top atheist quotes (total: 16024)

author atheist quote
EA Miller EA Miller Those that deny others love for religious reasons do not understand the concept of love. God is not love. Love is love. Plain and simple. I have no doubt that primitive people living 10,000 years ago never heard of your choice of gods and yet still ‘loved’ one another.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Humans are conditioned to believe they need religion, because it's something that saves the clergy from having to seek honest work.
EA Miller EA Miller Funny how many atheists are able to judge a person by their character (not sexual orientation, cultural beliefs, or color of their skin) and the ‘perfect’ Christian almighty god does not possess this ability. Seems like a pretty dim, narrow-minded deity to me!
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
The Islamic 72 virgins promise is asking a bit much. Maybe it was originally 72 vaginas and got taken out of context.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Muslims don't have to PRAY five times a day, they have to be BRAINWASHED five times a day. Not a lot of people know that.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Heads up! Be careful when using the word CULTS in describing the religious 'cos it's very easy to make a Freudian slip.
Pat Simons Pat Simons We humans are hard wired to try and make sense of our surroundings. It's part of our survival strategy as a species. Unfortunately, when we don't have good explanations for things we tend to start making things up. Then comes religion followed by orthodoxy, and that's where we get in trouble.
Pat Simons Pat Simons If there was some definitive argument demonstrating the existence of god, we would be hearing that argument from every theologian on the planet. As it stands, we have approximately as many arguments for god's existence as we do theologians.
EA Miller EA Miller Why is the Abrahamic god so hell bent on making people servants?

It’s almost as if he was created by men living in a feudal society.
EA Miller EA Miller “I’d rather have a mind opened by wonder than closed by belief.”

-Linda Beatty
EA Miller EA Miller “In the past week I've seen an 'Are You Saved?' car magnet, a woman wearing a 'Jesus Loves this Hot Mess' shirt, a 'Honk for Jesus' sign, been invited to church, offered a free bible & heard plenty of religious platitudes yet atheists are the ones who are told to be quiet?”

-Jessica Espaniol
EA Miller EA Miller True morality comes from compassionate, caring human beings not fictional gods.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)

I find it rather unfair that the theists can insult MY intelligence but I cannot insult THEIRS as they appear bereft of any.
EA Miller EA Miller I often hear Christian pastors say that God speaks to us in a “still small voice.”

My thoughts on this…

Wouldn’t a solid 4G network do a much better job in getting “his message” out to clear things up and avoid any confusion?
EA Miller EA Miller “Anybody who tells you they’re living a good life and everything is fine and has rejected Jesus Christ as their personal Savior is either ignorant or living in sin and totally blinded by it.”

-Charles Stanley (mega-church pastor and denier of scientific fact)
EA Miller EA Miller Questions Christians should ponder…

Isn’t it odd that the apostle Paul knew almost nothing about the life and times of Jesus and that Revelation (future Biblical prophecy) doesn't mention anything 'futuristic' like planes, missiles, satellites, or electricity? And why no contemporaneous history of Moses or Jesus?
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer Perfection is incompatible with change; there is a certain prudent practicality -- or unacknowledged irony -- in the religious notion that you have to be dead to experience it.(Observation #1341)
Novah Waijaha Novah Waijaha "pray and you will be given" the greatest lie in the history of mankind nothing comes out of the blue unless you create it
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
And the Lord said to his brainwashed followers: "Come. Let us prey."
EA Miller EA Miller As a youth my family practiced Catholicism. Last year I stepped into a Catholic church just out of curiosity. After the very cult-like one hour mass, I honestly felt like the only sane person in the entire building and couldn't wait to get the heck out of there!
Daniel Langdon Daniel Langdon The best advice I ever received came from my High School Physics teacher. "Question Everything".
Pat Simons Pat Simons Of all the many sins religions would punish, none is more grievous than free and independent thinking.
Pat Simons Pat Simons My challenge to all the world's theologians is this; For the sake of humanity, get your story straight! Until you can get everyone on the same page, and provide some testable evidence for your claims, you need to butt out of human affairs. Come back when you've reached agreement, and not a minute sooner.
EA Miller EA Miller The next time someone says “I’ll pray for you”, respond by saying “And I shall seek the great wizard Gandalf about assisting you.” Then promptly take a pic of their facial expression!
EA Miller EA Miller Religion does not foster togetherness and love. Rather, it fosters hate, narrow-mindedness, and division.
EA Miller EA Miller I think, therefore... I am not religious!
osirisnut osirisnut Religion = money, money = power, power = domination. If you are told what to do, what to say and when to say it then you have been dominated, does this sound familiar. Will everyone stand, make the sign of the cross and repeat after me. In the name of the father etc.etc. If you identify yourself as doing this then you have been dominated.
Captain My admission to Atheism is not an invitation for you to "save" me but a request that you keep your bullshit to yourself !
Unknown To Most Christians, the Bible is like a software license. Nobody actually reads it. They just scroll to the bottom and click "I agree."
Jon A If all non-Christians (or non-members of any particular religion) go to hell, hell must be populated by children under five, if we consider deaths in the third world.
Prof Uri Nassol Prof Uri Nassol As our knowledge of the universe expands the usefulness of our religions shrink.
Jack Pritchard Why is America full of Christians, the Middle East full of Muslims, India full of Hindus and Ireland full of Catholics? Because as children they were told what to believe.
Jon Who's to say that the Bible isn't a fictional story? It's changed over years, just like a legend passed down generations.
Walt Fristoe Only those with weak faith feel threatened by those with no faith.
Satyanveshi . Satyanveshi . God is a hook on which human beings hang their fears and insecurities.
Brian Moral and ethical fiber without purpose is better than a criminal who attends church.
Younes el yadari Younes el yadari An Atheist ; Fuck god , fuck religion
A religious person : what ? come again ?
An Atheist ; well , you know ... , not yours , it's the ones which are wrong !!
RICHARD DAWKINS RICHARD DAWKINS Without religion, evil people would do evil things and good people would do good things. It is only with religion that good people do evil things.
Walter Fernandez "God works in mysterious ways" is code for God doesn't know what the fuck his doing.
Gregor Kilian Atheism is not a religion.
It is a personal relationship with reality
Josh Thomas (Australian Comedian) A Christian threatening an atheist with hell is like a hippy threatening to punch my aura!
Carl Sagan Carl Sagan If by "god" one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a god. This god is emotionally does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity.
Ambrose Bierce "Ocean: body of water occupying two-thirds of a world "made for man" ......- who has no gills."
Unknown Of course the ways of god are mysterious. Trying to figure out what someone who doesn't exist is trying to do has nothing to do with faith, only ignorance.
Jenny Guy There's only one thing standing in the way of me having a relationship with God; His existence.
David Powers Belief in God means never having to ask why.
Thomas Harris We take comfort in knowing that there is no god. That you are not enslaved in heaven, made to kiss god's ass forever. What you have is better than paradise, you have blessed oblivion.
EA Miller EA Miller Christian: People are starving, I will pray for them.

Atheist: Have you thought about feeding them?

EA Miller EA Miller Trump is not in any way religious. The orange conman didn't give a rat's ass about white evangelicals until he realized what a pathetically easy mark they were.
EA Miller EA Miller The irony with the "devil made me do it defense" is that the Christian god actually created this horrific character in the first place. The very same god who is supposedly omnipresent and knew damn well what the devil was going to do from the moment he created him.
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EA Miller EA Miller "A religious person is a dangerous person. He may not become a thief or a murderer, but he is liable to become a nuisance. He carries with him many foolish and harmful superstitions, and he is possessed with the notion that it is his duty to give these superstitions to others."

-Marilla Ricker (1917)
Pat Simons Pat Simons I think the strongest evidence against God is that his existence has to be debated.
osirisnut osirisnut The Roman Catholic Church in honor of their 1.2 billion followers past, present, and future is dedicating a holy day to them which will commence on April 1, 2021, and every year thereafter. Hallelujah.
osirisnut osirisnut Priests and other religious clerics are like ventriloquist dummies their lips move but it's their arseholes that do the talking.
osirisnut osirisnut Three nuns walked into a stone church, you'd have thought one of them would have used the door.
osirisnut osirisnut Theists are that dumb you'd think their heads were there just for decoration.
EA Miller EA Miller Listening to megachurch pastors condemning "vanity" while simultaneously bragging about the millions of followers they have is fucking hilarious.
osirisnut osirisnut BREAKING NEWS...Dope Francis, Donald (J)ackass Trump, and Mike (The Spook) Spence are being nominated for the Bellend Piss Prize 2021.
osirisnut osirisnut There are Muslim parents demonstrating outside of a school because of a cartoon. I sincerely hope their children turn out to be better educated than their parents.
EA Miller EA Miller Ancient superstitious beliefs have never solved a single problem in this world, but they sure have created a shitload of them.
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