top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

author atheist quote
EA Miller EA Miller You should not be allowed to call yourself a “charitable organization” if you helping people involves indoctrinating them into your cult.
EA Miller EA Miller Per the Bible, God “created evil”, but why? Because even the poorest fictional writing often needs an antagonist to fight its imaginary hero!
EA Miller EA Miller If you reside within a narrow-mined belief system, you’ll never live up to your full potential.
EA Miller EA Miller The atrocities people commit in the name of their manufactured gods never cease to amaze me.
EA Miller EA Miller I can say with absolute certainty that a fictional god will NEVER be able to provide a single one of my needs no matter how powerful people claim it is in their holy fairy-tale book.
EA Miller EA Miller “Science doesn’t give a shit what you believe.”

-author unknown, but obviously a damn cool person
EA Miller EA Miller Very few things make me angrier than Christian relief organizations taking advantage of people in need by feeding them a bowl of protein slop while simultaneously shoving Jesus down their throats. Indoctrinating those who are easy prey is what they do best and is exactly how they keep their malignant cult alive.
EA Miller EA Miller The Bible, the “moral guide” that casually throws words around like submit, obey, and slavery.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer The atheist has no preconceptions -- he reads the text of the universe as it appears -- and there are no explanatory footnotes. It is the theist who proposes an explanation; thus, he must bear the burden of proof. That proof is invariably what somebody said a long time ago. (Observation #1749)
EA Miller EA Miller If your god needs defending by mere mortal human beings, it isn’t much of a god at all, now is it?
EA Miller EA Miller “God is a faithful, loyal friend that will always be there for you.”

-recent comment from a mega-church TV pastor

“Like he was for most of the living things on the planet that he drowned during the Noah’s Ark story?”

EA Miller EA Miller A Catholic TV host mentioned that social media is damaging children’s brains because they are not yet fully developed. Funny how Catholic and other religious factions seem to have no problem indoctrinating these very same children before they’re old enough to think for themselves.
EA Miller EA Miller Regarding Christians reading of the Bible:

It takes some artful cherry-picking and translation to turn that archaic horror story into anything remotely pleasant.
Pat Simons Pat Simons God may be fictional, but the damage done by believers is entirely real.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religion offers people an escape from a world that has been made worse than it has to be by religion.
EA Miller EA Miller Most atheist landlords I know would rent to a religious person as long as that person didn’t try to push religion on them. That being said, there’s a “snowball’s chance in hell” most religious landlords would knowingly rent to an atheist despite the circumstance.
EA Miller EA Miller The day that religion meets its demise is the day when humans can truly be humane for the first time.
osirisnut osirisnut Advice for the members of the priestcraft, pack up your dresses, silly fucking hats, crosses, beads, and your bullshit books and crawl back under the stones you have crawled out from under. And piss be with you all
Enoch Author Enoch Author
Believers are not dumb. They just have a command of thoroughly useless information (apologies to Bill Watterson)
EA Miller EA Miller According to Christians, if someone as vile as a serial killer accepts Jesus as his Lord and saviour and repents his sins, he will still get into heaven. Whereas an atheist who rescues multiple children from a burning building that doesn’t accept this goes to hell. Am I the only one who sees something seriously wrong here?
EA Miller EA Miller Most of the children I know could imagine a much better world than the one supposedly created by the God of the Bible. That should tell you all you need to know about religious beliefs.
EA Miller EA Miller Fictional gods are a nasty sort so the best part about them is that they don’t exist!
EA Miller EA Miller Why am I not religious? Because I have a functioning, non-indoctrinated brain still capable of rational thought.
EA Miller EA Miller Though I am quite fond of the invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster in the sky, I would NEVER allow fairy-tale or myth to influence the decisions I make in life!
EA Miller EA Miller In religion, people are often asked to “surrender” themselves to a deity. I choose NOT to surrender myself to ignorance.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is notorious for making a person feel overwhelmingly guilty when they’ve done absolutely NOTHING wrong.
EA Miller EA Miller When antiquated superstition is instrumental in determining the law of the land, there's ample reason for worry.
EA Miller EA Miller He found religion and simultaneously lost touch with reality.
EA Miller EA Miller “You are free to be a servant of God.”

-Rod Parsley, megachurch pastor & con-artist

I wonder if Rod realises the irony of this statement!
EA Miller EA Miller When a pastor claims the Bible is the “literal word of God” and later in the same sermon reads a Bible passage and states, “What I think the Bible is saying here…”, I can’t help but being amused by the hypocrisy!
EA Miller EA Miller Once upon a time, human beings knew nothing of science and created various gods to explain the things they didn’t understand. There is no excuse for such nonsense now!
EA Miller EA Miller Why does the “God of love” kill so many people in the Bible?
EA Miller EA Miller I think that most elementary school kids have a better grasp on reality than theologians do!
EA Miller EA Miller When asked about religion, a wise man once said, “No, thank you!”
EA Miller EA Miller Only through perpetual ignorance can religion remain a powerful force in the world.
EA Miller EA Miller Religious Person: “Respect my beliefs!” “Respect my beliefs!” “Respect my beliefs!”

Me: “No, not until you respect and stop trampling all over my non-belief.”
EA Miller EA Miller Andrew was a poetry bloke
And for a human being
An embarrassing joke
He believed in
Invisible beings in the sky
That guided his
Who, what, where and why
If only he had picked up
A science book
And never gave mythology
A serious look

Atheist poetry by EA Miller
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
A FB friend writes:

"Belief in a spiritual realm of some type has been around for many thousands of years. I can not see it disappearing anytime soon."

I write:

"The human race managed perfectly well without gods for maybe a million years before our imagination took us to another level.

"Maybe it IS possible to reverse the human situation by using our imagination more positively."
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Heaven is just like any other travel company. You have to book it, pay for it well in advance and then HOPE that all goes well during your flight and your stay. Have a nice trip.
EA Miller EA Miller To balance out the ignorance of superstition with intellect and critical thinking, I think a library should be built for every new church erected.
EA Miller EA Miller Matthew 7:1 (KJV)

"Judge not, that ye not be judged."

The religious are often quick to condemn or “pray for” atheists without ever considering asking them what they really want.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If there was some definitive argument proving the existence of god, you would be hearing that argument from every theologian on the planet. As it stands, we have approximately as many arguments for god's existence as we do theologians.
EA Miller EA Miller Mythological characters do not have the capacity to love or hate, show equality or bigotry, or exhibit generosity or greed until man first uses his pen to breathe life into them.
EA Miller EA Miller Bible study groups think that they are having meaning and intelligent discussions when in actuality all they are doing is reinforcing superstition while turning a blind eye to science.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Where knowledge enters, ignorance departs.
EA Miller EA Miller Every day I’m exceedingly grateful that I don’t let myth and superstition determine the course of my life.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Those who push religion have been deceiving folk for THOUSANDS of years. It HAS to stop!
Pat Simons Pat Simons The more I contemplate the unimaginable vastness and complexity of the universe, the more absurd man's puny little religions become.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Faith. I believe every word written in the holy books . . . . . . was authored by Man.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
I have this feeling that ALL gods have been faked. Anyone else feel the same?
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Kitalia Jones Kitalia Jones We atheist don't waste our lives waiting for a non existent afterlife.... We atheist actually love life and try to enjoy it as much as possible because we know that it's the only life we have.... It's you theists who hate life because you waste it away waiting on a fake afterlife that you're never going to get....
EA Miller EA Miller Jesus was a composite character created from attributes of much older fictional characters. Happy Easter!
Pat Simons Pat Simons When criticism of supernatural nonsense is prohibited, expect to find yourself ruled by supernatural nonsense.
EA Miller EA Miller Oddly, I don't recall the Bible ever mentioning atoms, DNA, anatomy, astrophysics, archeology or anything else that requires knowledge of science and/or advanced mathematics. It's almost as if ancient barbaric men with little education wrote the "word of god" to suit themselves.
Simple Boy Simple Boy Sorry but your erroneous beliefs didn't, doesn't and will never interfere with the great universal order... continuing holding unto them will be a catalyst for self destruction.
EA Miller EA Miller I would love to replace all of the guns current NRA members claim are their "God given 2nd Amendment right to own" and replace them with the pea-shooters the Founding Fathers actually possessed when they wrote the amendment.
Kitalia Jones Kitalia Jones God is nothing more than an imaginary father figure for weak minded idiots who can't deal with reality and the concept of death.
EA Miller EA Miller "Nowhere in the Bible does Jesus mention America. And nowhere in the Constitution does America mention Jesus." -B. Bowers

EA Miller EA Miller Help other human beings in need for the sake of humanity, not as a guise for indoctrinating vulnerable people.
EA Miller EA Miller The irony with the "devil made me do it defense" is that the Christian god actually created this horrific character in the first place. The very same god who is supposedly omnipresent and knew damn well what the devil was going to do from the moment he created him.
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