation #1920)
Pat Simons Pat Simons When dealing with the clergy it pays to keep your expectations low, and your hand on your wallet.
EA Miller EA Miller If governments are giving money to religious schools, they are openly contributing to childhood indoctrination (child abuse).

Liverson  Mwandawiro Liverson Mwandawiro Life was good until the story of this beard man entered the scene.
EA Miller EA Miller If all religions advocate peace, then why aren’t their extremists extremely peaceful?
EA Miller EA Miller If an advanced being created all of humanity and wanted people to live in a specific way according to its directive, it certainly would be as clear and concise as possible with absolutely NO interpretation required. Yet there are interpretations a plenty in ALL religious texts.
EA Miller EA Miller The “Devil” (aka the enemy) in the Bible was supposedly created by a God who knew past, present, and future. In other words, God is literally responsible for anything terrible the Devil has ever done or will do. Put that in a pipe and smoke it Christians!
EA Miller EA Miller Science does not require indoctrination to survive.
EA Miller EA Miller Science does not require metaphor or nonsensical BS to explain things. That would be religion.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)

Did you know that life on the 4,500,000,000 year old Earth began around 3,800,000,000 years ago while Mankind as we know it didn't make it on Earth until around 1,000,000 years ago?

That means that our planet managed quite well without us for approximately 4,499,000,000 years and most of the life on Earth managed for 3,799,000,000 years without us interfering.

It also points to the fact that our planet will manage quite well without us should we all succumb to some dreadful disease of other 'calamity'.

Now what was this you were saying about our creation?
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)

I am a man of religious tolerance.

I can tolerate ANY religion, except for Islam, Scientology, Catholicism/Christianity, Judaism, Taoism, Sikhism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses and Zoroastrianism etc.

EA Miller EA Miller Obeying the will of an invisible being should be an immediate red flag telling a person that they are in dire need of psychiatric help.
EA Miller EA Miller Comment from Chris Stefanick (Catholic apologist):

“I believe people are atheists because they feel cursed and abandoned by God.”

Me: “You do know atheists don’t believe in a god, right?”
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Life in a nutshell. The past is gone, the present is going, the future will always be there.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious folk, how about a heaping helping of science and rational thought on Sundays rather than the mountain of fairy-tale garb you ingest every week? Certainly couldn’t hurt!
osirisnut osirisnut Donald Trump says he hasn't touched his face in weeks and is missing it. He's obviously getting his face confused with his arse.
EA Miller EA Miller For Lent, I think Catholics should give up “science denial” for 40 days. It might be tough, but it also could be enlightening!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
God is the puppet master and we are his puppets. Time to cut some strings.
EA Miller EA Miller “We have a chapter on atheists and other hostiles.”

-street evangelist speaking on “Life on the Rock”, a Catholic TV program

My guess is that anyone who doesn't buy his hogwash is a "hostile!"
EA Miller EA Miller If man is the greatest of all of god’s creations, then why would the Earth be a so much better place to live without him? The remaining animals would breathe fresher air, have seemingly endless resources, there would be no senseless wars, greed wouldn’t even be a thing, and what beautiful habitats they’d have!
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Pat Simons Pat Simons I'm beyond sick of preachers seizing upon every disaster, natural and otherwise, as proof positive they speak for the almighty and must be deferred to.
ed m ed m The way I look at life is you get on the carousel with your first conscious thought.
You step off at the instant of death.
You don’t actually get anywhere, after all, it’s a merry-go-round.
Purpose of life: enjoy the ride.
EA Miller EA Miller Trump is not in any way religious. The orange conman didn't give a rat's ass about white evangelicals until he realized what a pathetically easy mark they were.
EA Miller EA Miller Large or small, all religious organizations exhibit cult mentalities that attack reality and rationality for the sake of preserving their fragile belief systems.
osirisnut osirisnut It's a fact the Roman Catholic Church is a caring, compassionate, and loving church but only towards criminal priests, monks, and brutal bitches, aka nuns.
osirisnut osirisnut Scientists have invented vaccines that protect us against covid 19 which's saving millions of lives. It would be wonderful if they could invent a vaccine that protects us from religions and thereby saving millions of lives.
osirisnut osirisnut "Religion is what happens when men want something they're not entitled to". A.A.I
osirisnut osirisnut "Grown adults refusing to take medicines in favor of prayer is my favorite form of natural selection." Ricky Gervais
osirisnut osirisnut Has anyone noticed the uncanny similarities between religion and the square wheel? They are both fucking useless.
osirisnut osirisnut "No one can sit at the bed of a dying child and still believe in a god." Lord Byron
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