top atheist quotes (total: 16023)

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EA Miller EA Miller God was so pissed at his creation that he decided to murder nearly everyone on the planet (Noah’s Ark tale). But hey, he loves you unconditionally.
Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis) Anthony W. Allsop (Genesis)
Just remember this: God and Jesus are as real as Batman and Robin.
EA Miller EA Miller I often hear pastors tell their followers that they "must grow in Jesus." And I wonder, how is immersing oneself in 'myth as truth' growing?
EA Miller EA Miller The smallest act of kindness trumps any amount of prayer.
EA Miller EA Miller The Titanic was a much larger ship than Noah's Ark yet somehow its maximum storage capacity was far less. Curious.
EA Miller EA Miller What do you think a starving child would prefer, a meal or a thousand thoughts and prayers? Personally after just missing breakfast I know which one I’d rather have!
EA Miller EA Miller I find it especially interesting that there is no physical description of Jesus in the Bible nor accounts of the first 30 years of his life, hallmarks of an underdeveloped fictional character.
Dr. Idel Dreimer Dr. Idel Dreimer The atheist cannot prove that "God" does not exist -- but why should he have to? Surely it is up to those who insist that we respect God's infinite wisdom and perfect knowledge to perform the minimal comforting courtesy -- to make the token nod to reason -- by proving -- first -- that he does exist. (Observation #1379)
EA Miller EA Miller Planting (donating) a $1,000 seed in the name of god by request of a mega-church pastor has the same chance of blossoming into something larger as an actual seed watered with gasoline!
EA Miller EA Miller "Dear people citing The Bible: It’s a cool book with some wonderful passages but it also has ghost sex & giants & super babies & demons. It’s why we don’t make laws based on Game of Thrones, My Little Pony or Legend of Zelda."

-Patton Oswalt
EA Miller EA Miller Blessed are they who suspend judgment until there is good evidence for a synthetic proposition.
EA Miller EA Miller I thought it over and do you know what I find appealing about religion? Absolutely nothing!
EA Miller EA Miller Nothing is more threatening to the survival of the human race than weaponized religion.
EA Miller EA Miller The god of the old testament thought that "iron chariots" were formidable. Yet another proof that ancient men were the authors of the bible and not some supreme being.
EA Miller EA Miller “Primitive stupidity is responsible for superstition, bigotry, misogyny, and homophobia; but it is religion that codified these things and remains the greatest impediment to moral progress.”

EA Miller EA Miller Religion:

When thinking isn’t your thing and joining a cult sounds appealing.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is a disease. Kept in check, it does minimal damage. Unleashed, it could destroy the world.
EA Miller EA Miller You can either believe thousands of years of religious myth or thousands of years of scientific progress. You can’t have it both ways.
EA Miller EA Miller Some people like to go to church. Others prefer thinking.
EA Miller EA Miller If Christians truly believe that heaven exists and is a beautiful, wonderful, perfect place, then why do they mourn loved ones at funerals? Shouldn't they be happy for them and be celebrating instead?
EA Miller EA Miller A day may come when the survival of the human race could very well depend upon whether the majority of the inhabitants of this planet can differentiate between myth and reality.
EA Miller EA Miller Pastor: “You must serve and obey Jesus to experience true freedom.”

There is NO freedom in being BOUND to a religion.
EA Miller EA Miller Why does the “literal” word of God so often need interpretation?
EA Miller EA Miller Many Christians believe in the seven-headed beast in Revelation (bible future prophecy), but not climate change. And they want to insert their beliefs in public schools’ science books? Church and State must remain separate. Fantasy and reality must be recognized as such.
EA Miller EA Miller Christians, let me make a suggestion for you to do an actual kind act on Sunday rather than attend a church full of hypocrites...

Find an elderly person living alone who struggles to get around. Make or bring them a nice meal. Help clean up their place a bit. Engage in warm conversation. It will make both you and the person you're helping much happier than if you had decided to go to church.

Richard Dawkins Richard Dawkins Gravity is just a theory too, anyone who doubts it is welcomed to jump out of a ten story window.
Mike Stacey People killed in the bible by god: 2,476,633+.
People killed in the bible by satan: 10.
Vincent C Please read the bible. We need more atheist !
Quote from facebook page Benjamin Disraeli
Where knowledge ends, religion begins.
Ricky Gervais If there is a god, how come he made me an atheist?
Jon A If I believe that an invisible goblin lives in my fridge you may rightly suspect that I am psychotic. If however I hold the view that Jesus is a piece of bread that lives in a box at the back of a church you merely conclude that I am a Roman Catholic.
some guy My teachers and parents always tell me not to believe everything i hear and read, which is probably why i'm an atheist.
Alan Harvey Alan Harvey If religion is the opium of the masses, atheism is rehab.
Baron von Knifty Why doesn't god ever speak to an Atheist? After all, you'd think he would be hounding the non-believers the most.

Dictionary Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel.
Marie S. Marie S. I have no need for religion, I have a conscience.
Thomas If there was a God, surely he'd stop messin' us about, and tell us!
Bob Allen A belief is an idea around which we close our minds
lord_chefren Creationism, stupidity in a brand new package.
David J. Constable Fundamentalism, of any type, due to its prerequisite lack of intelligent thought, could prove to be the worst weapon of mass destruction, of all.
EA Miller EA Miller Denying science in the age of new exploration and discovery to embrace antiquated religious beliefs is the pinnacle of human arrogance and ignorance.
EA Miller EA Miller If any religion had the “one true god” that the Abrahamic religions so vehemently decry exists, why wouldn’t he just talk to the entire world in whatever their regional dialect is and clear everything up?

But alas... *crickets* as usual because all gods are imaginary
EA Miller EA Miller Kill religion, save humanity!
ed m ed m As an atheist, I’ve never believed in god. I had always believed that man had created god as a means of controlling the masses, either through internal (religious) or external (governmental) means. Sometimes incorporating both in the same person e.g. a pharaoh. It has recently occurred to me another explanation; so that we wouldn’t be alone in the universe.
Now if one flips that logic around, isn’t it equally possible that god created us for the same reason?
Pat Simons Pat Simons One of the mainstays of theology is debating hypothetical outcomes involving things that have never been demonstrated to exist.
EA Miller EA Miller When human beings didn’t have the means to explain things, they invented gods. Today there is no excuse for such nonsense.
EA Miller EA Miller According to the Bible, God created the ultimate bad guy, the Devil. Does anyone else understand the conflict of calling God the "good guy" here?
EA Miller EA Miller Help other human beings in need for the sake of humanity, not as a guise for indoctrinating vulnerable people.
EA Miller EA Miller I would love to replace all of the guns current NRA members claim are their "God given 2nd Amendment right to own" and replace them with the pea-shooters the Founding Fathers actually possessed when they wrote the amendment.
EA Miller EA Miller Jesus was a composite character created from attributes of much older fictional characters. Happy Easter!
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osirisnut osirisnut Dope francis has a new dope mobile that has personalized registration plates that read "Holyshit."
osirisnut osirisnut Unfortunately l have had to rewrite the above 4 quotes. Just a glitch l hope.
EA Miller EA Miller Religions would virtually vanish from the face of the Earth if children were allowed to think and discover things on their own, rather than be indoctrinated with superstition and anti-science beliefs taught as "truth" during the time that their young brains are still developing.
Pat Simons Pat Simons Religious nut-jobs never have any trouble justifying their behavior, no matter how bad.
osirisnut osirisnut There's the Midas touch where everything it touches turns to gold, and there's the religious touch where everything it touches turns to shit.
osirisnut osirisnut All Roman Catholic clerics of all stripes are nazis in dresses wearing crosses.
osirisnut osirisnut There have been 266 dictators and all of whom have been given the title pope.
osirisnut osirisnut What the world needs now is a saviour to save planet Earth and gods need not apply.
EA Miller EA Miller Is the Bible racist? "...the curse or mark of Cain for killing his brother was a darkening of his descendants' skin. Historically, many congregations in the U.S. pointed to this story of Cain as evidence that Black skin was created as a punishment." -Michael P.
EA Miller EA Miller Religion is directly responsible for the downfall of humanity happening right before our very eyes.
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